Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting Avatar
Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting
I'm a mom from tropical Philippines who loves to knit and bake bread. I like learning new things, no matter if it takes forever and few hundred tries 😂 Approaching my 60s with open arms and a smile

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Can’t decide which one/ones to leave behind so I just got all. Set me back more than ₱2K, yup 😩. I’m never stepping inside a Fully Booked (a local bookstore) again…

Three book titles that I picked up from the bookstore

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

The WIP that’s been taking all my time after I cast it on this new year Ever since we came back from Korea, I was determined to knit my husband a new sweater. He’s worn the first (and only) long-sleeved sweater I made for him so much and he consistently remarked he wished it had pockets. Well, far be it f...

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

I wonder what qualifies as a fantastic toilet 🤔


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Permission granted.

Sign outside a shop on Nami Island with the words, "Don't worry. Beer happy."

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Do I get an “Awww?”

A restaurant pet cat rests inside his(?) box

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

“Take me to your leader.” That’s what came to my mind when I saw her.

We did not have a lot of time to explore the area of Dongdaemun Design Plaza this snowy Christmas Day. This lady did not seem to mind the cold so it’s just right to say hello to her.

A tall sculpture of a naked lady beside the very futuristic dome of the Dongdaemun Design Plaza. Snow continues to fall.

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@philipbrewer you must be one of the so-called knitworthy people in her life. I long for the day that I would fit in my old clothes lol.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

The best part of freezing my behind off in arctic places is the chance to wear some of my handknit sweaters and accessories. These are just a few of them. Most of the time here in Seoul, I bury myself in them to make sure I don’t end up like an icicle. I’m grateful to be here though, especially when we are...

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Want a spoonful of perfect snow crystals?

Snow crystals collected on an ornamental leaf

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

A thin blanket of snow greeted us this morning

A thin blanket of snow covered the street

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

A blanket of snow greeted us this morning


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Pleasantly surprised to see a reminder of home in a subway in Seoul.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

It’s the last moon that I will see over Manila. See you again in 10 days.

A half moon clearly visible over Manila amid clear skies

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@Miraz I've never read any of her work. I will check this out.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

I’m on a roll… I recently finished Nelson and Alex DeMilles' The Deserter (4.5 stars for me) so I grabbed another book from the pile. My husband watched this limited series on Netflix and DNF (Did Not Finish). He swore off any work by Harlan Coben since then, that’s how badly he received the first couple ...

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

It’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas…. This huge brightly lit Christmas tree stands beside a local Starbucks, twinkling the night away.

a huge brightly lit Christmas tree stands beside a local Starbucks

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@rom thanks, Rom! Really looking forward to this adventure.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Korea, we are a go…. The family got our travel visas and we whooped collectively. We are really looking forward to freezing our butts off in the land of kimchi and k-dramas as we count off the last days of 2023. Applying for a visa (for citizens of third-world countries like ours haha) is always a pain....

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

It’s the First of December in my corner of the world.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Caught my son browsing the shelves

Cover of a random book in a store reads&10;"You Drive like an Asshole" &10;among other things

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@philipbrewer You are very kind. Thank you.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

I picked up this book during a recent trip to National Book Store. It’s my first Nelson DeMille work. Not bad…. It keeps me reading which keeps my hands from knitting. I need my hands off my knitting needles because I can feel some pain already at times. The writing style reminds me of James Patterson. I d...

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Hot Off The Needles and already I am planning to frog it. 🧶 This is the Little Lace Scarf by Lisa Hannes. TBVH, I dislike the finished object. The pattern is great, the design is too, but I realized now that my yarn was not ideal for the project. I used Knitting for Olive Pure Silk, which is, as the name...

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@philipbrewer That sounds wonderful 💖


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@philipbrewer Oh, I hope you will give it another try. Who knows, your second or third time might be the charm.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@philipbrewer BTW, being married to a knitter acquaints you with a few knitting terms. I'm not surprised you know of the Second Sock (Sleeve) syndrome. My husband says things like, "That sweater is gonna look good after it's been blocked." "Did you make a swatch?" At times I wonder if I should just sit him down and teach him how to knit.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@philipbrewer I also knitted a two pairs for my husband who only ever wears them to sleep. I'm "relieved" he doesn't ask for more, haha.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@Alligator thanks for the recommendation. I've heard only good things about the machine. I just don't like knitting socks so the few that I make are very precious to me.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@philipbrewer I've tried so many methods. I have an arsenal of sock knitting needles. I even have a friend who is an avid sock knitter to inspire me. I just don't enjoy making them. I'd rather be knitting myself shirts and pullovers. I bet you never run out of knitted socks to wear 😊


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@odd Hope to see your progress here and there. Good luck!


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@odd Thank you! I hope you get to try knitting them. Nothing is as satisfying as making your own clothes to wear. I didn't learn how to knit until I was in my 40s 😂


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Once in a while I get it in my head that I want to knit socks. (On a scale of 1 to 10, I am a 2 as a sock knitter. I just don’t enjoy it. Second Sock Syndrome? I practically invented it.) Once in a while though I get rewarded with something nice and functional, like this pair. Owing to the beauty of the...

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

I knitted a vest for my husband. Admittedly, it has a feminine silhouette but he’s not complaining. Or dares not 😂 . He reasons he’s wearing a jacket over it anyway so it’s hardly visible. The important thing is the wooly garment will keep him warm in winter. The family is going to Seoul this December so ...

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

It’s no secret that I am an avid knitter. I can be incorrigible as well for I insist on making garments that are not suitable for tropical Manila weather. One of my favorite pastimes is pattern searching on Ravelry - a monster internet resource for all things knitting/crochet/weaving-related patterns. And...

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Some days it helps to keep this is mind.

A shelf bearing miniature bicycles among other things and a sign next to them with the words, LIFE IS LIKE RIDING A BICYCLE. TO KEEP YOUR BALANCE, YOU MUST KEEP MOVING.

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Irreverent but wacky.

Wacky figurines of famous people with their pants down, poop under their exposed bottoms. These are sold in a shop in Barcelona for €21

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@mejh so sorry this is so late but thanks for the greeting!


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@V_ Thank you!


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@maique aieee, we are the same.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

Yesterday was our 30th wedding anniversary. Time indeed flew. Lately, I have been saying that if I were given a chance to go back 30 years, I would choose not to have children. I am sorry I will be leaving them to deal with the poor state, not just of the Philippines but also of the world in general. Is th...

Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@rickcogley The Japanese are a trusting people. I remember being impressed to see people leave their phones on tables in a public place. Do that anywhere else and you'll have low to zero chance of finding your phone when you go back. My son dropped his Pasmo card in Ueno park, we doubled back and it was still on the ground. I love Japan.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@skoobz What's his name?


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@skoobz Adorable "jerk" 😊🐱


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@maique thank you!


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@philipbrewer Beautiful!


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@cassem 😊


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@maique coming from you, it's a huge compliment. Thank you!


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@jean I love the idea.


Rori Blogs When She Isn't Knitting

@70BPM First time we went as a family was in 2006. Seventeen years later, we went back for a freebie holiday. IMO, not much has changed, for better or for worse.