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Chris McAloney

@Migueldeicaza today I’m learning about Storrow Drive and laughing out loud

Screenshot from the Wikipedia page for Storrow Drive in Boston, describing a truck full of scissors getting stuck and dumping its cargo on the road, causing many flat tires.

@foone I’m sorry if you’ve mentioned this already and I missed it, but I’m dying to know what hardware you’re running this on that the winsock install on Win3.1.1 takes 90% cpu

@gruber This sounds like exactly what I’m looking for. Thanks!

@Migueldeicaza Can I ask what brand? I’ve tried a few (of the ones available in Canada), and they’ve been disappointing. I’ve always preferred hoppier beers, and that doesn’t seem to translate well when almost all of the grain is removed.

@ZachWeinersmith not yet, eventually, and definitely not.

@scalzi Yes, okay, but can we please normalize referring to X as "the company formerly known as Twitter"? I mean no disrespect to Prince here, but I bet Musk would *hate* it.

@scalzi puppies do love spinning in circles.

@scalzi imo it's a crime against language that this can be called "salted licorice" when the specific salt being referred to is AMMONIUM CHLORIDE

When Oracle -- of all companies -- is calling you out for violating the spirit, if maybe not technically the letter, of open-source licenses, you have to wonder if you're making the right decision.