Jack Baty is on a break 🚨 Avatar
Jack Baty is on a break 🚨
Director of Unspecified Services Photography (film and digital). Analog tools, Emacs, almost anything else.

Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@pratik @petebrown Interesting note about Glass. Some personal anecdata: I don't like instead leaving a comment. If I have something to say beyond what can be conveyed with an emoji, I'll comment. If not, I prefer a quiet "like" instead. If likes aren't available, I just move on.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@petebrown I'll keep repeating this>

Opinion: Likes should be visible to only the Like-or and the Like-ee. Liking something is a simple, unobtrusive way to let someone know I appreciate what they wrote. It’s also a way to get a little bump when someone likes what I wrote. No one else need be involved.



Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@jiewawa I should try the org->markdown thing for my public books page, although it's so simple that it might be overkill.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@jasonekratz @humdrum Oh, at least a couple of days, for sure :)


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@humdrum I'm happy to hear that, since I think I've decided to keep it just like that for a while.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@greg So far I've changed almost nothing. I removed STORYGRAPH_RATING because I don't care about that and I shortened STORYGRAPH_URL to STORYGRAPH because it seems obvious now :).


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@yannick Thanks. I swear I made this work before, but can't find any record of it. I'm intimidated by Hugo theming, so I'm stalling on trying to fix it :)


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

Whenever I'm feeling this way, I know it's time to step away for a minute. Or two.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@AnthonyBaker I ended up posting it anyway. There's a list of apps I use from SetApp. https://baty.net/2024/08/how-long-can-i-go-without-set-app/


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

I wrote a blog post this morning about how I didn’t renew my SetApp subscription. It was titled: “How long can I go without SetApp?” The answer was “about 30 minutes” 😆. I calculated the cost of owning the important apps outright, poked around, and concluded that SetApp is totally worth it for me.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@ellane So very beige 😁.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

Rewatching “An Impossible Project”


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

BTW, if anyone wants this Apple Extended Keyboard II (with ADB->USB adapter) you can have it for my shipping cost. Email me.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@jenett I've used a lot of keyboards, and the two in this photo are my all-time favorites. The HHKB is so good.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

It was a different time.

An Apple Extended Keyboard II next to an HHKB.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

The Sony BM-575 recorder, one of my favorite old-school devices, has finally died. I may not replace it this time 🥺. I do need a microcassette player of some sort or else my pile of recordings becomes useless so who knows?


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

The Nick Cave of “Wild Gods” is in a good mood, after a long while, and from it he’s made a beautiful, joyful record.

“This flaming boy said, ‘We’ve all had too much sorrow, now is the time for joy.'”

https://youtu.be/Nyg8avpwR2E https://youtu.be/Nyg8avpwR2E


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

This resonates today.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

I have the following table formula at the bottom of my weight log table in org-mode and I totally understand how it works…

#+TBLFM: $3=vmean(@-6$-1..@0$-1);%.1f::@2$3=0::@3$3=0::@4$3=0::@5$3=0::@6$3=0::@7$3=0

Narrator:: He doesn’t.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@andyc Roll with it! :).

I'm back in Mu4e after some time with notmuch. Mu4e plays more nicely with the rest of my email setup. notmuch is great for searching/organizing/tagging a local store of emails.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

But Wilde had it right:


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

I logged into the http://tilde.club server after a long time, typed “mutt” and found 678 emails in the inbox. Most are spam, but there are some threads between users, too. The longest one is an argument about rms, which is its own form of spam, I guess. Tilde.club was so fun. http://tilde.club http://tilde.club


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

Kinds of Kindness, 2024 - ★★★★: https://letterboxd.com/jackbaty/film/kinds-of-kindness/


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

Speaking of records, I don’t buy a ton of vinyl, but when Nick Cave releases a new record, I’m going for the “Limited Edition (Grey) Vinyl”. https://store-na.nickcave.com/products/wild-god-grey-lp-store-exclusive?variant=45002123313311 https://store-na.nickcave.com/products/wild-god-grey-lp-store-exclusive?variant=45002123313311


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

My mom (82) wanted to listen to music and her record player is broken, so I thought I’d introduce her to the joy of streaming using Apple Music on the AppleTV. What a mistake. The entire experience was confusing and horrible. I’m getting her a new turntable instead.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@tomnorthfilm You're better off not knowing! (but if you're serious and have nothing else to do in your life... https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs/)


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

In any given 72-hour period, I can go from, “I’m going to live completely within Emacs using my 10-years-in-the-making custom config forever.” to “I never want to launch Emacs again!”… and back again. I’ve got note-taking whiplash (and obviously some other issues 😁).


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

If you haven't wasted huge chunks of your life on art, booze, and soft drugs, then you've wasted huge chunks of your life, and we don't want you around here.
&10;More Baths Less Talking
&10;Nick Hornby


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

Greedy People, 2024 - ★★★ (contains spoilers): https://letterboxd.com/jackbaty/film/greedy-people/


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@AnthonyBaker I still find Flickr to be the best way to share photos. It does so many of those things right. I wish the community had stuck around, though. Still, I've got 20 years of photos/albums/etc there, so no chance I'm leaving.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

Spent today building this with my daughter. Not bad for a couple of complete rookies.

An outdoor fire pit


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

He was, he considered, very employable. He was used to providing very high levels of service coupled with a very low, albeit nonzero, level of murder.
&10;Service Model
&10;Adrian Tchaikovsky


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@yannick I may try that at some point, thanks!


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@eludom Fun! I had a IIIc for a while, but passed it on to someone who would get more use from it than I was. Great cameras!


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

A few weeks ago I spun up a Ghost instance (on PikaPods). This was meant to be for photography-related posts and galleries. I never shared it because I didn’t know if it would stick around. It didn’t. I deleted it this morning. I don’t need a separate photo blog, I guess.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

What my poor journal sees every day.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@skinnylatte Thinking about shopping for a CLA. I'd love to keep using it.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

Probably should've looked, first. Of course I wrote about why I put the Canonet away: https://baty.blog/2022/10/sunsetting-the-canonet


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

The comments on Verge’s article [Hello, you’re here because you said AI image editing was just like Photoshop](https://www.theverge.com/2024/8/26/24228808/ai-image-editing-photoshop-comparison-argument?showComments=1%5D are all basically saying, “AI image editing is just like Photoshop”. https://www.theverge.com/2024/8/26/24228808/ai-image-editing-photoshop-comparison-argument?showComments=1%5D


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

I can’t remember if I shelved the wonderful little Canonet because of some issue or if it just sort of happened. I just loaded a roll of HP5 into it, so we’re about to find out


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

You can tell by my recent movie reviews that I must be in a sour mood, lately. I mean, 3.5 stars for Anchorman? c’mon!


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@proactiveservices I've found that maybe the only thing I trust AI with is this sort of summarization. It doesn't have to be factually correct, just in the ballpark. For example, I've been testing the Voicenotes app. I just talk into my phone or browser whenever I think of something, and later I go back and ask questions about it. The answers are more than good enough for this. OTOH, I read that police are testing AI for their reports, which seems like a terrible idea.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@mph Happy to hear it's finally sorted. Whew!


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@bsag I think about it nearly every day, but never actually start anything, so I'm happy you're going for it. It's never stuck for me, but I've never gone all-in on the desktop, either. Can't wait to see how it goes!


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@bsag woah 😲


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@mandarvaze Thanks, but it didn't last. I always feel like I'm working against the grain when using evil mode, even though it's sooo close.


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@tuckerk If you mean non-text files like PDFs,, I don't use Emacs for that. If you do mean text files, I'm pretty happy with Deadgrep/ripgrep. https://github.com/Wilfred/deadgrep


Jack Baty is on a break 🚨

@jasonekratz Not sure, but it would be a nice thing for them to have!