Jim Rain Avatar
Jim Rain
I was old, but I'm getting younger. I make tortillas. Christian. Fifth-generation Texan (Dallas variety). The foregoing is not necessarily listed in order of importance.

Jim Rain

Bag it.
Auto-generated description: A crumpled brown paper bag with the text 10 Duro Dubl Life 100% Recycled Paper printed on it.
I am a huge fan of the lunch-size brown paper bag. (And not merely because of its contents, though they often also are worthy of praise.)

Jim Rain

@mbkriegh @jack @annie @DaveyCraney @manton Despite my having extolled the virtues of a real response over a like button, the "liker/likee-only" opion also is very appealing. On mb it does sometimes feel like I'm speaking into a void... I hope this option can be put under consideration.


Jim Rain

Two years
My mom died September 1, 2022: 4 months and 4 days shy of her 99th birthday.
I think of her and Dad all the time.
The best is when they're in my dreams.
Color photo of an old woman with white hair and an active expression


Jim Rain

@manton It's definitely for better. Actually conversing with someone, instead of tapping a button, is one of the great benefits of micro.blog.


Jim Rain

@bbowman Wow. This is good.


Jim Rain

@tinyroofnail I love it. Can't remember where I first came across it, and I know nothing of Edwin Muir.


Jim Rain

The Finder Found | Edwin Muir Will you, sometime, who have sought so long, and seek Still in the slowly darkening searching-ground, Catch sight some ordinary month or week Of that rare prize you hardly thought you sought— The gatherer gathered and the finder found, The buyer who would buy all himself... orangejeep.org

Jim Rain

@iChris Heard ya' on micro.blog.


Jim Rain

More Mysterious “By never trusting, cynics never lose. They also never win. Refusing to trust anyone is like playing poker by folding every hand before it begins…. The cynical voice … claims that we already know everything about people. But humanity is far more beautiful and complex than a cynic imagine... orangejeep.org

Jim Rain

@manton I really like Cedar Hill. Hope you enjoyed it.


Jim Rain

Shadows on the pitch: Aston Villa vs Stinkpots (Stinkies win 🙁)
Players and their shadows  on a green football pitch near sunset

Jim Rain

The Leheriya Gate at the City Palace, Jaipur, India Golden doors surrounded by ornate green plasterwork in an Indian style

Image: Wikimedia/Jakub Hałun, CC BY-SA 4.0)


Jim Rain

Sunday at the Ventura County Farmers' Market
Buckets of orange, purple, and pink flowers at a farmers' market Purple and pink gomphrena flowers at a farmers' market

Jim Rain

@JohnBrady My wife and I had constantly to remind ourselves, "Start with the end in mind." Do you want these small people to be able to carry on civil and interesting conversations when they're bigger? You'll need to converse with them while their still smaller.


Jim Rain

I am so lucky to have the world's greatest brother-in-law.

Jim Rain

@ayjay Oh yes, that's EXACTLY how I picture Harriet Vane.


Jim Rain

@jabel Well done. That's why we're on the board of our neighborhood association and "friends" of the group that advocates for our neighborhood park (and gives $ to the city for projects in the park -- most recently, 50 young trees and a sand volleyball court.) Subsidiarity, subsidiarity.


Jim Rain

Preach, Jaroslav /
Tradition is a good thing. It is traditionalism that is bad. Tradition is the living faith of the dead; traditionalism is the dead faith of the living. Tradition lives in conversation with the past, while remembering where we are and when we are and that it is we who have to decide.

—Jaroslav Pelikan

(h/t blog.angloromanticism.org - btw, my new band name)


Jim Rain

@dwalbert Exactly, great advice. Or work in the garden. Down in Texas, there's something cleansing about a real, good sweat when it's 102 degrees (F). (But try to keep in the shade, and drink plenty of water. Cough... or beer.)


Jim Rain

@dwalbert I'm pretty sure that's who it is. It was this game, October 24, 1971 -- the first game played at Texas Stadium.


Jim Rain

Wild Wombats in the White House

Jim Schutze:

... his entire industry is on pins and needles, terribly anxious about a Trump victory. I asked him if it’s because Trump is opposed to his industry on specific policy issues. He said no.

“That’s not it. It’s that Trump is crazy. That’s what we worry about.”

My friend’s business involves putting big chunks of money into long-range investments that already involve plenty of risk. The added risk of wild wombats in the White House with regulatory power over their deal is way too much.


Jim Rain

Duane Thomas
RIP, Duane Thomas, one of the greatest runners in Cowboys history. When an interviewer referred to the Superbowl as "the ultimate game," Thomas' never-to-be-forgotten response was, "If it's the ultimate, why are they playing it again next year?"
Dallas Cowboys running back Duane Thomas in the 1970s.

Jim Rain

Leah Bayans:

When I first sat with Wendell [Berry] to talk about educating farmers as farmers, he started by turning to the idea of love—in the fullness of the term, not sentimentalized but fully rounded, with the joyful and the difficult joined through membership in a place and with its people.

He then asked a question that I try to answer every day: what works does this love propose?

Start with love, then see what works that love proposes. (H/T: @ajay)


Jim Rain

from Kottke:
Public Work is an image search engine that boasts 100,000 “copyright-free” images from institutions like the NYPL, the Met, etc. It’s fast with a relatively simple interface and uses AI to auto-categorize and suggest possibly related images (both visually and content-wise). And it’s fun to just visually click around on related images. On the downside, their sourcing and attribution isn’t great — especially when compared to something like Flickr Commons.

Jim Rain

C'est Vrai
Capers are white people's fish sauce. Briny and salty and umamiful. -- my daughter

Jim Rain

@cliffordbeshers Great! Neil would be pleased, I'm sure. (Actually, it's difficult to know if Neil is pleased about anything, but I think these are great!)


Jim Rain

@cliffordbeshers Lovely. I can only hope your next one is a yellow moon on the rise.


Jim Rain

Roses - P.S. Krøyer, 1893

Oil painting of a bush of white roses in the foreground and a 19th century woman wearing white and reading in the rose garden in the background

Yes, please. Some of that.

Jim Rain

Which Vision: Sunrise or Carnage?
David Brooks, quoting Michael Strain
A Trump win would play into the narrative of Americans as helpless victims. The economics of grievance is ineffective, counterproductive, and corrosive, eroding the foundations of prosperity. Messages matter. Tell people that the system is rigged, and they will aspire to less. Champion personal responsibility, and they will lift their aspirations. Promoting an optimistic vision of economic life can increase risk tolerance, ambition, effort, and dynamism.

Jim Rain

@manton Saw Twisters (as Pres. Biden was saying he wouldn't run -- lots of texts popped up after the movie). The movie itself was absolutely ridiculous and absolutely great. Two gorgeous people chasing tornadoes: what's not to like?🌪️🍿🇺🇲


Jim Rain

@frjon Re: your points: 1. I'm sure we agree about Mr. Trump. I also feel confident in our system when at least two branches are doing their jobs. But I'm concerned that a malign executive and malfunctioning legislature during Trump 2 would stress the system a LOT. 2. You, sir, are too kind.


Jim Rain

Moo, Baa, Cluck, Oink
The late, great Kinky Friedman:
I'm not a vegetarian, but I eat animals who are.

Jim Rain

@frjon For elections before 2016, I agree with you. But because Trump is a president whose actions are not only unpresidential but also unprecedented in American history, I think "most consequential in our lifetime" was an accurate assessment in 2016, and was again in 2020, and will be again in 2024.


Jim Rain

@frjon Your reflection aligns, a bit, with that of my cousin, who moved to the Anglican tradition after many years in a denomination grounded in a strong Reformed tradition. He said (I'm paraphrasing), "I'd enjoyed great teaching in my old church. I came to my current church because I felt a need for great worshipping, as well."


Jim Rain

@frjon And yet, the fact that one candidate fomented an attempted coup the last time around lends a certain novelty, at least, to this election. I'd go so far as to say "consequence."


Jim Rain

Hate the Sinner, Hate the Sin / David Frum, via Nick Cataggio: > Nobody seems to have language to say: We abhor, reject, repudiate, and punish all political violence, even as we maintain that Trump remains himself a promoter of such violence, a subverter of American institutions, and the very opposite of... orangejeep.org

Jim Rain

@KyleEssary @KyleEssary But, they are not both "Totally Unfit." Biden is, maybe, 90% of what you'd desire for the president. And in 4 years, he may be 70%. Trump is 100% vicious, trending to 200%.


Jim Rain

Una Escaramuza - Mothered by Aunts and Horses

Charra en un caballo. Photo credit: Constance Jaeggi

Photo: Constance Jaeggi (a tip of the Hatlo Hat to @ayjay)

Jim Rain

Kräuterbuch - “Book of Herbs” by Johannes Hartlieb - 1462 1462 painting of a hosta plant



Jim Rain

Listening to Lucinda (and cicadas)
Black & white photo of a dog looking up at something outside of the image frame.

Jim Rain

If Trump ever used words to render reality, I never heard it.* orangejeep.org

Jim Rain

@bbowman I really like those umbrellas/flowers and the Ellsworth Kelly "chapel." (Like the Rothko "chapel," except they're unlike in every way other than the "chapel" moniker.)


Jim Rain

@jean Oh my goodness. What a photo!


Jim Rain

@JohnBrady That's such a great novel. The people you love -- Mr. Harding, in particular -- benefit from a situation that probably should be reformed, and the people pushing for reforms are not the ones you care for much. Trollope is good at telling "messy" stories.


Jim Rain

At the parade


Jim Rain

Be there or be square
Poster for a Rodeo