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Josh Fishburn
Teacher (Professor), tinkerer, game designer, artist, and perpetual beginner. I teach game design and creative coding (and currently serve as Department Chair) in the Department of Design and Creative Technology at The College of New Jersey.

Josh Fishburn

Day 21 of the March Photoblogging challenge, clothes for a tiny human. The label says these have been handed down for generations.

A pair of OshKosh B'gosh baby's overalls, closeup on the label, which says "Made in U.S.A."


Josh Fishburn

Day 20 of the March Photoblogging challenge, houseplant, parts thriving, parts barely hangin’ on.

Photo of a snake plant in a large terra cotta pot with a couple leaves bright green and tall, and a couple brown and drooping.


Josh Fishburn

Day 18 of the March Photoblogging challenge, portico but the roof is the sky.

Photo of three evergreen trees and a blue sky with some clouds.


Josh Fishburn

Day 17 of the March Photoblogging challenge, still early days.

Photo of a stack of books with "Everyone Poops" book on top, with toddler's feet pictured to the right.


Josh Fishburn

Day 16 of the March Photoblogging challenge, someone, somewhere could use these Scrabble tiles on the road.

Photo of Scrabble game tiles scattered on a road next to a red car.


Josh Fishburn

(Belated) Day 15 of the March Photoblogging challenge, trying to practice patience a month after a move and still living out of boxes.

Photo of clothes hanging over the edge of a cardboard box, with a mirror showing a pile of clothes on a bed.


Josh Fishburn

Day 14 of the March Photoblogging challenge, Manhattan from St George on Staten Island, with ample view of the horizon.

Photo of Manhattan from Staten Island, with water and a ferry in the center


Josh Fishburn

Day 13 of the March Photoblogging challenge, I’m puzzed by the design decision that created a connection between these two physical interfaces.

Photo of car dashboard with clock setting and miles-per-hour and kilometers-per-hour setting buttons


Josh Fishburn

Day 12 of the March Photoblogging challenge, a shiny treat from a wonderful colleague.

Photograph of a Toblerone chocolate bar in its wrapping on top of an open notebook


Josh Fishburn

Day 11 of the March Photoblogging challenge, features this gimcrackin’ combo in our new place.

Photograph of a gaudy lightswitch plate with an U.S. flag sticker on the wall above it.


Josh Fishburn

Day 10 of the March Photoblogging challenge, ritual doesn’t get more accurate than this for in-office days, post-lunch. This mug was a gift from a former student. Remember everyone, You Are Special!

Coffee mug featuring a rendering of Fred Rogers (aka Mr. Rogers) on a desk with bookshelves in the background.


Josh Fishburn

Day 9 of the March Photoblogging challenge, birdwatching together with my two favorite earthlings.

Adult and toddler in a field looking up at a tree.


Josh Fishburn

For day 8 of the March Photoblogging challenge, the prompt, walk, made me think of all the ways that COVID changed how I move through the world. I looked for evidence/remnants today and here’s what came out.

Photograph of Target store drive-up order pickup sign, tipped over on the pavement


Josh Fishburn

Day 7 of the March Photoblogging challenge, not much whole about our still-recently-moved-into place, but here’s a window sill completely full of plants thanks to my better half.

Plants in a line covering a window sill


Josh Fishburn

Day 6 of the March Photoblogging challenge, features my podiatrist’s office with an old school X-Ray that resulted from engineering and manufacturing in my hometown.

X-Ray Machine mounted on wall


Josh Fishburn

Day 5 of the March Photoblogging challenge, this retro-amazing not-exactly-tile in the kitchen in our new townhome.

Photograph of laminate flooring with floral pattern in kitchen


Josh Fishburn

Day 4 of the March Photoblogging challenge, Nyanko-Sensei has been hanging on to this zipper for years and is still going strong.

Closeup of backpack with charm of cartoon cat eating sushi attached


Josh Fishburn

Day 3 of the March Photoblogging challenge, seconds of solitude in some hot chocolate and aftermath of toddler dinner.

Photograph of bamboo-top dining table, mug with spoon inside of it, and a mess of yogurt on the edge of the table.


Josh Fishburn

Day 2 of the March Photoblogging challenge, woke up to foggy weather.


Josh Fishburn

Day 1 of the March Photoblogging challenge is a cheat because it’s an app screenshot but damn if that Panera app’s bag icon doesn’t read to me as a lock every time. Order “secure”d!

iPhone screenshot of Panera app with bag icon visible


Josh Fishburn

Day 1 of the March Photoblogging challenge is a cheat because it’s an app screenshot but damn if that Panera app ‘dhbag icon doesn’t read to me as a lock every time. Order “secure”d!

iPhone screenshot of Panera app's bag icon that looks like a padlock


Josh Fishburn

A Day in the Life, 2022-10-14 08:57:54, Fall Colors at The College of New Jersey, Ewing, NJ


Josh Fishburn

@manton Fair enough! I'll give my extra e-book to someone who'd appreciate it 😄


Josh Fishburn

@manton Any way to order just the physical book? I have the ebook through the Kickstarter campaign already.


Josh Fishburn

October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge Day 31: Home

First mail for the new family member feels like home.


Josh Fishburn

October 2021 Photoblogging Challenge Day 30: Red

A surreal Saturday morning waiting room experience at Walmart Auto Center. Lots of reds mixed with some casual misogyny.


Josh Fishburn

@jean One of the most surreal things I’ve ever seen. Also weirdly hyper local. One patch of grass, nothing; the next one over, hundreds of them.


Josh Fishburn

@manton thanks! I’m not a premium subscriber and I understand that things take time, so I hope this came off as a “would be nice” feature request.


Josh Fishburn

@manton thanks! Any thoughts about my question of optionally including more than one quote/highlight per post? That seems like a interface change rather than an API thing.


Josh Fishburn

@mroutley I just watched the video demo-ing the bookmarks feature ( Is there a way to create a new post with all of the highlights from an article, or is it only able to do per-highlight posts?


Josh Fishburn

@pimoore @keithpound @ptrck Thanks all! Hard to believe such a place exists.


Josh Fishburn

@danielpunkass the last one I made was only in the fridge for 36 hours. Not as good. Will have to remember to forget.


Josh Fishburn

@crossingthethreshold any resources you’d recommend for learning how to play? I can’t seem to get over the hump!


Josh Fishburn

@crossingthethreshold I’m enjoying this aspect of the challenge too! Probably 2/3 of my posts have been past photos :)


Josh Fishburn

@vasta thanks! I was amazed to find all the documents intact. Must be at least 70 years old. Happy baking!


Josh Fishburn

@jackyalcine and then so many little things throughout were given new meaning and made more sense. Love this series!


Josh Fishburn

@macgenie I miss having these guys, but I never had two and this makes me a little sad for my pigs past. Cute photo :)


Josh Fishburn

@vincent Depends on what you want to make! Hobby project or eventual commercial project? If the former and you're just experimenting I'd say something like OpenFrameworks would be a great tool to start with, especially if you know C++. The games listed in their tutorial include some pretty successful ones (Zach Gage's stuff in particular). Unity is a beast and it is not at all easy to just get in, start coding and drawing things to the screen to quickly sketch ideas. So if you're a game designer first and aiming to publish a professional game, Unity's great. If you're more of a programmer and prefer to sketch with code, OpenFrameworks is great, especially since it supports several platforms (which is one of the common reasons people choose Unity). I have nothing against Unity btw.


Josh Fishburn

@manton That makes sense - thanks!


Josh Fishburn

@manton Just emailed @macgenie about this but thought I'd share/request here too. It would be nice to have a special Microblogvember keyword-type link (like the inktober one here: Is there something and I just missed it?


Josh Fishburn

@zorn I'm up in NJ but would come to Philly for an IndieWeb thing, schedule permitting!