Jon Jordan Avatar
Jon Jordan
husband/dad + priest + classical school headmaster living in Richardson, TX.

Jon Jordan

Sermon: Humanity in Christ

Jon Jordan

Sermon: Hungry for God (John 6)

Jon Jordan

The smile on Simone Biles' face at the end of her floor routine was the look of a woman who knows that she has run her race well, with all of its ups and downs. What an absolute joy to watch.


Jon Jordan

We finally started and finished a built-in bunk bed set for the kids and Bandit. This is the second time that Viv has drawn out an idea that I have mostly executed, with plenty of advice from friends and the internet along the way.

Finishing touches: glow in the dark stars on the ceiling.

Collage showing a built-in quad bunk set.

Jon Jordan

Classical And Anglican Conversion Part 2: This world is enchanted.

Jon Jordan

Not all updates happen automatically, and computer attacks often occur because people or businesses are slow to adopt patches sent by software companies to fix vulnerabilities—in essence, failing to take the medicine the doctors prescribe. In this case, the medicine itself hurt the patients.

Kudos for a helpful tech explanation of the unique nature of the crash in this WSJ article about the CrowdStrike update.


Jon Jordan

@JimRain 1. I imagine we agree entirely on all things related to DJT. I probably think the system can survive his attemps more than you do, though I certainly hope we don't ever find out who is right! 2. I trust you thinking this is the case more than I trust a pundit or politician saying the same thing.


Jon Jordan

@JimRain certainly not without consequence, and perhaps even more than the last one. (Although we were in a fairly similar situation then, too.)

While I may just also be wrong, my point is also in part that in calling every election the "most consequential" we render both of those words meaningless.


Jon Jordan

Those whose livelihood depends on this being “the most consequential election of our lifetime” are not the most trustworthy people to determine whether or not this is actually the case. The fact that it has been said about each of the past dozen elections should also cause us to reconsider.


Jon Jordan

@ayjay Donovan's six minute discussion about substitution rules at the start of the half was a sign of things to come.

And then Watkins pulls off THAT strike as I type!


Jon Jordan

God save the Kane. ⚽️


Jon Jordan

Classical And Anglican Conversion Part 1: God Is Infinitely Grand

Jon Jordan

A stomach bug and multiple driving days have made it difficult, but my current run streak is alive and well at 30 days.


Jon Jordan

It was a bit of a scramble towards the end, and I’m really proud of our family for making it to this remarkable view of a 120 foot waterfall just outside of the Great Smoky Mointains National Park.


Jon Jordan

Running (on) the Appalachian Trail with Zoë (10) and Rowan (8).


Jon Jordan

Sermon: Praying Psalm 22 in the season of Lent

Jon Jordan

@ayjay "I heard a fan say they are playing like Scotland out there. Bit of an insult to the Scotts, innit?" - TalkSport UK commentators at the half.


Jon Jordan

I am taking the next couple of days away from work in order to take a writing retreat to SMU’s Bridwell Library during work hours. Significant progress on day one towards the completion of a long-overdue manuscript.

Overview of word-count progress on the first day of my writing retreat.Outline of a forthcoming book on virtue, habits, and the Christian Calendar.


Jon Jordan

Beef as a means of grace?


Jon Jordan

Kicking off the run streak again. Last one was 366 days and ended in March of 2022.


Jon Jordan

Josef Pieper on Work, Leisure, and Life as Gift

Jon Jordan

A Poem: Baptized In The Jordan River

Jon Jordan

Brad East’s observations ring true in my experience. Those who have moved on from points 1, 4, 5, 6, and 7 may be “loosening” some modern evangelical convictions, but in doing so they are actually realigning with an older and more widespread Christian understanding of these things. Re-connecting?


Jon Jordan

@jonah kyrie eleison


Jon Jordan

AI, School, and You

Jon Jordan

Let them be born in wonder

Jon Jordan

Christus est stella matutina, Qui nocte saeculi transacta Lucem vitae sanctis promittit Et pandit aeternam, Alleluia

Christ is the morning star, who when the night of this world is past brings to his saints the promise of the light of life and opens everlasting day.

A prayer attributed to St. Bede, which is displayed beautifully at his tomb in Durham.


Jon Jordan

I am a happier, healthier, and more focused person when:

  • I do not have email on my phone
  • I do not have a web browser on my phone
  • I go for a morning walk before looking at a screen
  • I pray the morning office before looking at a screen

These are undisputedly true. And I still find them hard to maintain.


Jon Jordan

A Letter to the Class of 2024

Jon Jordan

The children “helping” with the leaves in the front yard.


Jon Jordan

@marmanold Ha. I definitely read that URL as Te Deum...


Jon Jordan

@spgreenhalgh This is fascinating.


Jon Jordan

@JimRain It just came to me... On Saturday morning. In my living room. While wearing my Tottenham gear and yelling at the TV.


Jon Jordan

@bbowman this is good. Makes me feel a little bad about my own annoyance at the NRSV’s rendering, “I will make you fishers of people” this past Sunday!


Jon Jordan

@ReaderJohn Certainly could be the case. Things are so different market-to-market, to be sure. As one of nine classical Christian schools in Dallas County, we do have a real need to compete for top teachers. There are other key concerns for those schools who might be the only classical school in their town or region. Regardless of where this particular school lands, keep fighting the good fight!


Jon Jordan

@JimRain Great point about Europe. What a gift this season as everyone adapts. Pick up key system players in January and this summer, and we are in a great spot to compete and (more importantly?) continue to be downright fun to watch in the years to come!


Jon Jordan

@ayjay Ha! This sounds like it could be an epilogue to Malcolm Gladwell's Outliers.


Jon Jordan

@jonah I certainly hear you. I know in the DFW area, with so many similar options (9+ Classical Christian Schools in Dallas County right now), most of us have started to benchmark against area public or charter schools. It is also the case, at least in Dallas, that Classical Christian schools cost anywhere from 25%-50% of the annual tuition of similar private institutions of other (or no) affiliation. That is a real difference in annual revenue.

Our approach to help balance revenue needs (essential if you are going to pay teachers competitive wages) and maintain an environment where families and students are known by teachers and administrators is to be a medium-sized school with small classrooms. We are ~450 students PreK-12 now, and growing to a cap of ~700, but our classrooms are 14 students or smaller and will remain that way as we expand.

But we are also in our 25th year, and just now getting to a more competitive benchmark for starting teacher pay. I feel for those schools who are still working towards being established, while trying to keep tuition low, while trying to attract and keep excellent faculty.


Jon Jordan

@JohnBrady @alberism Yes and Amen to the PhD glut bringing top-notch teaching faculty to schools beyond the Elite. We are also hiring more PhD folks in the classical Christian school world, too. They are drawn to reading great texts with students in smaller classes.


Jon Jordan

@JimRain ha! yes, indeed. Also: here's to hoping le capitaine is still playing when LAFC visit FC Dallas in September 2024! We should catch that match together to pay our respects to Lloris in person!


Jon Jordan

@marmanold Yes. Are both of your "sites" separate plans on


Jon Jordan

@mwerickson God bless the spiritual directors in our midst!


Jon Jordan

@grmr Ha. I understand when some finer liturgical words aren't "in the word list" ... but I would have assumed this one would be!


Jon Jordan

@marmanold this is good.


Jon Jordan

@JohnBrady @maique my wife was a pilgrim on a smaller portion starting in Spain last fall, and volunteered in an albergue for a week as part of the process. Yes, commercialization is real—and has been since the middle ages—but it is entirely possible for a pilgrim-minded pilgrim to walk the Way of St. James.


Jon Jordan

@ayjay Liz Lemon captures our thoughts well here: "I want to go to there."


Jon Jordan

@ayjay exploring this question with an eye on Lewis’s Ransom would be a fascinating endeavor!