Josh de Lioncourt Avatar
Josh de Lioncourt
Author, avid reader, musician, hockey junky, coffee roaster, podcaster, Masters of the Universe fan, Trekkie, Hogwarts alumnus (Ravenclaw), and just generally geeky.

Josh de Lioncourt

88 Strings — The Story 🎵

Josh de Lioncourt

ETC — The Story 🎵

Josh de Lioncourt

Trump’s disgusting attack on Harris’s identity at the NABJ convention this week calls to mind one of the fundamental lessons of the original Star Trek series. Spock, half human and half vulcan, struggled for decades with his identity. Vulcan children, like Trump, cruelly tormented him for not being “fully ...

Josh de Lioncourt

@help needing to do some reorganizing of my categories. However, category pages don’t seem to be updating p With posts who have had the category added to them. For example, this page only shows one post, though there are now eight in the category. Been like this for a couple days. Is there a way to force a refresh?


Josh de Lioncourt

Could I Buy You a Coffee? — The Story 🎵

Josh de Lioncourt

Over the next few months, my wife and I are releasing music we’ve been recording over the last fifteen years. I write and play; she sings. It’s retro Pop that spans all kinds of genres. Our first EP is out now. I’d love it if you’d give it a spin. – 🎵


Josh de Lioncourt

RELEASE — Love & Latte 🎵

Josh de Lioncourt

Coming soon…

Love & Latte


Josh de Lioncourt

Song of the Day – I Knew You Were Waiting (for me) (w/Aretha Franklin) by George Michael 🎵

This was my wife’s and my first dance at our wedding, seven ears ago today.


Josh de Lioncourt

Song of the Day – Popcorn by cara quinn 🎵 A friend of mine recorded this cover of the classic song. 💜


Josh de Lioncourt

Finished reading: The Exvangelicals by Sarah McCammon ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 📚


Josh de Lioncourt

I love that this exists. – Proposal for Klingon Braille Code 🖖🏾


Josh de Lioncourt

Finished reading: On Repentance and Repair by Danya Ruttenberg ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 💜📚


Josh de Lioncourt

Song of the Day – Never Saw Blue Like That by Shawn Colvin 🎵💔


Josh de Lioncourt

Finished reading: Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home by Vonda N. McIntyre 📚🖖🏾

Not one of my favorite Trek films, but a good book and well-done novelization. I loved that it delved deeper into the aftermath of Spock/McCoy’s spiritual ordeal from the previous two films.


Josh de Lioncourt

Song of the Day – Life Uncommon by Jewel 🎵


Josh de Lioncourt

RIP Tom Smothers. Thanks for all the laughs. You will be missed. 💔


Josh de Lioncourt

Song of the Day: You Have Been Loved – George Michael 🎵 Always…


Josh de Lioncourt

Like the film upon which it’s based, the novelization of Star Trek III: The Search for Spock is often under appreciated. It is, I think, the best adaptation from screenplay to novel I have ever read—and, given how many of those I’ve read, that’s saying something. 🖖🏽📚


Josh de Lioncourt

A new and nerve-racking chapter in my writing journey has begun. 🍻📚


Josh de Lioncourt

Song of the Day: the only truly acceptable version of this song. Last Christmas – Pudding Mix by WHAM! 🎵


Josh de Lioncourt

Finished reading: The Prince and the Pauper by Mark Twain ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 📚


Josh de Lioncourt

@UndamnedOne it really does.


Josh de Lioncourt

@odd that’s awesome. It had been on my WtR list for ages, and I just hadn’t gotten to it until now. It’s even better than I expected.


Josh de Lioncourt

@help thank you!


Josh de Lioncourt

@help @manton I changed the name of a category yesterday, and that seems to have made a mess of things. In the account UI on the site and in MarsEdit, it looks like the old name is gone and that the posts should all be in the new one. But both categories show up on my archive page. Only one post is in the new name, and the rest are still in the old one. I changed “Song of the Day” to just “Music”. How can I fix this? It’s just the Archive and category pages that are wrong.


Josh de Lioncourt

@odd they are so fun. I had so many of their albums growing up, and a few in my music library even now. 😍


Josh de Lioncourt

@sherif no holiday playlist is complete without it! Their Christmas album, the one from the 1960s, which includes that song, is a staple in our household this time of year. 😀


Josh de Lioncourt

@KimberlyHirsh thanks for sharing this too!


Josh de Lioncourt

@KimberlyHirsh thanks for sharing this. It sometimes feels like there are so few of us disabled writers out there. Sometimes it’s good to just hear from others with similar challenges. 💜


Josh de Lioncourt

@Lynessence keeping my fingers crossed you get power back soon. I know how that goes and how frustrating it can be. Also, happy birthday! 🧁


Josh de Lioncourt

@Lynessence keeping my fingers crossed you get power back soon. I know how that goes and how frustrating it can be. Also, happy birthday! 🧁


Josh de Lioncourt

@Lynessence keeping my fingers crossed you get power back soon. I know how that goes and how frustrating it can be. Also, happy birthday! 🧁


Josh de Lioncourt

@Miraz I believe you are correct. An apartment building also. I mostly became desensitized to quakes growing up, but I can’t say I miss them living on the US east coast now.


Josh de Lioncourt

@Lynessence @miraz “smaller” not “snapper”. I can’t figure out how to correct that post after the fact.


Josh de Lioncourt

@Lynessence @miraz I grew up in California during a particularly active time for quakes. This conversation prompted me to look up the two worst ones I remembered experiencing. 1992 Landers quake and 1994 Northridge quake, which were 7.3 and 6.7 magnitude, respectively. There were many others, but those were the worst from where I was located at the time they occurred. The 1987 Whittier Narrows quake was a lot snapper in magnitude, just 5.9, but because of the type of quake it was, it did a lot more damage. I was living almost directly over the epicenter for that one. So many memories! 🤪


Josh de Lioncourt

@ericgregorich I love his character building as well. I tend to enjoy slow burns in general, if they’re done well. This book was done exceptionally so, IMO.


Josh de Lioncourt

@Cheri I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Such a fun read!


Josh de Lioncourt

@Mandalorian well, everyone has different taste. Fairy Tale pushes all my buttons. One of the main characters is a dog that you can’t help but love. It’s steeped in fantasy and fairy tale lore, which I love, and the story revolves around characters overcoming their demons and darker impulses. It’s everything I personally love in a King novel. But, I’ll also be honest, I enjoy most of his books to varying degrees. There are only a handful that I entirely dislike.


Josh de Lioncourt

@manton thank you! That worked a treat!


Josh de Lioncourt

@manton is there a way to get unlisted books to show up in Epilogue? Stephen King’s Fairy Tale came out two weeks ago. I finished it yesterday. There’s no way to record it in Epilogue. Even using the ISBN fails. I’m a little baffled. It isn’t like this is an obscure title. 😕


Josh de Lioncourt

@help is there a particular reason why I can’t bring up Stephen King’s latest book in Epilogue? Even using the 10 or 13 digit ISBNs only brings up some of his previous titles. I can’t get Fairy Tale to show up no matter how I search.


Josh de Lioncourt

@odd good playlist! The 80s are my jam. 😆 I made this 80s radio playlist last year. Check it out if you’re so inclined. 👍🏻


Josh de Lioncourt

@UndamnedOne I feel your pain. I eventually got there. I have heard good things about the MacSparky Field Guide for it, but by the time I knew it existed, I was already pretty comfortable with KM. It’s worth it once you get there, but definitely feels overwhelming to start with.


Josh de Lioncourt

@Lynessence The Guild Codex series, which is divided into multiple sub series, by Annette Marie is the best fantasy series I’ve read in recent years. I recommend reading in the author’s suggested reading order which is on her site. I also would recommend the Eli Monpress or Heartstrikers series, both by Rachel Aaron, and both fantastic. The first is pure fantasy. The second is a blend of sci-fi and fantasy.


Josh de Lioncourt

@Lynessence and yes, I have been on here for several years. So great to see you here too! 🎉