

Fake streamers listening to fake music by fake artists on Spotify allegedly made a single fraudster at least $10 million thebraindumpblog.com


A friend gets in touch to let me know that it’s not necessarily scary AI cyber-brains that are going to end humanity. We also need to be wary of robotically-augmented mushrooms. I’m not sure what sci-fi novel this particular bunch of researchers last read, but something has compelled them to invent a robot which is controlled by the whims of living fungi. "The biohybrid robot uses electrical signals from an edible type of mushroom called a king trumpet in order to move around and sense its environment. Developed by an interdisciplinary team from Cornell University in the US and Florence University... thebraindumpblog.com


📄 Reading the Pivot to AI blog. This is high-grade fodder for those of us who harbour a significant amount scepticism for the recent boom in AI, especially of the generative type. Don’t get me wrong, when this stuff works it can seem like magic, and I do use it in small doses many days. But it really doesn’t need to be shoved into every vaguely-digital product, forced down every throat, and used as a threat to the job security of any folk who might well actually be doing their job way better than a robot brain can - even when the AI often exists only because the companies involved took-without-aski... thebraindumpblog.com


More events in what is starting to feel something like a global backlash against some of the big social media companies. We’ve previously seen the arrest of Telegram’s founder, Pavel Durov. Now, elsewhere, Brazil has totally banned the use of Twitter (OK, “X”) for anyone who lives there. on the basis that... thebraindumpblog.com


Research suggests that GLP-1 pharmaceuticals can prevent Covid-19 deaths thebraindumpblog.com


Another great free e-books offer from Verso, a publisher that continues to release at least one book I’d like to read every month. Three temporarily £0 books on the subject of political dissent, released in solidarity with the recent campus protests regarding the Israel-Hamas conflict. Springtime - The Ne... thebraindumpblog.com


Telegram is only end-to-end encrypted if you solely use 'secret chats' thebraindumpblog.com


🎥Watched Legally Blonde 2: Red, White & Blonde. Well I just watched the first. I couldn’t remember if I’d ever seen the second. Now I have. Now a successful lawyer, Elle finds out that her cute little dog’s mother is being used by a cosmetics company for animal testing. By a corporation her own company r... thebraindumpblog.com


🎥 Watched Legally Blonde. This was the year rewatched the very famous, very popular, feminist comedy film about a pink-obsessed very feminine blonde young lady who takes herself off on a life-changing journey in a somewhat misguided attempt to preserve things as they are. Eventually she realises she’s worth so much more than a trophy wife to an idiot man living a 1950s lifestyle - she’s more than just a pretty face - and, hey, we all learn some sanitised but important bits and pieces about the necessity of feminism along the way. Not Barbie, that was earlier this year. Instead, 2001’s Legally Blond... thebraindumpblog.com


Windows has a keyboard shortcut for opening LinkedIn for some reason thebraindumpblog.com


The US Food and Drug Administration approved new vaccines for Covid-19 last week. The recommendation from the CDC is that basically everyone goes avail themselves of them, aside from anyone with any specific health conditions that preclude it one assumes. These vaccines are a lot more effective than the p... thebraindumpblog.com


Ibrahim Al-Nasser has officially set a new world record for how many video games consoles anyone has ever managed to connect to a TV at the same time. A critical stage in human development of course. He’s bought enough cables and adaptors to plug in an astonishing 444 “completely different” gaming machine... thebraindumpblog.com


Station Eleven is a highly compelling novel about humanity in the age of a very deadly pandemic thebraindumpblog.com


It’s quite something to have gotten to the point in Britain that a UN committee feels compelled to write reports asking our politicians (amongst other public figures) to be less overtly racist.

The Committee notes the various measures adopted by the State party to address hate crimes. Mowever, it is concerned about the persistence and in some cases sharp increase of hate crimes, hate speech and xenophobic incidents, including racist and xenophobic hate speech in print and broadcasting media as well as the Internet and social media, and by politicians and public figures…



US Democrats borrow a dril tweet - a good excuse to list some faves thebraindumpblog.com


The IFS's interactive 'impact of tax and benefit changes' tool shows the cruel impact of the post-2010 tax and benefit changes thebraindumpblog.com


Gotta say, currently being in the midst of the outstanding book ‘The Age of Surveillance Capitalism’ is putting me right off owning any devices labelled ‘smart’.

Although the book is a few years old, it’s super relevant to today’s AI tools too.



Disabling my webcam from being a 'sound, video and game controller' fixed my Windows 11 laptop having no sound thebraindumpblog.com


Is there anything more ‘US politics in 2024’ than this?

While the real Trump-Musk Space on X does not appear to be working, there’s currently a deepfake livestream of the Trump-Musk interview on a fake Tesla channel on YouTube, with 200,000 people watching.

(from Shayan Sardarizadeh)

Especially when it turned out to be a cryptocurrency scam.



So far in 2024, one woman in the UK has allegedly been killed by a man every three days on average. The Guardian tells their stories.



📚 Finished reading Starting & Running a Business All-in-One For Dummies by Colin Barrow. At least the sections of it that seemed relevant to what I wanted to know. After years of exclusively working for larger organisations, I recently had reason to learn something about how to set up a new business. Havi... thebraindumpblog.com


The UK far right riots show the days of overt and violent racist behaviour in the UK are far from over thebraindumpblog.com


Star Trek: Strange New Worlds - a newer Star Trek series seemingly modelled on TNG thebraindumpblog.com


The tech billionaires who at least used to be ashamed about their support for Trump thebraindumpblog.com


📚 Finished reading Titanium Noir by Nick Harkaway. Sci-fi detective noir, what’s not to love in this genre? It’s set in a world where a very few, very rich, contingent of people have managed to get themselves treated with a new genetic therapy called T7. You know, exactly the kind of thing our current tec... thebraindumpblog.com


@odd happy memories indeed! I vaguely remember getting emm386.exe to do something to the tiny memory we had back then that meant I could play Doom as being a formative experience of my youth, and then when CDROMs came out, magical 😃



@JohnPhilpin Getting Richard Dawkins to contribute to your magazine back then seems an impressive achievement! I’d certainly much rather read something he was involved in around then than the average corporate PR newsletter.



@JohnPhilpin Amazing! Good to know the legacy of the original SEQUEL lived on via your magazine :)



@odd if I’m honest I had to use the randomly click on squares that seem feasible technique to get through the first one 😂



@SimonWoods Great idea, no need to stop at "how to use your phone"! In some ways I think we've created, or at least allowed, a society that's become so unnecessarily difficult to thrive in that there's a ton of things we have a responsibility to offer support for. Stories like this one from today's paper about the plight of some of our children are so tragic.

To be honest, I'd happily be an adult learner in a how to live well class myself :)



@chrisfoley Sounds like you’re making great progress! Yes, I think tracking is one of the few techniques that the research suggests is quite effective in most circumstances regarding weight loss. The main problem is that it’s effortful so most people aren’t able to keep it up for a long time, so good on you for persisting!

I’m glad folk are trying to work out ways to make it less of an ordeal. But as you say I guess intentionality is likely a part of it so making it too automatic might be unhelpful in the end. Perhaps that's why the researchers in this paper noted that tracking by taking photos might be less effective. But otoh it's good to know that it's certainly not critical to be a 'perfect tracker'.



@SimonWoods you’ve a great memory! And, I agree, if the various dictionaries don’t nominate ‘enshittification’ as word of the year this year it’ll be an injustice.



@odd Ha, I don’t think I’ve seen those shows but they sound hilariously undramatic…accidental seed smuggling!



@odd Agree, it's absolutely wild! There's so much I'm sure we've yet to discover about the brain's influence on...everything.



@Miraz Glad you liked them! I see that the author has released a book with several short stories and also made a novel based on the Cat Pictures world, "Catfishing with Catnet" I'm also curious about.



@rknightuk Thanks for the reminder! I never got around to checking it out before but just used your link to sign up for a good few years as plenty of folk seem excited about it. Now to figure out what I bought 😂



@sherif It did amuse me, if only all drunken escapades ended with such impressive results!



@jean Amazing, I can’t believe I didn’t know this was a thing until now!



@amit Looks great! I'm already grateful to you for the Paper theme you produced. Thanks for producing more great options those of us with less knowledge can use :)



@otaviocc This looks so cool! I use Obsidian and was kind of surprised there wasn't a direct way to publish to micro.blog from it given all the other plugins. So thank you so much for creating a way for us to do this. It looks great.



@manton Very exciting! Once this gets featured in an app a novice like me can use it feels like micro.blog then has all the main features one could want to replace basically all other social networks :) So great that it feeds back to OSM too.



@manton Re micro.blog always scaling down images greater than 1800x1800, does that mean that they’re (only) saved at the scaled down resolution?

Or just that micro.blog always scales them down when displaying them in posts but the original image is still theoretically there in the uploads section? Thanks!



@zioibi Thank you! I didn't know there was a book, this is exciting :) Sounds like it might be "Mr Robot Red Wheelbarrow"? Not in our library if so, but seems compelling enough I might need to find a copy to buy!



@JohnPhilpin Definitely! The 3rd chart down made me remember what a relatively short period the Johnson team lasted. I was actually surprised that it somewhat resembles the the time frame of the Theresa May resignations. But the sheer pace and reason for Johnson's puts him in a league of his own!



@SamHawken Thank you! A 47 day streak sounds good to me - I feel like once you've got past say 7 days straight you should feel proud :)



@manton awesome! Thank you. I hadn’t realised it was connected to editing.



@zioibi ha, that’s great to hear! Nothing worse than spending hours watching a show only to realise you have no idea what it was actually about 😄



@zioibi Thank you! I've only watched a few eps so far, but honestly I was pretty gripped right from the opening scene. It confuses me a little at times, but in a very enjoyable and intriguing way.