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Paul Robert Lloyd
Independent graphic designer and web developer · Moving slowly and fixing things

Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton My local ‘AI’ candidate at the 2024 general election, who proposed a similar idea​, got barely any votes​. Good!


Paul Robert Lloyd

An Apple by any other name (2024 edition)

Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton I name my devices after apple cultivars – I wrote this post in 2009, so maybe time for me to publish an updated list!


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton Absolutely! I still use EarPods, not interested in AirPods, and actually take great pleasure in untying the wires (mainly as I carry two sets, one with a headphone jack for my Mac, another for the Lightning port on my iPhone). Rather this than charging more bloody batteries!


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton Oh, please don’t. Share images were originally meant to be included if there was an image to share; now every link has an image, regardless of its usefulness. It’s a symptom of engagement based click-chasing and thus antithetical to the design decisions usually found on


Paul Robert Lloyd

Thank you, Gareth – for everything.


Paul Robert Lloyd

@paulmccafferty Much more positive play, and at times England were a joy to watch. Confidence is growing, a system has been found, but Spain may be a step too far. But I doubted they would get beyond the last 16, so who knows!?


Paul Robert Lloyd



Paul Robert Lloyd

It seems as though England have remembered they are playing the beautiful game. Promising first half! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Paul Robert Lloyd

Speaking at Peckham Digital

Paul Robert Lloyd



Paul Robert Lloyd

Never mind loveless landslides, England are practicing ponderous progression. Amazing! Unbelievable! How are we still in Euro 2024!? 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿


Paul Robert Lloyd

@alpower I used to shot RAW, but the file size wasn’t worth it for the amount of times I actually needed that much image info. I now stick to the Fujifilm simulations, and tweak in Pixelmator. There might be a good cross-over blog post here! I’ll have a think what might be good photos to edit.


Paul Robert Lloyd



Paul Robert Lloyd

hey guys (in Brighton Pavilion)

A sticker on a traffic light pole that reads ‘hey guys the greens might actually win here so you should definitely go vote. July 4th’.

Paul Robert Lloyd

@alpower I’d love to read an in-depth blog post about how you process your images. Feel like this is an area where I can never get decent results, especially in terms of colour and tone.


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton I’m enjoying following this debate, forthright opinions exchanged in short but thoughtful blog posts; the web at its best!

I’m currently torn between these two poles; sometimes it feels like arguing about the existence of spell checkers or OCR, other times a vile and destructive threat.


Paul Robert Lloyd

England are into the quarter finals of Euro 2024, and I have no idea how.


Paul Robert Lloyd

If a butterfly flaps its wings, it can affect a VAR decision given at Euro 2024.


Paul Robert Lloyd

@news @manton It’d be really useful if error messages relating to parsing a JSON Feed matched those provided by (guess who’s found some errors…!)


Paul Robert Lloyd

@buck I don’t think that’s a uniquely American behaviour, to be fair. 😅


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton Facebook’s words not matching their actions? Quelle surprise.


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton And yet in many cases robots.txt, and other valid attempts to block AI bots are being ignored. AI companies are not playing fair, and are a clear and present danger to the open web.


Paul Robert Lloyd

@Havn Not sure if true for the ‘genmoji’, but sounds like the new AI tools require recent hardware, so there is still an environmental cost, even if in this case not due to cloud computing. But yeah, that too. 😞


Paul Robert Lloyd

Yes, the planet got destroyed. But for a beautiful moment in time we created a lot of value for shareholders AI-generated emoji!


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton I’d encourage you to read this post about the Jevons paradox which explains how energy efficiency gains can often lead to more energy usage rather than less. This seems like a case in point.


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton All design decisions have consequences. Pushing requests to ChatGPT means computation on Microsoft’s servers, and famously their climate targets have gone out the window. Then there’s the fact that only newer Apple devices can run the local models, further encouraging hardware upgrades.


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton …and a gaping hole in their strategy to reach net zero by 2030. Or is that OpenAI’s problem? 🙄


Paul Robert Lloyd

Craig. Please. Stop.


Paul Robert Lloyd

With great power, comes great creativity: thoughts from CSS Day 2024

Paul Robert Lloyd

Apt that my month of European rail travel started and now ends with me sat in seat 61.


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton If they do use cloud based models, curious how they’d account for the impact these would have on their very public climate commitments (the answer can’t be offsets).


Paul Robert Lloyd

No matter how many times I visit the Netherlands, I still can’t get over how throughly impressive its cycling infrastructure is; proof that a better world is possible.


Paul Robert Lloyd

Protocols, platforms and priorities

Paul Robert Lloyd

Sat in Wurstelprater, a public amusement park in Vienna. Within my direct line of sight, can count at least 6 different ways people are being flung into the air. No thanks.


Paul Robert Lloyd

On a train to Vienna. Advice given alongside DB’s print-at-home tickets is that they must be printed out. They don’t. But just to make sure, one customer in my carriage printed out his ticket on a sheet of A1. 😂


Paul Robert Lloyd

IndieWeb principles

Paul Robert Lloyd

Evening in Düsseldorf: Christoph Pöggeler’s The Photographer positioned opposite the Hauptbahnhof, Guery Buildings in Medienhafen, contrasting architecture near Graf-Adolz-Platz and the iconic Reihnturm telecommunications tower.

A painted statue of a male figure atop and advertising pillar taking a photograph. Behind him, a colourful building featuring blue, red, and yellow extruding blocks.Looking up at a very curvy and reflective building with contrasting angular windows protruding from it.Close up of a series of buildings, their frontages overlapping and their strong vertical lines intersecting with each other. One of the buildings, fronted with glass, is reflecting a fourth building.Looking up at a tall and slender concrete communications tower with two glass-frontend floors that spread outwards near the top. A red and white mast sits on the very top of the structure.

Paul Robert Lloyd

Yesterday I visited Wuppertal near Düsseldorf to travel on its suspended railway, the Schwebebahn. Such a strange and brilliant mode of public transport, but one that soon feels very normal.

A suspended railway with a blue train carriage suspended from it passes over a quiet street with cars parked along one side.Close up of a train carriage as it pulls out of a station. The winding track ahead can be seen with the railway suspended over a river by light green metal supports.A train approaching overhead, with the angular green metal supporting structure keeping the railway suspended above a river.A blue train carriage seen in front of a factory building and above lush green trees and foliage around the river bed.

Paul Robert Lloyd

@alpower @manton I feel embarrassed to have even a tangential association with the technology industry. Shipping half finished products is just the latest of many troubling – if not unethical – behaviours that shames us all. (I watched the video, and the title isn’t clickbait, by any definition.)


Paul Robert Lloyd

@iChris This one is so old, it still takes AA batteries!


Paul Robert Lloyd

@anniegreens Beautiful. I love a good bit of rolling mist in a photo!


Paul Robert Lloyd

@jean Have you still got my suggestions from last year?


Paul Robert Lloyd

@alienlebarge Do checkout the latest version when you’re back, lots of improvements to the photo editing experience. Am now trying to use the 30 day photo challenge to iron out most of the bugs 😬


Paul Robert Lloyd

@alienlebarge Me too. Honestly, I’ve given up trying to chase fixes; even when things do get fixed, they break again in a subsequent release. I’m instead putting my energy into improving Indiekit’s own CMS.

Will look again at the iOS app, but last time I tried, I needed to download a 13GB Xcode update before I could even open the project.🙄


Paul Robert Lloyd

@manton Have updated my wish list ☺️