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Host of Nostalgia Goggles, player of too many *and* not enough video games, and a third thing because lists come in threes. This is a personal interest account. Professional me lives elsewhere.

@sayomgwtf my partner has become obsessed with Cinnamon roll. That keychain would bring her tremendously spooky-month joy, me thinks.

@sepcot I just got mine today too! 💉💉

@misnina isn't that normal though? It's a controlled, safe way to engage with something, and you can bail consequence-free at any moment. Like a horror movie or a theme park; fake but the fun is in the pretend.

I think that's normal... I definitely feel it myself, anyway.

@mrpablington Switch successor will be a PC software storefront. There won't be hardware.

@raineer no. No. Absolutely not. How did this get through all the necessary layers to become a shipping product?!

Fffff-- hell it was good! A sequel that was actually worth the wait. Weird and dark and funny just like the original. Tons of call backs but never felt like nostalgia bait. Truly fucking excellent.

The only real downside is that it will reinvigorate a bunch of f***heads who do want to make some soulless cash grab. But that is the price we pay.

@catsalad I hate how much of this I understood immediately.

Congrats on getting out!

@latte subscribing to this thread in case someone knows.

@chartier oh dang. I might upgrade to that from my stupid Google home at those prices. Wifi 6 is plenty fast for my service and usage level.

@mattwilcox I listen to... one? show that uses them and they're so laughably bad. Everyone loses except the ad company... right up until people bail on the show and the producer stops buying ads.

@jameshowell looks like a shirt Jack Black would wear.

@ash that's too many degrees. What are you doing with all those degrees? Put them back.

@mrpablington @Azurakumo Fields of Mistria and Final Fantasy XIV. 🎮

@mattwilcox is Vivaldi a chrome fork? Still full of Google stuff or no?

@DrSuzanne probably but it's a game of whack-a-mole like other ad-blocking. I've just given up on any show that uses dynamic ad insertion. 😓

I just got shockingly far into an episode of @connected being utterly shocked how high @imyke and @viticci were on Evernote until Myke (thankfully) said "That's not something I expected to say in 2019."

I was like 70% of the way through the episode and I have no idea how I ended up playing such an old one. 🤣

Someone who understands #AI better than I do please explain to me the practical application of training a neural network to run a broken version of doom that had to be trained on the game Doom. This article ends with a quote saying future games will be built this way.

Unless one could make a new game this way, isn't this just a crap port that is worse in every way from the THIRTY-GOD-DAMN-YEAR-OLD game?

Woke up early this morning and decided to use that time to do all the bullshit paperwork and administrative crap that has been building up for a couple of weeks.

Not the most exciting Saturday morning but man do I feel better closing all those open loops in my mind.


@ShaneKelly migrating instances is almost great. It's good. But far from perfect. 😓

The first Safety Goggles #science #podcast now that it is on it's own feed!

I have a solid condition kid's bike I'd be happy to give away to a good home, but I live in an area where most people own 20 bikes already.

Any suggestions on how to get it to a kiddo in need?

#bike #cycling #kids

I think I must be one of the worst audience members at a concert. I'm so focused on taking in everything that is happening that my face goes slack and I don't dance or even sway. I must look completely checked out. But it's because I'm super focused on the performance.

Pop, rock, jazz, folk, punk, classical... doesn't matter.

So if you see me in your audience I'm sorry. I really am having a good time.

Uh I guess I have an extra #steamKey for the #videoGame Intravenous on #steam if someone wants it? 🤷‍♂️

First come, first serve. Let me know if you redeem it.


A direct follow-up to the last episode AND a fan-made remaster: Black Mesa "fixes" just about everything I struggled with in Half-Life.

#podcast #retroGaming #videoGames

I didn't expect to burn through a 22hr documentary about the making of Psychonauts 2 in like a week, but damn was it quite a ride.

So many games. So many games.

Going through RSS feeds for creatives I've followed across social networks and the number of them where the last post is two years ago and says "going to start posting here more" is depressing af.

Tumblr, art station, etc. are all future-graveyards.

I know owning your own website has costs but it's so important. I am not going to hunt all over the internet to find which network-of-the-week they swear is their new one-true-network so I guess I'm just done following them. 😞

Someone please recommend me a #mastodon #app for #android that does a really good job of saving read position. I don't care about almost any other feature if it's great at saving read position.

Everyone who wanted Biden to step down better still be prepared to vote Democrat no matter what. No third-party, vote-withholding, protest bullshit. We saw how that worked out.

I had to buy a new microwave and there is a binding arbitration agreement tapped to the front of it and now I am sad and angry.

This summer has been a good-busy and exhausting time. I am looking forward to things slowing down in *checks notes* oh no...

oh no.....


MSQ complete! 72 hrs.

It's been a really long time since I could take an entire week to just enjoy video games. Damn was it nice.

4 stars. I loved it. ❤️

#ffxiv #ffxivdawntrail

It turns out Meta will sometimes *deny* requests to not use your content in their #genAI bullshit. I submitted a "request" and they denied it without cause or explanation.

So accordingly I've just updated my personal ToS: if anyone uses Meta generative AI to make anything that resembles me or anyone in my family I will kick Mark Zuckerberg in the balls. If he wants to opt out of this agreement he can go to hell.

Last night it took ~100 minutes to log into #FFXIV. What am I in for this morning, I wonder?