Bill Dunbar Avatar
Bill Dunbar
I "retired" at a young age and now I spend my days reading, writing, drawing, woodworking and roasting coffee while trying to figure out what's next. If anything.

Bill Dunbar

@petebrown Most of my notebooks (and notes apps) are filled with notes about how to take notes and which notebooks (and apps) are best for taking notes.


Bill Dunbar

☕ Roasted two beautiful batches of coffee this weekend: 250g of Sumatra Giling Basah Aceh Bebesen Aulia for espresso and 700g of Kenya Nyeri Chinga AB for pour overs.


Bill Dunbar

Field Notes Spring edition looks fantastic.


Bill Dunbar

🍿 Mission: Impossible III, 2006 - ★★★★½

Bill Dunbar

I took my iPhone 14 Pro out of its case for the first time in a while and all I keep thinking is “this camera bump is ridiculously big”.


Bill Dunbar

I took my iPhone 14 Pro out of its case for the first time in a while and all I keep thinking is “this camera bump is ridiculously big”.


Bill Dunbar

@jsonbecker there's definitely a lot of love for the Oura ring. I found this recent article by Michael Easter interesting though:


Bill Dunbar

No Scottish football in the Apple Sports app? What’s the point?


Bill Dunbar

@vincent @SimonWoods It's a strange decision for a company (Iconfactory) that was so recently damaged by having the rug pulled out from under them by Twitter to put all their eggs back in someone else's basket (Apple).


Bill Dunbar

@manton Apple points to Google (Android) and Google points to Apple to claim they don't have monopolies. But the two systems are more alike than they are different. What we need is a true alternative. Something different.


Bill Dunbar

@petebrown the post office in our little town in Connecticut used to have a local box. They'd process the mail right there and deliver it the next day. Now it all has to be trucked to Hartford to be scanned, then trucked back to town for delivery, which takes a week if you're lucky and it doesn't get lost along the way.


Bill Dunbar

Looks like themes and subscriptions are live on I’ve been looking forward to this. @goodenoughllc


Bill Dunbar

@ddanielson I think you've shown me what I want my next career to be!


Bill Dunbar

🖋 Happy Hobonichi Day! I’m due for a new 5 Year and am going to recommit to keeping it updated. I’ve done it sporadically over the last 5 years, but looking back on the stretches I kept it up is delightful. I haven’t used a daily Hobo in a few years, but couldn’t resist adding one to my order. https://www...

Bill Dunbar

🖋 Happy Hobonichi Day! I’m due for a new 5 Year and am going to recommit to keeping it updated. I’ve done it sporadically over the last 5 years, but looking back on the stretches I kept it up is delightful.

I haven’t used a daily Hobo in a few years, but couldn’t resist adding one to my order.


Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin 📚 I know a lot of people love this book, and I was excited to read it, but I just couldn’t get into it. I read it over the course of 6 months in small sections when I thought I was in the right frame of mind, but it never grabbed me.

Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: The Creative Act by Rick Rubin 📚

I know a lot of people love this book, and I was excited to read it, but I just couldn’t get into it. I read it over the course of 6 months in small sections when I thought I was in the right frame of mind, but it never grabbed me.


Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan 📚

I’m a big fan of Robin’s newsletters, but had never read one of his books. I enjoyed this immensely. If you like books, libraries, and typography, you might enjoy this too.


Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: Mr. Penumbra’s 24-Hour Bookstore by Robin Sloan 📚

I’m a big fan of Robin’s newsletters, but had never read one of his books. I enjoyed this immensely. If you like books, libraries, and typography, you might enjoy this too.


Bill Dunbar

@dustdaughter oh no! I didn’t realize tsukushi was discontinued. It’s one of my favorite inks.


Bill Dunbar

I’ve been getting back into print magazines and Mountain Gazette is a great one. Their list of “Magazines We Love That Aren’t Ours” is fantastic. I didn’t know that Creem is coming back!


Bill Dunbar

I’ve been getting back into print magazines and Mountain Gazette is a great one. Their list of “Magazines We Love That Aren’t Ours” is fantastic. I didn’t know that Creem is coming back!


Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: A Hacker’s Mind: How the Powerful Bend Society’s Rules, and How to Bend them Back by Bruce Schneier 📚 A book about all the various ways people (mostly rich people) hack our political, legal and societal systems for their benefit. I found it rather depressing as the “How to Bend them Back...

Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: A Hacker’s Mind: How the Powerful Bend Society’s Rules, and How to Bend them Back by Bruce Schneier 📚 A book about all the various ways people (mostly rich people) hack our political, legal and societal systems for their benefit. I found it rather depressing as the “How to Bend them Back...

Bill Dunbar

The Cloud Is a Prison. Can the Local-First Software Movement Set Us Free? "As fulfilling and virtuous as it might be to hew your own coffee table, it’s also hard. Eventually you get tired, and you buy your next piece of furniture off Amazon. So it goes for managing your data. “It’s so much easier to be la...

Bill Dunbar

The Cloud Is a Prison. Can the Local-First Software Movement Set Us Free?

As fulfilling and virtuous as it might be to hew your own coffee table, it’s also hard. Eventually you get tired, and you buy your next piece of furniture off Amazon. So it goes for managing your data. “It’s so much easier to be lazy and let Apple or Google do it for you,” Shapiro told me. When I asked him what it was like to use the modern internet while adhering to his principles, he said he simply abstains from technology as much as he can. “It’s a terrible waste of your time,” he told me.


Bill Dunbar

@ericgregorich I’m about 3/4 through it and it’s been very good.


Bill Dunbar

@Brad I love that book. I read it around the time I decided to sell my business and I think it helped me take a leap of faith to a new life.


Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy 📚


Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: Blood Meridian by Cormac McCarthy 📚


Bill Dunbar

@silverfox it is amazing to watch a world-class athlete dominate like Max has this year. But dare I say it’s getting a bit boring? I’m hoping to see a little more competition after the summer break.


Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: Freedom by Sebastian Junger 📚

A short book on what it means to be free in the worldly sense rather than the spiritual. I enjoyed it.


Bill Dunbar

Finished reading: Freedom by Sebastian Junger 📚

A short book on what it means to be free in the worldly sense rather than the spiritual. I enjoyed it.


Bill Dunbar

OK, that’s it for now. Sorry for all the posts!


Bill Dunbar

@chrisfoley they aren't listed as compatible, but I've used Uni-ball UMR-1, Zebra JF, and Muji Smooth Gel refills in my other Tactile Turn pen without any problems.

The Muji 0.3mm refills are my current favorite.


Bill Dunbar

@Ddanielson my wife was unmoved by that argument. I'll have to keep trying.


Bill Dunbar

@ericgregorich I just finished moving back to iA Writer and am very happy. I've been lost in the PKM world and realized that my most productive writing used to happen in iA or Bear. I just want a clean interface, no plugins to distract me, and no more subscriptions. (I already owned it, so the price wasn't a hurdle)


Bill Dunbar

@monday we get a new game every year for the holidays, but always come back to Catan or Ticket to Ride. That said, we’ve been really enjoying Scythe and Nations when we have enough free hours to play them 😂.


Bill Dunbar

@monday Sunday is pizza and movie night in our house. We mix our own dough and cook in an Ooni Fyra, unless the weather’s bad then it’s a pizza stone in the oven. My go to in the Ooni is caramelized onions, sliced pear and Gorgonzola with a drizzle of hot honey after it comes out. If it’s in the oven, I go with peppers, onions and mushrooms.


Bill Dunbar

@rknightuk this is wonderful. Thank you!


Bill Dunbar

@Brad Yes! A Field Notes Craft Plus for my pocket and an A5 Leuchtturm RED DOTS (in Army green) for my desk. I felt guilty not finishing my last 2022 A5 (it's only half full), but I like starting fresh for the new year.


Bill Dunbar

@ericgregorich how was it? It’s on my “to read” list.


Bill Dunbar

@Brad I've progressed alarmingly quickly from "I forgot my glasses, my notes are a little blurry" to "I forgot my glasses, I can't read what I just wrote down". 😵‍💫


Bill Dunbar

@Brad This is the way.


Bill Dunbar

@ericgregorich I've been using Feedbin for years and totally agree. But I am wondering if the Feed feature in Readwise Reader might eventually replace it (thanks again for the invite!).


Bill Dunbar

@ericgregorich 9 years ago my daughter left her Paperwhite on the beach in the rain overnight. Not only was it fine once it dried out, she took it with her to college this Fall!


Bill Dunbar

@ericgregorich I sent you an email. Thanks!


Bill Dunbar

@skoobz I pulled the trigger on one a few weeks ago and haven’t regretted it. I had given up wearing my Series 6 except for workouts, but the big bright screen and days of battery life have brought me back full time.


Bill Dunbar

@johnjohnston Thanks! I don’t think I ever could have justified the expense, but I had a big birthday this year and my wife knew just what to get me.