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David Marsden
Dad and personal butler, cook, dishwasher, driver and bedtime storyteller to two boys. Keep my potatoes in the fridge.

David Marsden

@andyc The Irish lads are doing us proud so far.


David Marsden

Strong Irish backbone to this England team.

Pickford (born Logan), Maguire, Rice, Grealish and Kane.

Carsley should have said he won’t sing the English national anthem because he’s Irish.


David Marsden

Achievement unlocked.


David Marsden

@amerpie in the recent UK election a far right party that won 14% of the popular vote proposed a new law to put a stop to this woke nonsense once and for all.


David Marsden

Handed my four year old a slice of ham for his lunch.

“Yay! Pink chicken!”

Now we know what he meant yesterday when he turned his nose up at spicy chicken and said “I like pink chicken!”


David Marsden

I started reading the Kindle sample for this, but immediately felt anxious that I should spend the remaining weeks of my life doing something more fun, productive, insightful, useful, anything but this…

I had been planning to write about my impressions and such from listening to Four Thousand Weeks but I’m going to buy the book so that I can go through and make notes. While there was nothing that stood out as deeply profound, it was full of thought provoking points that made me want to go away and think a... strandlines.blog

David Marsden

Noel plays his guitar as if he’s scared it will break, and Oasis’s funkless, sexless plod is always carefully pitched below the velocity at which fluid dynamics dictate that you might spill your lager.

I like some Oasis stuff, the early stuff. I like some woke stuff. This quote and picture are true enough and funny, though.

Screenshot of Guardian opinion headline and byline photo of decidedly unwoke music journalist

David Marsden

Dead duck.

An unpleasant walk in the midday sun by the canal yesterday.

A few abandoned Lime Bikes (one with its front wheel missing).


Dead duck floating in the canal under a bridge

David Marsden

Emptying my Feedbin and stumbled across this epic from Christmas Day 2022.

The one where Matthew moves out of Sawtell because it’s too posh and goes to live sober in a homeless shelter in Melbourne with a Croatian who speaks no English (or does he?).

Reading Sunday 9 April 2023 | The Zero Room


David Marsden

TV Show of Interest davidmarsden.info

David Marsden

Well, the super secure new lock on our super expensive new front door failed catastrophically today. I couldn’t get my key out of the lock. We couldn’t lock the door. The local locksmith arrived within fifteen minutes, diagnosed the problem (“you need a new lock, £180”) and proceeded to spend the best pa... davidmarsden.info

David Marsden

@jsonbecker need plenty of salt and vinegar on them. Better also with some tomato ketchup, gravy or curry sauce.


David Marsden

@Denny Actually, listening back again I wonder if he said "I'm a Christian"? It would make more sense and fit with his style of speech.

Also, he did claim to be a Christian four years ago. Obviously not a practising Christian!


David Marsden

@Denny Unhinged, but still a dangerous fascist and wannabe dictator.

Odd that they deleted the "I'm not Christian" bit, claiming 'A part of Trump’s speech that was unintelligible were [sic] deleted.'


David Marsden

@Denny the UK courts just jailed five protesters for 21 years for saying much the same and "causing a nuisance".


David Marsden

Big Kids' Sports Day.

Wide angle photo of school sports day white lined running lanes in the foreground, with uncut meadow in the background

David Marsden

@val although now I wonder if the grass on the pitch is artificial?


David Marsden

England. Always different, always the same.


David Marsden

@val The football pitch looks like it's being looked after and in use?


David Marsden

@samjc Corbyn's policies were undoubtedly popular even with some of his most ardent opponents within the Labour Party.

But thanks largely to the media's portrayal of him (including during his many years as a backbench MP) as a "left-wing loony", he was deeply unpopular with voters.

Starmer successfully targeted Tory voters, and he's certainly more popular with them than Corbyn!


David Marsden

@Denny I read somewhere that more aid entered Gaza before the pier was built, too.


David Marsden

Labour’s self-imposed, arbitrary and “binding” “fiscal rules” are the same as the Tories' Austerity policies.

Political choices.

The same choices.

So much for change.

Original link to the article from 11 years ago:

"Economic ignorance is almost a qualification for the highest office in governments, treasuries and central banks. To appreciate this, just listen to almost anything George Osborne has to say on the subject – as he blindly drives the UK economy into a continued and deepening recession."

David Marsden

@Miraz Almost like a Van Gogh!


David Marsden

My polling station was empty when I went to vote around 1:30 pm.

My nearly ten year old looked at the TWELVE names on the ballot.

“Don’t vote Labour, Dad”.

He looked some more.

“There’s Joe!” he said.



David Marsden

New e-scooter and cycle hire infrastructure in Southall Green.

Photo of junction of HGV Access Roads with new 'E-Scooter and Cycle Hire' road markings and two black and white bollards


Not the ideal location.

Photo of Heavy Hoods Vehicle cutting the corner and turning in towards the new active travel infrastructure of the previous photo

David Marsden

@odd Eek! Must be nearly ten years since my last one. Luckily I don't miss them and now find the smell repulsive.


David Marsden

I used to be funny.

Screenshot of Facebook memories from fourteen years ago: "On days like these I can easily get through a whole carton of fresh orange juice. Rock and roll. I heard they can give you cancer, though, so I'm going to stop smoking them."

David Marsden

Bushmen came to cut the communal grass and fill my compost bin with the cuttings. #Winning


David Marsden

“…when you look at it on a personal level, if Nelson was your friend or your neighbour, you would absolutely agree that he should be given the immediate right to settle.”

You. Absolute. Bastards.

If anyone knows of a crowdfunder to support this man’s legal challenge, I would like to contribute to it.


David Marsden

@mattypenny Agree about VAR. It doesn't make sense to me to train referees to sit in VAR studios. Get some kids in (haha), or at least some experts in video and sports technology? The TV companies are usually very quick and good at telling viewers what the decision should be.

I'm a United fan, but that semi-final win over Coventry was a VAR disgrace, imo.


David Marsden

@Denny Domination and supremacy under the guise of "freedom and democracy".


David Marsden

@mattypenny Just read the transcript. What a superb read!

Roberto Rosetti has it about right, I think: 'Too often, said Rosetti, it’s being used to “investigate every single detail” of matches. Using VAR in this way is “dangerous”, he continued, because good refereeing means accounting for the “spirit of the game”, which technology cannot do. Once, when Rosetti experimented with using VAR to review every incident in a single match, he found seven penalties and three red cards, according to a strict reading of the laws of the game. “But this is not football,” he said.'


David Marsden

@ayjay The most Spurs thing would be to lose to City, but Arsenal win the title anyway.

The most City thing would be to beat Spurs and West Ham (and not have any points deducted).

The most Premier League thing would be if all the drama happens in the dying seconds of the final games.


David Marsden

One of the reasons we never visit the place where I grew up.

“I just have to share?”?

Shared in "Caistor Memories", a Horncastle Police report from 1942 of a missing dog called "N***er*.

David Marsden

@exador23 I guess the really significant point is that Shireen was Palestinian.


David Marsden

@elmussol Fair comment, although, I should have made it clear that the words in my post preceding Starmer's response were actually put to him as a question by an ITV reporter (I paraphrased a little).


David Marsden

Natalie Elphicke said Labour can’t be trusted and doesn’t listen. She said the victim of her husband’s sexual assault was a liar even after he was convicted.

Does she really share Labour values?

Starmer: “I’m delighted to welcome Natalie Elphicke to my changed Labour Party!”


David Marsden

I’m so glad I ate my salad before reading about the Eunuch Maker.

Artfully arranged salad platter minus any cooked testicles

David Marsden

@OliverNoble Labour postal votes here.


David Marsden

@steevc I'm sure that's exactly what it is. No one comes out looking good.


David Marsden

@steevc According to this, she's not standing at the next election anyway.


David Marsden

@steevc Anything to keep their jobs!