Jake Weidokal Avatar
Jake Weidokal
I like making. In particular web stuff, memories, coffee, and connections.

Jake Weidokal

I like when a bathroom has beautiful or insightful decor. I learned something new today about a train that debuted in 1936. Why did trains look so much cooler back then?

An issue of The Observer from July, 1936 titled "Mercury, New N.Y.C. Streamliner, on Detroit-Cleveland Run"

Jake Weidokal

Our cucumbers are out of control. In one day we harvested six cucumbers, each bigger than my forearm. The situation is so dire that I’m having tajín-seasoned cukes with coffee for breakfast. 🥒☕

circular slices of cucumber on a cutting board sprinkled with a red seasoning. a cup of coffee sits in the upper right of the frame.

Jake Weidokal

Sharing a gelato flight is a great way to cap off the evening.

six scoops of gelato each in their own bowl with another bowl of pizelles with "ciao" printed on them

Jake Weidokal

@amerpie congrats!


Jake Weidokal

26 Pieces Of Advice To My Past Self weidok.al

Jake Weidokal

@amerpie Oh nice! I haven't heard of this before. Checking it out now!


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie oooh subscribed. It was nice to see his shout out to you too! Glad to see you getting recognized for all the time you've been putting into your posts. I don't even own an Apple device and I still enjoy reading them while I sulk about not having many of the apps on Windows 😂


Jake Weidokal

A Recommendation for Trying AI weidok.al

Jake Weidokal

“Children need to be used under adult supervision”

This made me laugh.


Jake Weidokal

A while back I posted about Fed Meetup, the app I built that won an internal NASA challenge. Today I received my prize, a NASA@WORK sticker that flew on a SpaceX Dragon capsule that splashed down back in April! I have now committed myself to using this water bottle for life… 😅

A NASA@WORK sticker that was flown on a SpaceX Dragon, laying above an envelope addressed to Jacob Weidokal from NASA Jake holding his water bottle with the sticker displaying on the front of it

Jake Weidokal

@amerpie Amen, I'm trying to stay mindful of that and not just get consumed by all the "urgent" things that won't matter when I look back.


Jake Weidokal

Do you ever say something and then the gravity of what you just said hits you hard? I was chatting with a coworker preparing for retirement and casually mentioned that I have 30+ years left. 30+ years! What!? That’s a lot of time to make meaningful and good things. That’s the goal.


Jake Weidokal

@writingslowly I've been thinking about this a lot lately. Something like "you have to know what's out there before you can go learn more about it". Building out a zettelkasten seems like a great way to broaden (and deepen) my knowledge of what is out there so I have more to pull from when I'm writing!


Jake Weidokal

@writingslowly definitely going to read that!


Jake Weidokal

@writingslowly this is exactly what I've been looking for! Saving these to my read-it-later app.


Jake Weidokal

How to Write a Kickass Article weidok.al

Jake Weidokal

Added a colophon page. I wrote it in a who, what, when, where, and how format, and I like how it turned out. I haven’t seen others doing it this way. I considered adding a “why” section but decided against it. I’m not sure if the colophon is the right spot for that, but if not, then where?


Jake Weidokal

Added a changelog to my blog. For now, it is very small and very meta. weidok.al/changelog…


Jake Weidokal

I added a /chipotle page to my blog. I know this started as satire, but this might actually come in handy for me. weidok.al/chipotle/


Jake Weidokal

scritch scratch swoop and slash
furious scribbles relent
taut hush, reflection


Jake Weidokal

Experimentation Is Where the Fun Is At! Six pocket notebooks and sixteen different colorful ink swatches arranged on a light wooden desk weidok.al

Jake Weidokal

An Analog Blog Post weidok.al

Jake Weidokal

There’s some nice footage of Sierra Space’s Dream Chaser at the Armstrong Test Facility in Sandusky, Ohio at the 2:00 minute timestamp of this week’s TW@N video 😁 We have neat facilities out here in The Land! youtu.be/xQeA-KzTL…


Jake Weidokal

I just used the Google Assistant to make a reservation this morning and it was pretty nice. It waited until the restaurant was open to call and then sent me a text confirming the reservation.


Jake Weidokal

I replaced our mulch with gravel and started our first garden! We will have cucumbers and three varieties of bell pepper. 🪨🥒🫑

A blue house with a red door and a gravel flower bed with juniper bushes.A 4x8 raised bed garden with grass and a pond in the background.


Jake Weidokal

Ever wondered what the heck that fancy ChatGPT Large Language Model AI is actually doing? This animated 3D visualization is an awesome step-by-step guide! bbycroft.net/llm


Jake Weidokal

Felt good to be back on the grill yesterday!

A pit Boss pellet grill with smoke coming out.

Jake Weidokal

Can you tell which is the original…? 😅 I asked GPT-4o to describe an image of me, and then fed the generated text into Microsoft Designer to see how well it could generate a copy of me. Microsoft Designer turned the handsome-dial a little too high, but this is impressive! Here’s the description that was generated from the original: "The image shows a young man with short, neatly trimmed hair and a light beard. He is smiling warmly, showing his teeth. He is wearing a gray zip-up sweater. The background is an outdoor setting with blurred trees and foliage, suggesting it might be a park or a natural ... weidok.al

Jake Weidokal

Is 1285 a good score on Google’s dino game? What are your high scores?

Google's no internet page with the dinosaur game showing a score of 1285

Jake Weidokal

Check the Categorization of Your Domain in Cloudflare Radar to Make Sure Federal Employees Can Visit Your Site weidok.al

Jake Weidokal

I updated the font across my site to Inter instead of system-ui, which was the Tiny Theme default. I found out Tiny Theme has all sorts of pre-defined font groupings in main.css, so what I actually changed the font-family to was –font-neo-grotesque, of which the primary font was Inter. I like it!


Jake Weidokal

Is this a blog or a node in a botnet? weidok.al

Jake Weidokal

@amerpie haha "people with 'coffee' in your bio". I feel called out lol. I haven't used a Nespresso before.


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie haha I have plenty of those types of books! This wasn't quite what I was expecting, as it wasn't very tactical about how to use checklists, but the stories were pretty compelling and I appreciate when someone goes deep on a seemingly simple topic!


Jake Weidokal

@ronkjeffries are you behind a VPN? I've noticed the same thing when I'm logged into my work VPN. I'm wondering if it has something to do with the .al TLD or my nameservers... 🤔


Jake Weidokal

@chadkoh jealous! This looks amazing.


Jake Weidokal

@bobwertz A bee themed aces of spades... me too! weidok.al/2024/04/0...


Jake Weidokal

@manton really looking forward to this on mobile (Android for me). That's where I'm most often writing directly in the Micro.blog text editor to fire off a post.


Jake Weidokal

@l3db3tt3r This is awesome! It looks like you're on a different planet from me!


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie thanks! I'm honored!


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie I'm excited to use it more to find folks with similar interests!


Jake Weidokal

@Gabz You may already know this, but in markdown if you put a double space after a line, you can create a newline without the extra space between them. Just thought I'd give a heads-up because I like writing haiku sometimes too and I prefer not having space between. Example: micro.blog/jaek/3297...


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie actually, what I said wasn't true. I haven't been inside of a US prison. I visited the prison in Masatepe, Nicaragua and that was a wild experience. They had two cells but one was not being used because we were painting it, so they had about 30 inmates locked together in the other cell with just a hole for a toilet.


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie I've never been inside a prison, but I'm sure that would leave a lasting mark on your memory.


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie I'll have to try that!


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie lol I can relate


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie nice post! I noticed some of your code blocks for the dataview queries got formatted weirdly. I think if you wrap the dataview queries in four backticks (````) it will work better. I ran into a similar issue on my Obsidian post with putting a code block inside another code block.


Jake Weidokal

@amerpie That section on Managing Images is going to change my life lol. I somehow never considered how much I needed this! I take a lot of screenshots and paste them into notes, and they all just get dumped to "Bins/Images" with horribly unhelpful file names. Definitely going to try out that plugin.