
Jon Mitchell

(does anyone else just kind of low key not agree with what D*ve W*ner thinks makes for good text-based media software)


Jon Mitchell

I’m reading it, but nevertheless, it seems like no, I don’t have to


Jon Mitchell

Do I really have to read this interview with the Bluesky person


Jon Mitchell

Went out (in the car, with the family) with Apple Watch Ultra 2, a notebook and pen, and this Sony RX100, which I bought 10 years ago when phone pics were bad and cellular smart watches were nonexistent. Observations: 1. Everything went perfectly on the watch, including complex party-splitting Find My/Map... mastodon.social

Jon Mitchell

Huh, there’s no 📷 device icon in eero.


Jon Mitchell

MLS picture quality seems way better this week


Jon Mitchell

Ok I need to see Dune 2 in my helmet now


Jon Mitchell

ActivityPub question: How does a client know whether a URL points to an ActivityPub-compatible post or not, like in the implementations of client-side quote posts that many Mastodon clients have done? Is it just from the URL structure? What if the URL looks like an ActivityPub post but isn’t one, or isn’t ... mastodon.social

Jon Mitchell

The Threads federation timeline MORE OR LESS makes sense to me, except that they thought it was worth rolling out without replies.


Jon Mitchell

Today is the 25th birthday of RSS, which is a pretty amazing coincidence because it’s also the day I co-found a website company.


Jon Mitchell

Today is the 25th birthday of RSS, which is a pretty amazing coincidence because it’s also the day I become a website company co-founder.


Jon Mitchell

I truly cannot believe I’m saying this, but my primary daily use case for Vision Pro is reading. My lifelong dream of being able to read without holding anything in my hands has finally come true.


Jon Mitchell

Still using Vision Pro for a couple hours of regular old Monday morning computer stuff ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


Jon Mitchell

I need to be clear that while I love this, I do not like this


Jon Mitchell

I think the SSD speed fix is a very good reason to recommend M3 Air over M2, honestly. Like that’s worth paying for.


Jon Mitchell

Shouldn’t @ivory mute filters apply to content warning text


Jon Mitchell

@the Yes I have had them since day 1, but I haven’t noticed any significant fluctuations in tracking


Jon Mitchell

@pratik I have to find an in-between or feel the weight too much in one place or the other, and I have to say that, since posting this, I have changed my mind back and need a top strap for comfort.


Jon Mitchell

I bet I can elicit a feeling of solidarity from Vision Pro users by posting the phrase “drinking from my invisible water bottle”


Jon Mitchell

Honestly I wouldn’t mind if digital reading were a 🤏 little 🤏 more gamified


Jon Mitchell

Why do people keep being surprised that the AI that was trained on internet posts has the biases of a male first-world human of middling intelligence


Jon Mitchell

I’m glad Sports is moving out of News. Do Puzzles next.


Jon Mitchell

I hope the home screen spot that has been occupied by chatbot apps I use maybe three times a month will be freed up by OS updates this year.


Jon Mitchell

Seems back


Jon Mitchell

Probably gonna spin up a new Mastodon server to move to, also, when this happens


Jon Mitchell

I just received a Signal message that seems to be in response to a message I sent, but it says my message failed to send, and subsequent ones just spin without appearing to go through, and I do not like this, because it feels like a cryptography problem


Jon Mitchell

Signal is down


Jon Mitchell

@jacks Sort of. Certainly, at least, many if the great forums of yesteryear were successful pirate ships.


Jon Mitchell

@Denny Yeah. But not on the phone.


Jon Mitchell

@Denny Yep that is what I use on the iPad, but I want it on my phone, and I want to use the same app/project file, ideally on Mac as well, but the mobile use case is sufficiently different that I’ll settle for two apps


Jon Mitchell

@xxxx Wow. Thank you so much for saying so. I have a new podcast now that you might enjoy! taalumot.space/tiger-tim...


Jon Mitchell

And @taalumot is now a thing


Jon Mitchell

I am on Threads, but I am still hopeful I will be able to simply forward that to @taalumot when the blessed time comes. But what I don’t have yet is a good bot army for my, uh, four RSS feeds to syndicate to social media, including Bluesky, which I hate. Let’s see what I can do here.


Jon Mitchell

It is a Squarespace site. Has to be. I am using its and marketing features (not to mention design) quite maximally. But I left 𝕏 (big account, too), and I am trying to figure out the last-mile distribution layer. @taalumot@stoat.zone is me, self-hosted Mastodon, but I mean the other stuff.


Jon Mitchell

Okay here is my Micro.blog community update. I hope some of you remember @GrindWell. The idea that became that site is now an extremely macro blog at taalumot.space (which was also pseudonymous for years, for reasons). @GrindWell text content is there now. I finally have My Site™. Here’s the thing:


Jon Mitchell

It’s Micro.blog, isn’t it


Jon Mitchell

@odd @pratik Their loss


Jon Mitchell

@pratik outstanding


Jon Mitchell

@pratik Does Apple TV not support being on the Wi-Fi network while connected to Ethernet like a Mac does? Uh oh if not.


Jon Mitchell

@rcrackley I am a freedom fighter


Jon Mitchell

@ablaze @jsonbecker Okay but here’s the counterpoint: the iCloud.com Mail app has many Mac features that iOS does not have


Jon Mitchell

@jhull The ah-ha moment for me was when I realized what the actual, sensible, full-explanatory-power business reason must be that this app is built on ActivityPub. It’s so its users can communicate with Europeans.


Jon Mitchell

@rcrackley I’m still having trouble believing it’s really happening, honestly.


Jon Mitchell

@pratik well, I only got 1 TB


Jon Mitchell

@pratik you don’t know how expensive of an iPad I bought


Jon Mitchell

@joshua I fully agree the distinction requires magical thinking


Jon Mitchell

@jean I was asking implicitly. I am way too interested in everybody’s cross-posting and multiple account philosophies these days, ESPECIALLY yours


Jon Mitchell

@jean Saw it in a Mastodon client, opened the web link, tapped the “✴️ Conversation on Micro.blog” button, got here, hit reply, it worked.


Jon Mitchell

@pimoore Years. I didn’t even have problems with that launch. I added my personal domain, and when that worked, I switched my whole Apple ID to that alias. Then I added a second domain for a side project last year. It’s been perfect. I also use Hide My Email a lot.