Smokey Ardisson Avatar
Smokey Ardisson
I think too much and write too little. I’m not a developer, but I played one on IRC—part of the team that once built the Camino web browser. Historian by training. Pretend poet. Not nearly as interesting as this bio implies. (Micro)blogging using WordPress. He/him (see

Smokey Ardisson

    Blog posts I haven’t written this month:

  • Ferry rides
  • Communityspace then and now
  • Software, subscriptions, and the erosion of real income under late capitalism

    In-progress posts I haven’t completed:


Smokey Ardisson

Reflections on ice skating

Smokey Ardisson

Natural Log – January 17

Day 2 of transition from 70s to 40s—perhaps there will be a bit of winter after all, now that there are blooms? Small flock of about 2 doz red-winged blackbirds stopped by feeder, birdbath, & nearby trees this afternoon. Venus bright in SW sky tonight.

Group of black and brownish birds on the ground foraging.Black bird eating at a a feeder.Bright planet among the clouds in the night sky above the trees.

Smokey Ardisson

My brother both knows and loves me 🎄🥣❤️

Bowl of homemade French onion soup with bread and cheese in front of two containers of soup.


Smokey Ardisson

Spring has sprung!?

Just your average mid-winter 70° day…nope, no climate change here, no sir-ee 😡

White flower unfurling from its casing.Small brown lizard on a black doorjamb.

Smokey Ardisson

April showers bring May flowers…

Small yellow flower beginning to open, covered with raindrops.


Smokey Ardisson

This Micro Monday, I’d like to recommend @jcburns, survivor of the dawn of digital technology, who kicked off the new year with a bevy of posts reflecting on the the history & state of (broadcast) journalism from a behind-the-scenes perspective.

(My previous recommendations: 🗃️)


Smokey Ardisson

Sunday afternoon in the garden

A head of broccoli with drops of water, nestled within leaves.A bowl of freshly-picked lettuce and spinach leaves in front of a patch of lettuce, bathed in sunlight.Clusters of white pea flowers among green leaves.Two black-eyed Susans blooming among large greenish-purple leaves.


Smokey Ardisson

I am thankful every time we come through a big storm event like this unscathed, & always hopeful it will be the same the next time…💦⚡️💨

Every time, so many others are not so lucky, & severe weather remains a sword of Damocles hanging by an ever-fraying thread due to climate change.


Smokey Ardisson

@eurobubba Frustratingly, there’s nothing on the Help site (or on @til or even Manton’s blog, that I can tell) about this, but you can toggle cross-posting off, make the post, and toggle cross-posting back on.

That’s in the “gear” button on the post screen in the iOS (and I presume Mac) app, or via the web at Account, Edit Feeds and Cross-posting.


Smokey Ardisson

@macgenie @Nataliekayh Really fun episode, thanks! It was a whole different perspective having someone (relatively) new to on the podcast. (Believe it or not, @Burk already has the 👶 emoji on his list as a suggestion for a tagmoji; I thought 🙏 had made an appearace at one point, but maybe not. And it is funny how there are all those sports tagmojis, but they’re not as active as books/music/movies/tv are on a regular basis…)

Glad to see the transcript appearing again, too (there’s a missing Jean: right after Natalie tells you not to edit the AppCamp stuff out, and another one later where you say "Yes, I know”. And I think “tag motif” is transcription-speak for “tagmoji” 😂).


Smokey Ardisson

@Miraz Amazing shots! What a lovely bird. (I don’t catch the Great Blue Herons very often anymore, but they’re always a treat.)


Smokey Ardisson

@Miraz Lovely to see your river (I assume the bridge in the second photo is the footbridge you sometimes mention?)


Smokey Ardisson

@Ron Also, glad you made it back, and here’s hoping you can get the jetlag under control some before the Forty Niners play :-)


Smokey Ardisson

@Ron 😊 Yes, I am at least a 4th generation gardener. My grandmother had this enormous, nearly floor-to-ceiling window in her living room (with 10' ceilings), which gave her a great view of all the avian goings-on in the front yard, including at one of the feeders. One of her favorite things to do was to just sit there and watch, and it was always a delight for me, too, when I would visit 🐦


Smokey Ardisson

@VicsVita Certainly no one on Caturday is one of the best days of the week here ;-)


Smokey Ardisson

@cygnoir Adorable 😻


Smokey Ardisson

@VicsVita Hello, Gwinnettian 👋


Smokey Ardisson

Amazing, nearly-half-page obituary in the paper today. One small section, among many notable ones: Upon realizing her final days were upon her and after great consideration, she determined that her final message to the world was-and I quote-“Vote against Trump!” She heartedly conveyed t...

Smokey Ardisson

@artkavanagh I am very much of the Siracusa school of Classic-with-occasional-new-style Mac windowing, so this is great news for when I finally make it to Catalina. Thanks for the heads-up!


Smokey Ardisson

@Bruce Go, go, Steinberg headlamps!


Smokey Ardisson

@macgenie Haha! That was a but before my time (although I did live through the “nationalization” of the campus phone system by the proto-IT department as an undergrad…needless to say, that did go well, and I doubt it was a good long-term investment, considering what’s happened to phones…).


Smokey Ardisson

@klandwehr Ah, thanks (‘twas just curious, given the Grantham in the name).


Smokey Ardisson

@strandlines Good deal!


Smokey Ardisson

@johnjohnston 😊

It’s a sheltered clump of brown-eyed Susans that’s still blooming despite the winter!


Smokey Ardisson

@paperclypse 👍


Smokey Ardisson

@DTSteele What do you mean by “link the timeline of my account to my WordPress blog”?

Do you want your posts that are on to show up on, or something else?

If the former, there are two different options (both dicey because of the plan/fee structure, alas):

1) sidebar.js can show your posts in a sidebar (or some other spot) on your WP blog (this is what @JohnPhilpin mentioned; it’s display-only)
2) Feed Importer for from @michal fetches your posts and imports them as posts into your WP blog

We have a bunch of resources for using WordPress with in the wiki—though mostly they’re geared to self-hosted WordPress sites (or top-tier plans where you can actually customize things and install plugins….)


Smokey Ardisson

@Ron Safe travels! I’d noticed you’d been quiet the past few days and was about to ask if it was because you were on your way home :-)


Smokey Ardisson

@Mikehendley Lovely! :-)


Smokey Ardisson

@scothis Neat “timelapse” :-)


Smokey Ardisson

@muncman I thought that was one of the things that the old HTML5 Forms spec was designed to fix, but I guess not :-( Or maybe this form is really just dumb and chose not to specify the requirements…?


Smokey Ardisson

@DiplomaticDiva Oooh, great shot of the birds!


Smokey Ardisson

@garciabuxton There’s a fun story!

// cc some of squirrelophiles @JezB @SusanB


Smokey Ardisson

@bradenslen Good to see people reclaiming the web for useful things like that (especially as the yellow pages have gone extinct).


Smokey Ardisson


There’s some kind of terrifying time-devouring anomaly in my recent past that makes the 1990s feel like last week

Same here.


Smokey Ardisson

I don’t post to my blog every day, but I’m happy it is always there waiting for me.

Two small flowers with yellow petals, some missing, rising above green leaves.


Smokey Ardisson

For the first time since before I left for grad school, all of my books are under the same roof. They are scattered across multiple rooms and bookshelves, and a good half of them are still in boxes, but they’re all back here, and that makes me very happy.

A 12-ft double-decker bookshelf filled with boxes of books.


Smokey Ardisson

January 6th, signs of spring

Several pale green tulip leaves poking through the brown leaves.


Smokey Ardisson

On the first Micro Monday of 2020, I’d like to recommend Bob Wertz (@sketchbookb), a designer, instructor, grad student, and creator of the Fav8, who often writes (and has interesting perspectives on) the state of the web and design topics.

(My previous recommendations: 🗃️)


Smokey Ardisson

“Isn’t it a bit early to be checking out houses?”
“With apologies to @Mikehendley, but I think I’ll hang out here for a while.”

Eastern bluebirds

White-breasted nuthatch

Sparrow, bluebird, and downy woodpecker

Brown-headed nuthatch and downy woodpecker

Bluebird on the roof of a birdhouse watching another bluebird stick his head inside the house.Bluebird on the roof of a birdhouse, and another on the side of the birdhouse.Two male bluebirds sitting on a wrought iron plant hanger.White-breasted nuthatch with beak open and wings extended while perched at the birdfeeder.Sparrow with beak open, bluebird, and downy woodpecker at the birdfeeders.Brown-headed nuthatch and downy woodpecker at the birdfeeders.


Smokey Ardisson

2019 Fav8

Grid of my favorite 8 photos published in 2019.

(You can read more about each photo in the longform My favorite photos of 2019: a retrospective published earlier today, featuring these and the top other photos that did not make the final 8.)


Smokey Ardisson

    Blog posts I haven’t written this month:

  • Late night thoughts on politics, parts II, III, & IV
  • Blogging in a world of comments

    In-progress posts I haven’t completed:


Smokey Ardisson

My favorite photos of 2019: a retrospective

Smokey Ardisson

As an end-of-year, end-of-an-era bonus Micro Monday (re)recommendation, if you’ve wondered what goes on behind the scenes of a stage production, what exactly the craftspeople do, check out @Bruce’s posts from the last few weeks to see a lighting designer at work.

(Previously: 🗃️)


Smokey Ardisson

Last night was a disaster. Apparently the UPS no longer has adequate battery power, because when the storm went through and power flickered for an instant, the Mac went down—in the middle of a blog post. Then, about an hour later, it happened again, in the middle of a different blog pos...

Smokey Ardisson

This final Micro Monday, I recommend legendary indie Mac developer @brentsimmons, who writes about software development topics of interest to humans & has a gift for explaining the same. Ever wondered about your feature request, or the like—he’s written about it.

(Previously: 🗃️)


Smokey Ardisson

Interesting phenomenon in 2019: some of my favorite photos I didn’t (cannot) publish, because they are of my cousin/his wife & their daughter, or another cousin & his wife at my uncle’s funeral. On the other hand—unusually—my favorite poems I’ve written this year are ones that have no r...

Smokey Ardisson

Kerim Friedman:

All politics is cosplay, but in Taiwan it really is.


Smokey Ardisson

Brent Simmons on how the NetNewsWire open-source project is run

Smokey Ardisson

Gabriel Santiago: [P]lease, reach out and engage, like a human, I won’t see your likes or retweets, they’ve got no value to me, your actual engagement does. The human element is sorely missing in so much of life these days, from business to socializing, replaced by AIs and algorithms. @...