Lynette Avatar
Community Manager at (my views are my own). Single mother of 1 teenager, guide dog owner--actually, I think she owns me--writer, dabbler in many creative pursuits. Avid sci-fi and fantasy nerd. Kindness is the key to happiness.


@SimonWoods Yes, I'm going with black. There wasn't any other option.



It’s not officially fall yet, but we are battening down the hatches for the first storm of the season. We were lucky this summer, we didn’t get hit with any hurricanes but that could change between now and October.



Here is a screenshot from Amazon showing the desk I bought. Once it’s put together, I’ll take a pic of it in my office.

The image shows a black wooden desk with a hutch on top. The desk has a flat surface with a raised back panel that includes two vertical dividers, creating three sections. Below the desk surface, on the right side, there are three drawers with round handles. The desk is positioned against a plain white background.


This is the new standup freezer I bought last Wednesday. It was delivered today. I can’t wait to splurge at Costco and fill it up!!!

The image shows an open upright freezer with several transparent drawers inside. The freezer door is open, revealing five drawers stacked vertically. The interior is white, and there is a control dial visible at the top. The freezer is placed on a wooden floor, and there are other appliances visible on either side, with one labeled "L2" on the left.


My new couch will be delivered on Saturday.

The image shows a gray sectional sofa with a chaise lounge on the right side. The sofa is upholstered in a textured fabric and is accompanied by four decorative pillows. Two of the pillows have a geometric pattern in shades of blue, gray, and beige, while the other two are solid beige. The sofa is displayed in a showroom setting, with price tags visible on the armrests. In front of the sofa, there is a shaggy beige rug on the floor. In the background, there is another sofa stacked on top and a potted plant to the right.


Just because I haven’t posted in a while. Yes, I’m still here! Here’s a link to a podcast I was a guest on back in April. We discuss using the Mac, and the Voice Dream Reader controversy which was big at the time.

click here to listen



@Documentally Idk why I'm having so many issues with this year. I think I'm just going to post from my Mastodon account, that way the audio attaches right to the post. Were you able to find the audio?



#AudioMo day 7. This is the first song I ever created using It’s not a chart topper by any means, but I’m still proud of it.




Second #AudioMo post. Apologies, i’m not sure what happened with the first one. This was recorded on my Zoom H6 essential, and the mic is the Vocaster DMV14.




#AudioMo day 6, hello from my new Zoom H6 essential recorder. Yes, I bought another Zoom recorder! The mic I am using is the Vocaster DMV14 microphone.



It’s #AudioMo day 4, and I’m going to be totally unoriginal, mostly because I’ve just worked a 12-hour day and I don’t have a creative cell left in my brain. Here’s a recording from March 2024 that I took in Anaheim, California. This is a thunder storm Cali style, and it’s very different from the storms th...


Just to keep things simple, here’s my #AudioMo post from yesterday, which I originally posted on Mastodon. It is one of the loudest claps of thunder I think I’ve ever recorded, from one of the best thunder storms I’ve been able to record. Too bad I didn’t have a better mic. I recorded this in July 2023 ju...


It’s #audioMo time again, and last year I posted most of mine on my site. I used to be able to share audio files from the share sheet in iOS right to the app but that option is no longer available. What would be even better is the ability to share them with epilogue. @manton



@splinter love this pic and your description ❤️ 



@pratik completely off-topic, but I really like your micro blog theme. Did you create it yourself? 



Ds and I hung out in the parking lot of a plaza located a short way from our apartment building to watch the eclipse. I have been fortunate enough to witness 2 previous eclipses, one in 2017, and I think the other was in 1994 or 1995. None of them were total eclipses, although this time we were at 94% tota...


@Miraz I have had my gallbladder removed, and I know how painful gallbladder pain can be. I'm sorry you're going through that, especially so close to the holidays. Here's hoping that it is removed soon, and I wish you a speedy recovery and a happy holiday. 



I went to dinner at McKclvie’s last night to celebrate the start of my Xmas vacation. I had the shellfish Jambalaya, it was delicious! And now to enjoy 12 days of rest, relaxation, and hanging out with friends and family.

I amholding a glass with a reddish drink, a Caesar, one of my favourite cocktails, with a lime slice on the rim. I am smiling slightly and wearing a yellow top. The background is blurred but appears to be an indoor setting with a blue ceiling and some festive decorations visible. The glass has the text "Mott's Clamato Caesar" on it.


We have a funeral to go to on Tuesday, so I had to get Ds some propper clothes. I asked him to let me take a pic, and this is what I got. lol

The picture shows a young man standing in a room. He has curly hair and is wearing large headphones over his ears. He is dressed in a light blue button-up shirt and black pants. He is making a heart shape with his hands by joining his thumbs and fingers. Behind him, there is a wooden bed frame, a mirror reflecting his back, and a wooden dresser with drawers. There are also some items on the dresser, and a part of another person is visible in the background. The young man is looking at the camera with a slight smirk on his face.


Here’s a throwback from my camera roll. This was taken in August, 2021 on my first business trip to Toronto. It was a Monday morning, and I was ready to walk to work, but Kit had other ideas.

Kit, a black Labrador Retriever, lying on her back on a brown carpet. Kit appears to be relaxed and sleeping. Her front paws are folded across her chest and her back legs are stretched out. Kit has a shiny black coat and is wearing a collar. The carpet has a textured pattern.


Back home, very sleepy! Good food was had all around, including the longed-for butterscotch pie! I even guthe a piece of apple pie to take home. Now the big dilemma, should I eat it tonight or save it?



Happy Thanksgiving to all my Canadian micro bloggers! Ds, Kit and I are getting ready to spend the day with relatives as is our tradition, and enjoy some delicious, home-cooked food. And, if I’m very lucky, my aunt will have made a butterscotch pie.



Getting Creative With Photography


Going through some old pics on my camera roll. This was taken in 2018 when Ds was 9. He used to go on regular fishing trips with his grandfather. We have lots of pics of him throughout the years with his catches—trout in the summer, and smelt in the winter.

The picture shows a young boy in a kitchen, holding up two fish, one in each hand. He is wearing a green t-shirt with a logo that reads "East Bay Cape Breton Freshwater" and a baseball cap. He is smiling and seems to be very proud of the fish he is holding. On the kitchen counter, there is a plate with three more fish on it.&10;The fish in the picture are medium-sized and have a slender shape. They are brownish in color with some spots and their scales are visible, giving them a shiny texture. Their fins are relatively small and their tails are forked. One of the fish on the plate has a more silvery color compared to the others. They appear to be freshwater fish, possibly trout or a similar species.


I can’t believe I am still wearing summer clothes during the first week of October!

The woman in the picture has a fair complexion and appears to be in her mid-thirties. She has long brown hair that is slightly tousled by the wind. She is wearing a sleeveless black dress with a row of buttons down the front and a cinched waist. Her dress reaches down to her calves. She has a content expression on her face as she stands on the balcony. The sky  is a clear blue with wispy white clouds scattered across it. The clouds have a soft, feather-like appearance. The sky looks bright, suggesting that it might be a sunny day.


The first thing Ds usually does when he comes home is—you guessed it—eat!!! Hell hath no fury like a hungry teenaged boy. And because he’s the best son ever, he’ll usually make a snack for me, too.

A transparent plate sitting on a checkered tablecloth. On the plate, there are 2 freshly-baked croissants.  They are flaky, soft, and golden brown. There are also several pieces of crispy-looking bacon on the plate with the croissants. 


Ds bought himself a build-a-bear, so I’m on baby, er, bearsitting duty. 😂 🧸

The picture primarily features a cute brown teddy bear wearing a black suit with a bow tie. The teddy bear has a friendly face with black eyes and a little nose. The background of the picture shows a room with a plain wall, and there is some furniture and clothes hanging visible in the background.


@ptrck That sounds delicious!



We’re all ready for our trip to Houston, Texas tomorrow. Kit just got home from the groomers. Her fur is so soft and silky smooth.

I have submitted the propper forms to Air Canada via email, but I haven’t received any kind of acknowledgement. I hope there won’t be any trouble at the airport.

A black lab is lying curled up on a rug. You can see my couch in the background of this picture. 


I’m fascinated by things I will never be able to understand or do, like piloting an aircraft, photography, and body language. I wish I could take a course on body language. I think sometimes the reason sighted people are not comfortable communicating is because of an absence of body language. Not facial ex...


#Audiomo Day 26: Reminiscing


@Miraz the beach is one of my favourite places to be. 



@Miraz oh my that's a lot of wood! Did you stack that all yourself or did you have some help? 



@Miraz ❤️ ❤️ ⭐️ ⭐️



@jean the way I teach people to think of alt text descriptions is if you were describing a photo to someone and you were on a regular phone call, not a video chat, how would you describe it to them? What aspects of the photo are so important that someone who can't see it needs to know? 



I can't help but hope that this backfires on him in the most spectacular way.



@odd I used to eat a lot more chocolate during easter when Ds was younger. I'd buy enough for an egg hunt and to make 2 easter baskets. But he's older now and not as interested as he used to be.



@MitchW I am usually very particular about reading in publishing order. I don't know why my behaviour changed for the Connelly books. They don't need to be read in order, but things do make a lot more sense if they are.



@MitchW I've read almost all of the books, but I've read them out of order. I started off with the law of innocence, which is the latest book in the Mickey Haller series. I only have a few books left to read, including bloodwork and scarecrow, but I should actually go back and read the whole series in order.



@sylvia I think this could be very useful. Is it an app?



@Miraz I didn't know that tea bags contain plastic. I've bought the cheap ones that are supposedly made of paper before, and they taste like it ... discusting!

Thank you for the tips. :-) i’d actually rather drink tea that doesn’t require me to boil water. It hasn’t happened often, but I have had a few accidents with my kettle and sustained a few burns, definitely not something I want to repeat.



@Lynessence Completing the test. This is the only time I will ever talk to myself ... and answer myself. haha



@Miraz Oh no, hope she feels better soon. That's no fun for either of you.



@Miraz That sounds lovely, spring is in full blume. You have many interesting birds there that I have never heard before.



@Miraz Is she ill or just a picky eater?



@Denny I do have an Apple TV. It's in my son's room, though, but it still shows up in my home app. I don't know if it's set as a hub, I will check though.



@sod Yes. I make sure it says home kit compatible when I buy any smart home products. I think it might have something to do with my router. Smart gadgets will only work on 2.4GHZ, but I have the same settings for 5GHZ and 2.4GHZ, so I never know what band I'm using. I'll play around with it today and see if it makes a difference.



@Miraz Thank you. It was indeed an infection. They called today to check up on her. I just switched to this new vet and they are really impressing me with their service.



@maique That's great, congratulations! I have been doing to intermittent fasting for a few years now and it has worked wonders. It was easy for me to adjust since I'm not a 3 square meals a day kind of girl. But I really need to exercise more, and that's where the real struggle is. I wish you the best of luck on your journey.