Martin McCallion Avatar
Martin McCallion
Writer. Software developer.

Martin McCallion

Finished reading: The Library of the Dead by T. L. Huchu 📚 I saw Tendai (as is his name) interviewed at Worldcon last month. Went along without knowing anything about him or his writing, and the interview was interesting enough that I went and bought this in the dealers' room immediately afterwards. Or ma...

Martin McCallion

Finished reading: Case Histories by Kate Atkinson 📚 I mentioned in the last books post that I’ve seen the Jackson Brodie TV series. Well, maybe not all of them. I enjoyed the latest book in the series so much that I thought I’d go back and read the earlier ones. This is the first, and the story was comple...

Martin McCallion

The Death of Stalin, 2017 - ★★

Martin McCallion

Finished reading: Death at the Sign of the Rook by Kate Atkinson 📚 I’ve read several of Kate Atkinson’s books, but never one of her Jackson Brodie detective series. This despite having seen the TV adaptations. So getting this as a birthday present was great. We’re promised a murder mystery set against th...

Martin McCallion

Finished reading: The Last Dark: The Final Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, Book 4 by Stephen Donaldson 📚 When the final chronicles were first announced, and indeed on the first two books, it was referred to as a trilogy. I assume that the third volume just became so long that the publishers, and probably D...

Martin McCallion

Murder on the Orient Express, 1974 - ★★

Martin McCallion

Finished reading: The Legend of Luther Arkwright by Bryan Talbot 📚 I didn’t even realise there was a third (and final?) volume in Talbot’s Luther Arkwright chronicles. Until friends mentioned it at worldcon. I ordered it immediately. It’s really good, right up there with the earlier ones. In this there t...

Martin McCallion

@sbisson With that number in the name we'd have to assume the 'F' stands for 'Fahrenheit'.


Martin McCallion

Well, I guess that was the last working day of my fifties.


Martin McCallion

@peterw I misread that as involving around 30 women, which intrigued me as to how deep & meaningful it could be, but also as to how loud it must be.


Martin McCallion

@writingslowly I know, right? We didn't fight the Punk Wars for this!

(I actually really liked them. There was just a tad too much soloing and grimacing for my taste. The fact that the lead guitarist (also lead singer) is a woman makes the soloing and grimacing unusual, which in itself is sad, of course.)


Martin McCallion

Big Thief were good, if tending toward the prog at times.


Martin McCallion

At Gunnersbury Park for the PJ Harvey gig. Took an age to get here, from East London to a long way West. Bar has the worst selection of beers I’ve seen at a festival-like event for years. Red Stripe or Jubel lager with fruit flavours. Trying the peach one atm. It’s not good. I suspect they’ve had to cut i...

Martin McCallion

Wicked Little Letters, 2023 - ★★★

Martin McCallion

Finished reading: Against All Things Ending by Stephen Donaldson 📚

Not going to say much about this here, as I’m already well into the next (and final) volume, and they’re very much a single story.

Books 2024, 12


Martin McCallion

@sbisson Have they added threaded replies yet?


Martin McCallion

@hollie I’m dancing barely perceptibly sitting here thinking of it.


Martin McCallion

@jsnell Good to see you using the correct spelling of 'theatre'. Enjoy your time in my homeland, and I'll see you on the stage just down the road from here in a couple of weeks.


Martin McCallion

@adders I saw ‘Stanley Cups’ and thought, ‘Is that a tennis tournament?’


Martin McCallion

Finished reading: The Crow Road by Iain Banks 📚 You will, I think, be far from surprised to learn that this is a reread. At least the third read, in fact. I suggested it as a possibility for my book club, and when it wasn’t chosen I decided it was time anyway. There are still books that should be in The ...

Martin McCallion

Great sense of relief this morning. Starmer’s speech makes me feel like it’s the early days of a better nation.


Martin McCallion

Well, let’s hope this exit poll is something close to accurate. Labour landslide, as the whole country was hoping for. (What do you mean, not the whole country?) Me, I’m not counting any chickens. At all. I have no chickens.


Martin McCallion

Andy and Jamie walking out to Centre Court, and the BBC are treating like a final. Quite rightly.


Martin McCallion

As we settle in for the long night ahead, John O’Farrell’s piece from last weekend is worth a read: Are you suffering from symptoms of hope? Here’s how to cope with the prospect of a Labour victory.


Martin McCallion

@adactio Though none of the books visible in your photo seem to be about the British Isles.


Martin McCallion

To the Polls!

Martin McCallion

@jsonbecker Heh, thanks for all that. I may or may not check it out. I think I found it slightly frustrating to read about it but not know what it was.

Almost as if you were subtweeting the novel. Or reminiscent of the kind of Facebook post where the person just says, “Well that was annoying!”


Martin McCallion

@jsonbecker But what was the book? Who was the author? It sounds fascinating.


Martin McCallion

One More Week to Hang On

Martin McCallion

Finished reading: Beyond the Light Horizon by Ken MacLeod 📚 Ken finishes his wonderful Lightspeed Trilogy with a flourish. Not all the problems are solved or mysteries explained, but that’s life. All the main characters get good conclusions. And a yellow submarine in space is still an astonishingly cool i...

Martin McCallion

@jer_gib Well yes, this might encourage me to do exactly that.


Martin McCallion

I keep thinking I should write about the current state of what we are calling AI. Trouble is, I still can’t quite decide what I think about it. Or why it makes me feel the way it does. Or even what, exactly, that way is.


Martin McCallion

Currently reading: Beyond the Light Horizon by Ken MacLeod 📚

Not so much currently reading as nearly finished. The final volume in Ken’s excellent trilogy, and looking forward to seeing him at Worldcon in Glasgow in August.


Martin McCallion

Finished reading: Trust by Hernan Diaz 📚 Forget I hadn’t posted about this. I finished it almost two weeks ago. The latest book-club book, and not the sort of thing I’d choose normally. It’s the story of a financier around the time of the Wall Street Crash in the 1920s, told from four different points of ...

Martin McCallion

@JohnPhilpin That’s a great piece, thanks. I ‘m not familiar with Gallagher.


Martin McCallion

@yorrike This is where we have to be careful about numbering: Disney have started counting from the Christmas special, so I assume when you say episode 2 you mean 'Space Babies'? Whereas here in the UK, 'Space Babies' is episode 1.

Either way, I'd recommend carrying on at least until UK episode 3, 'Boom', which is written by Steven Moffat, and is excellent. The following one, '73 Yards' is, if anything, even better. In my humble opinion, of course.


Martin McCallion

@JohnPhilpin I think that one would have been more obvious to me as a newspaper, certainly.

Or we have words…

And you can always use both.


Martin McCallion

@JohnPhilpin I see that, but it doesn’t help much in the other direction!


Martin McCallion

@odd I was just trying to find that, but I couldn’t. I remember seeing something to the effect of ‘Speak Selection’ somewhere, but can’t find it.


Martin McCallion

@JohnPhilpin My emoji-blindness is affecting me here. The Apple pepper-pot widget? Torch widget? The second makes more sense, but it doesn't really look like a torch.

Hmm, copied & pasted it into a DuckDuckGo search, which suggests it's a 'rolled-up newspaper'? Doesn't look much like that to me.

Emojis are stupid (G,D, & R).


Martin McCallion

@odd Yes indeed.


Martin McCallion

@Miraz I'm more than slightly shocked to realise that, even though it's gibberish, I understand on a second reading what they're trying to say. I may be wrong, but:

We've been trying different things. We don't waste money. We care about people. We get genetic material from Aotearoa. We work with other organisations, and sell our stuff around the world.

Even if that's right, though, it still doesn't tell us what they actually do.


Martin McCallion

Doctor Who discussions are going to get confusing. Seems Disney are calling the Christmas special episode 1, ‘Space Babies’ episode 2, and so on; while the BBC call ‘Space Babies’ episode 1.

1 & 2 have their moments, but it doesn’t really get going till 3, ‘Boom!’, when Moffat takes over.


Martin McCallion

The Man with Two Brains, 1983 - ★★★

Martin McCallion

@mmetcalfe Where is that?


Martin McCallion

@amerpie I’m not sure I’d say common, but they’re not unknown. You used to see a big jar of them behind the bar in old pubs. Don’t think I’ve seen them anywhere else, and I’ve never seen them with added colour.


Martin McCallion

@wfm Fantastic news! What a debugging job those NASA people have.


Martin McCallion

@kimonostereo Honestly, this kind of BS is why I sometimes think the whole ‘intellectual property’ idea should just die.


Martin McCallion

@petebrown On hundred percent agree. I didn't experience this myself when my kids were young, but the idea of it — of parents behaving like that — horrifies and disgusts me.

What are they like at the school play? "Act better, Tyrone! You missed your cue!"


Martin McCallion

@JohnPhilpin Left for back and right for forwards, of course.