James Dempsey Avatar
James Dempsey
Mac and iOS developer, trainer, and songwriter. Front man of James Dempsey and the Breakpoints. Occasional quip vendor.

James Dempsey

@jean I haven't done this, but if you don't have a flatbed scanner available, probably the least expensive and easiest approach would be taking pictures of the pages with your phone.

You can use Apple Notes to use the camera to scan a document, which tries to adjust for the four page corners, but that takes a number of taps per page.

Just taking pictures of the pages in the Camera app, like in an old spy movie is probably the quickest.


James Dempsey

I’ve been trying to change my habit of checking the same websites repeatedly throughout the day and using NetNewsWire instead. I’ve got it running on my Mac, iPhone, and iPad using iCloud to sync. I tried to establish this habit a few years back without success, but it’s been a few weeks now and it just ... jamesdempsey.micro.blog

James Dempsey

Dexter at the vet.

A Day In The Life: Campbell, California, USA 14 October 2022 at 07:12 PDT


James Dempsey

Before #WWDC22 gets started tomorrow, I wanted to announce that there will be no LIVE near WWDC show for 2022.

However, I will be at Apple Park tomorrow and around all week if people want to meet up!

Details about the show here: jamesdempsey.net/2022/06/0…


James Dempsey

To honor the memory of Steve Jobs on the tenth anniversary of his passing, I was joined by thirty-two members of the Apple tech community to record a song that has special meaning to us—and hope it will for you too. If you enjoy the song, please share. One More Thing… on Apple Music ... jamesdempsey.micro.blog

James Dempsey

A new post from ‘the unofficial Apple home page tabs historian’:



James Dempsey

@cygnoir In that case, this week’s @theweeklyreview episode should make you feel even better.


James Dempsey

A semi-snarky Twitter exchange leads to an unexpected discovery…

New Post: A Tale of Facebook Tracking


James Dempsey

@hollyhoneychurch Thank you! I also never asked what are your favorite songs to dance to? I hope your 30 day dance challenge is going well!


James Dempsey

As we wait for today’s launch of Apple Fitness+ here’s a new post about habit-building after finishing twelve weeks of daily workouts:



James Dempsey

@hollyhoneychurch Thanks! The automation in the Home app doesn't allow for a random time. But I do move it around depending on what is going on that day. (Like making sure it doesn't start in the middle of recording an episode with @macgenie!) So, it's easy for me to forget exactly what time it is set for. It's too difficult to pick a favorite song, but a few are Love Shack by the B52s, ABC by the Jackson 5, and Try Everything by Shakira.


James Dempsey

Here’s how I’m using Siri on HomePod and Apple Watch to stay in the flow of a workout.

Might just come in handy if you’ve got a HomePod mini on the way—even if you aren’t doing a daily Dance Party!

New Post: Siri Is My Workout Partner


James Dempsey

For a small dose of music store irony, you can buy a new instrument from Elderly Instruments.



James Dempsey

Trying to come up with a clever post for today’s word, but I don’t want to force it.



James Dempsey

It’s the dance sensation that’s sweepin’ the…

Well, sweepin’ my house at least.

New Post: Dance Party!


James Dempsey

“The devil went down to Georgia. He was looking for a soul to steal. He was in a bind ’cause he was way behind and he was willing to make a deal.”

What happens if the devil doesn’t make his soul quota? Are these self-imposed metrics? Is there some quarterly bonus involved?



James Dempsey

I don’t think I’ve had an opportunity to inflate a balloon since filling the bio-degradable ones that we released at my father’s memorial in Canada a few years ago.



James Dempsey

After puzzling over why the hot suddenly took forever to reach the faucet, I think the answer is a broken hot water recirculating pump.

In other news, today I learned there is such a thing as a hot water recirculating pump.



James Dempsey

Wisdom is oft-times nearer when we stoop than when we soar.
- William Wordsworth



James Dempsey

Especially in the very near term I need to focus on things that are actually within my control.


James Dempsey

Both Ant-Man and The Wasp were introduced in the comic book series Tales to Astonish.


James Dempsey

A long answer to a short question.

New Post: Abstraction Distraction


James Dempsey

I am not a hardware or Linux tinkerer at all, but this new Raspberry Pi embedded in a compact keyboard may be too cool to resist.



James Dempsey

It will be difficult to concentrate for the next few days. #mbnov


James Dempsey

The overcast skies in the Bay Area make the start of many a day seem dreary until the sun burns away the fog of the marine layer revealing the sun and a canopy of blue. #mbnov


James Dempsey

I’ve just finished a long-due renovation.

New Post: Renovations jamesdempsey.net/2020/10/3…


James Dempsey

@Miraz @macgenie Thank you Miraz, I appreciate that.


James Dempsey

I’ve been staying at home in CA and wrote a little song about things that’s a definite departure from a Breakpoints tune. Hope you like it.



James Dempsey

When you need to move your laundry from the washer to the dryer, but you don’t want to wake the cat sleeping on you.


James Dempsey

My sister called this morning to wish me a Happy St. Patrick’s Day and greeted me with:

“May the luck of no virus be with you!”



James Dempsey

@macgenie Thank you @macgenie! It was fun being decluttering buddies today via voice! That pile of papers has been my main impediment to doing a full canonical weekly review.

// @theweeklyreview


James Dempsey

@f It was great chatting with you as well! Very glad to meet you. I hope your trip home was a good one.

// @macgenie


James Dempsey

@brentsimmons The fastest hunk of junk in the galaxy…


James Dempsey

@help It's been about 10 minutes since posting on the @theweeklyreview account, but the post hasn't hit the timeline yet. Seems like longer than the usual amount of time.


James Dempsey

@macgenie Welcome home Jean!


James Dempsey

@ddykstal Yes, if I absolutely needed something I would buy it.


James Dempsey

@macgenie Safe travels Jean!


James Dempsey

@klandwehr Thank you! Without the clutter of the backlog, it should be easier to do moving forward.


James Dempsey

@macgenie Thanks!


James Dempsey

@heckj Which I think makes sense, having a general publisher adaptor for async APIs, instead of necessarily adding specific publisher API to all async things.


James Dempsey

@heckj Someone also suggested using a Future publisher with the file access calls in the promise closure.


James Dempsey

@kulturnation Oddly enough I re-uploaded the podcast audio to a blank new post form and suddenly the old post text was there. Might be a bug, but at least one that worked in my favor.


James Dempsey

@help I also posted from @theweeklyreview account at 10:59 am.

The post shows up on the Posts page for the account, but it isn't actually published on the hosted blog or in the timeline for the The Weekly Review account.


James Dempsey

@help Is something going on with the system? Posts don't seem to be publishing even 10 minutes or so after posting.


James Dempsey

@matpacker There's a great Twitter feed @FacesPics (Faces in Things ) that I follow there. It makes me chuckle whenever I see a post.


James Dempsey

@pratik At least Disney didn’t name it ‘Galaxy’s Fold’…


James Dempsey

@heckj Thank you! Where does dataTaskPublisher live?


James Dempsey

@macgenie I know that pre-trip feeling. At least for me, it's part excitement and part being ‘what the heck am I forgetting to do before I leave?’ antsy.


James Dempsey

@macgenie It’s a non-dairy concoction and hard to explain what it tastes like (rice milk and coconut based). It was not bad, but also not a favorite. I’ll probably try it again in the future though.


James Dempsey

@smokey @macgenie No problem at all, just wanted to clarfiy just in case. It was really Jean’s original comment that made me think it could be misconstrued.