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Michael E Brown

Michael E Brown

Found by Liz: Lake Street Dive Plays “I Want You Back” On a Boston Sidewalk


Michael E Brown

The unchosen thing is what causes the trouble …


Michael E Brown

"It wasn't much of a game plan" brownstudy.info

Michael E Brown

Currently reading: My Father, the Pornographer by Chris Offutt 📚. Well-told, great details, and he takes his time unfurling the discoveries and weaving them in with his memories. But God, what a harrowing childhood he and his siblings had. Told with a tone of rather tired remembrance; there’s love there, s... brownstudy.info

Michael E Brown

These are not serious people, and their proud and weaponized indifference is another reflection of their hollow rottenness and their desire to inflict their flaws on all of us to do a tremendous amount of damage, quickly. These days, some of the stupidest things are often also the most frightening.

Source: Florida’s Commissioner of Education thinks Jane Austen was an American. ‹ Literary Hub

“Proud and weaponized indifference” – Yes, this.


Michael E Brown

Finished audiobook: I Must Say by Martin Short 📚 We’d started listening to this last year and I finished it solo last night. Audiobook is the best way to experience Short as he does the voices, the characters, the singing, and his timing is exquisite. The middle career years are a bit of a slog, though he ... brownstudy.info

Michael E Brown

A local online news service staffed by Duke journalism students recently started using AI to identify and draft news stories of interest. The AI has surfaced strong local content, but the articles need vetting and editing. More: Early lessons from 10th Street - 9th Street Journal


Michael E Brown

Good Lord…

Local exposure to poor individuals reduces support for redistribution among the well-off. In other words, wealthy people are more likely to favor government programs helping the poor if they never see poor people. Source: Science and Technology links (May 25 2024) – Daniel Lemire’s blog


Michael E Brown

When does vacation start? brownstudy.info

Michael E Brown

My Nova Scotia Books 7 Growing pains. brownstudy.info

Michael E Brown

If grapes are nature’s candy, then dates are nature’s chocolate caramels.


Michael E Brown

To the dentist early on a dark, cold, rainy morning for a crown. They did a great job but lots of waiting. While sitting in the lobby as they fabricated the crown, I made good progress on reading Lynda Barry’s Making Comics. 📚 Working through the book’s exercises and posting my work online is one of this y... brownstudy.info

Michael E Brown

Running the Light by Sam Tallent brownstudy.info

Michael E Brown

Chapel Hill, NC


Michael E Brown

“Think of your bookcase as a wine cellar. You collect books to be read at the right time, the right place, and the right mood.” ~ Luc van Donkersgoed


Michael E Brown

Our local Little Waves Coffee Roasters used ChatGPT to help them brainstorm names for their new spring beverages. Whose titles were best – the Little Waves team members’ or ChatGPT’s? They include a link to the ChatGPT conversation log they used for this exercise. ☕️


Michael E Brown

@drno Thanks!


Michael E Brown

@drno I also want to transfer my domain from Squarespace to micro.blog. Do you have any tips or gotchas that surprised you? Did you just use the Squarespace instructions for transferring the domain? I'm usually pretty facile with tech stuff, but my previous experiences with domains and hosting have me pretty intimidated. I never really understood what I was doing.


Michael E Brown

@odd Sinbad. A very weak tea compared to Xena and Hercules.


Michael E Brown

@Omrrc These are reminders for me: Sit. Tidy. Nap. Rest. Nature. Draw.


Michael E Brown

@tkoola I like using Teeccino as my evening beverage. It's brewed like coffee, made of chicory/date/fig/carob concoctions, many different flavors, and is herbal so naturally decaf. I've heard of people using it to wean themselves off of coffee. It's a bit expensive but there are times I prefer its body over the thinner herbal teas. There are probably similar herbal coffee replacements.


Michael E Brown

@restlesslens Thank you for posting this! I knew there had to be such a list somewhere...


Michael E Brown

@aa Thanks for asking. Central NC will start getting lots of rain this afternoon; there are brief tornados spinning up along the coastal area; bulk of the storm will hit east of I-95. That area got badly slammed last year with Hurricane Florence, though no river-flooding expected this time, thank goodness.


Michael E Brown

@til Could you expand on this taxonomy idea? I am not grokking. Are you talking about feeds that I write on my micro.blog or feeds coming to me from non-micro.blog sites?


Michael E Brown

@deannat Congratulations on the new job! I've been a tech writer since about 1988 and am kind of amazed there are still jobs out there, given the way most people "hate reading manuals." Scrivener is an excellent tool for creative writers and freelancers, but lacks a lot of the rigor needed for academic or strict tech writing. Lots of XML editors out there if you're going to learn DITA. Framemaker was the rock-solid standard for years but Adobe abandoned it; I think some of the original developers are trying to create a new version for this new age. There is no macOS-specific help system that I know of; most companies have pushed their customer-facing documentation to the web. A good book to have in your tech-writing library is (if you don't already have it) "Every Page is Page One."


Michael E Brown

@help Sorry if this is duplicating what's already in the gettingstarted thread on Slack. I'm unable to import the Squarespace-Wordpress export XML file; it has 452 posts; tried it multiple times and the blog remains empty. Nor is the Tumblr extract (83MB zip file) importing; I get an "entity too large" error. if it's not possible to import these things, that's fine, I just need to know so I can plan my next steps.