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Joe Cieplinski
designer, developer, musician, and podcaster.

Joe Cieplinski

@manton well said. If you boycott every business that has a CEO you disagree with, pretty soon you won’t be able to buy anything. But this is definitely over the line. Thanks for the tip. They are off my list as well.


Joe Cieplinski

@danielpunkass I’ve noticed this. visionOS version always gets reviewed faster.


Joe Cieplinski

@davemark Also, for your weird text replacement bugs. I had it even worse. Then I went to Settings > General > Transfer or Reset iPhone > Reset. Then choose Reset Keyboard Dictionary. I found that helped clear out all the dumb crap that it had learned incorrectly.

Still not perfect, but at least now most of my replacements at least make sense.


Joe Cieplinski

@davemark my dad had similar surgery for his eyes. Hasn’t needed glasses since. And he wore glasses since he was seven. You’re going to love it.


Joe Cieplinski

@davemark I couldn’t agree more. I want iPadOS to be refined into something more powerful, for sure. And I would like more Mac-like features for iPad. But it needs to be built with touch-first in mind. Something macOS could never–and should never–be.

My hope is that iPadOS is more than marketing. That they are truly working on refining iPadOS in a way that will differentiate itself further from iOS over time. But these things don’t happen overnight. And like you said, you need to keep all the users who love the simplicity happy while also satisfying the power users. That’s a Herculean task.


Joe Cieplinski

@odd I actually had five or six N/A drinks in the Library but then accidentally erased them. I will be adding them back soon. Also planning to grow the library over time.

I also added some of the most popular alcohol alternative products to the ingredients list, though I tend to prefer making N/A drinks from scratch myself.


Joe Cieplinski

@ratkins Sure. There’s a feedback link in the app that will send me an email.


Joe Cieplinski

@diogot No. Still using it exactly the same way. Still loving it.


Joe Cieplinski

I will have more to say later when I do a more formal launch, but for those of you who like to make the occasional cocktail (or N/A drink) at home, and want some way to keep track of your recipes, I made a thing. iOS, iPadOS, and visionOS native. (And yes, there will be a Mac version as...

Joe Cieplinski

I was impressed with ChatGPT’s ability to write me an AppStore description for a new app. Until I realized it was using “dumb” quotes.

I mean, come on. Get the easy part right, nerds.


Joe Cieplinski

As one might expect, I have thoughts about Vision Pro.…


Joe Cieplinski

@danielpunkass congrats on shipping! Instant download and subscribe for me.


Joe Cieplinski

@davemark Ordered the 1TB version with prescription lenses and a spare battery. Pick up in store morning of Feb 2. The ordering process was super smooth. Nothing like the last few iPhone launches, which were a nightmare for me.


Joe Cieplinski

Sucks about Castro. It’s been my podcast client of choice for well over a decade. Yesterday I had to migrate over to Apple’s native Podcasts client. It’s going to take a while to get the whole Queue and Inbox model out of my head. I just hate how every other client manages the basic act of teeing up episo...

Joe Cieplinski

@val near Golden, CO.


Joe Cieplinski

Random person at the coffee shop handing out treat bags for Halloween. 🎃 Well done.

There’s hope for humanity yet.


Joe Cieplinski

@morrick Thanks. I love when nature frames things for me.


Joe Cieplinski

@pimoore Rocky Mountain National Park.


Joe Cieplinski

@jimmitchell I wasn’t super excited about becoming a web developer, to be honest. It’s an idea that would be infinitely more successful as a web site rather than an app. But I greatly prefer making apps.


Joe Cieplinski

@jimmitchell I wanted to make a crowd sourced web site for good coffee shops at one point. The focus was not about quality of coffee (I make better coffee at home than most places, frankly) but rather quality of work space. Good WiFi. Open seats most days. Not too noisy. Outlets, etc. Never got around to building it.

I still have the domain:


Joe Cieplinski

@jsonbecker same. My guess is I would use this primarily at home when working in my office alone. And maybe on the couch at night when watching a movie or something.

The only time I imagine using it in public would be on an airplane for entertainment. And not for the whole flight. My guess is there will be rules about using it during takeoff and landing, anyway. I’m pretty anti-social on planes, so I don’t see this as a change from my current behavior.


Joe Cieplinski

@evankstone Yes. Really cool town.


Joe Cieplinski

@danielpunkass very much agree.


Joe Cieplinski

@parrots That place really is a snowboarder’s fantasy of what a supposed Heaven would be like.


Joe Cieplinski

@morrick Right? Love that guy’s work. Shocking. He was only 60.


Joe Cieplinski

@littleknown so true. Debugging has been a total mess for a while now. The optimizing out variables thing drives me nuts.


Joe Cieplinski

@davemark Why are people typing their passcodes in public? Isn’t this what FaceID is for? I can’t remember the last time I had to actually type my passcode while I was walking around in public.


Joe Cieplinski

@manton Sounds like every social encounter I’ve ever had. I think thoughtful people do this more often than they admit? Thanks for sharing. Makes me feel less weird.


Joe Cieplinski

@morrick very tough to determine when it comes to speakers without a listening test.

Compositional audio is a lot like compositional photography. Sometimes you can improve the software so much the hardware hardly matters. The S7 in these new HomePods may be doing some extra audio computation that improves the sound while allowing them to take out a few tweeters and microphones.


Joe Cieplinski

@KevinHoctor I once had a similar incident at a diner. I poured sugar on French fries, thinking it was salt. Actually turned out to be pretty good.