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Elliot Lovegrove

Elliot Lovegrove

@nsmsn thank you for linking these!


Elliot Lovegrove

@patrickrhone probably a disappointing answer, but almost everyone I know just uses Apple or Google Maps, which are impressively detailed and up-to-date when it comes to train delays etc.


Elliot Lovegrove

@drewbelf I’m not anyone to listen to on photography technique (I’m trained as a painter), but I love the exposure!


Elliot Lovegrove

@ayjay the Scherzo especially is one of my favorites. It’s so full of musical ideas, each one barely explored before moving on to the next!


Elliot Lovegrove

@patrickrhone something I haven’t done yet, but want to, is go to the Saturday afternoon jam session at Smalls jazz club. Free with the purchase of a drink (I think), if you’re looking to sell fewer kidneys :)


Elliot Lovegrove

@patrickrhone it’s not peak season, but the Brooklyn Botanic Garden is still such a gem! (Conservatories are always amazing, regardless of what else is in bloom.)

Also you likely already know this but the Hungarian Pastry Shop is a really fun spot near Columbia.


Elliot Lovegrove

the tatted postage experiment begins … 🧶🖼️

Aqua-colored postcard with a stamp and a cream tatted lace edging around it (front)Aqua-colored postcard with a cream tatted lace edging around it (back)


Elliot Lovegrove

@bbowman yes, I really appreciated this article!


Elliot Lovegrove

🎵 Listening: Air for Violin and Piano by Aaron Jay Kernis.

Really happy to rediscover this today. For me, it’s in a sweet spot of twentieth-century Classical music where every beautiful chord feels hard-won. But really, what a wistful and beautiful piece!


Elliot Lovegrove

@Munish sometimes! But I’m (a) extra motivated to keep avoiding AI image generators and (b) know my way around Photoshop and can do a lot of doctoring myself :)


Elliot Lovegrove

A pile of tatting. 🧶


Elliot Lovegrove

@JohnBrady thanks for sharing this!


Elliot Lovegrove

@KimberlyHirsh that’s such a cool project!


Elliot Lovegrove

@elliotlovegrove and yes, I’m pretty sure it’s real—I heard about it from lacemaking friends who heard from the guy directly!


Elliot Lovegrove

Wow!! This wood carving! www.julienfeller.com


Elliot Lovegrove

@ablerism reminds me of a framework one of my professors gave the class for plotting our creative work: Language, Source, Drama, Vision. It was a really stimulating prompt—but it’s cool to think about going another step and also defining the initial “cardinal points” for yourself!


Elliot Lovegrove

@Munish just in time for his new release!


Elliot Lovegrove

@Miraz really beautiful!


Elliot Lovegrove

@toddgrotenhuis sounds fantastic! I’ll be curious to see if you post any more reflections after starting


Elliot Lovegrove

@hollyhoneychurch haha sorry if I leapt at the chance a little too eagerly . . . pretty rare that I get to swap orchestral recommendations these days!


Elliot Lovegrove

@ayjay seems pretty accurate! Interesting public/private thing in that comparison, too—one “cluttering” involved more top-down action and strategizing than the other (at least we hope!), but with similar results


Elliot Lovegrove

@hollyhoneychurch also if you don’t know this one already, you might like Poulenc’s concerto for two pianos (D minor). Most of it’s pretty cheeky and fun, but then there are a few moments that are so hauntingly beautiful! (Favorite recording: Katia and Marielle Labèque with the Boston Symphony)


Elliot Lovegrove

@hollyhoneychurch fellow Shostakovich piano fan over here! though I wouldn’t say that’s my favorite . . . hmm, Rach 3 and Prokofiev 3 are pretty strong contenders!


Elliot Lovegrove

@onewildcrow yeah, this is amazing!


Elliot Lovegrove

@rcrackley whoa, really nice. Thanks for sharing!


Elliot Lovegrove

@elliotlovegrove as of late, I am increasingly interested in materials which share some of the aesthetic qualities of plastic (which I love) but . . . which are not plastic


Elliot Lovegrove

One of today’s best finds at the Met: a box made mostly from thin translucent panels of amber. (!!!) Just incredible. (Didn’t get any more details about where/when it was made, unfortunately, but somewhere in Northern Europe, at least a hundred years ago)

Small ornate chest in a museum, with lid propped open, made of panels of amber with light coming through


Elliot Lovegrove

@elliotlovegrove but since I’m not as accomplished of a tatter as Robin is, I have to correct for all the places things go sightly askew when I add stiffener at the end :)


Elliot Lovegrove

Tatting update 🧶 (following this fantastic pattern by Robin Perfetti)

half-finished tatted white snowflake on a desk, with the shuttles still attached”></p>


Elliot Lovegrove

@ablerism does the arrow mean that you (ideally) go all the way down to self-transcendence and then learn how to translate that all the way back up into habits?


Elliot Lovegrove

@joshua love that first photo!


Elliot Lovegrove

A few years in, this album still holds up! Such fun, joyous tracks 😌



Elliot Lovegrove

I’m quite pleased with how this plastic heat-bending job turned out! (The pieces aren’t finished yet, but this was the major roadblock step) 🎨

hand holding a yellow plastic rod bent into a square, against the backdrop of a cluttered studio


Elliot Lovegrove

While I’m thinking about less-famous paintings, here’s my favorite John Singer Sargent painting (and also one of my favorite landscapes ever) 🎨

Simplon Pass, 1911, at the US National Gallery of Art


Elliot Lovegrove

I’ve already thought that Edvard Munch gets short shrift when people only know him for The Scream, but yesterday I was introduced to yet another (really beautiful) facet of his work 🎨

h/t Robin Sloan’s fabulous newsletter


Elliot Lovegrove

A pretty remarkable article:



Elliot Lovegrove


Landscape photo with church steeple and smokestack standing out against the horizon, viewed across the top of a buildingPhoto of buildings against the sky, with a swirl of clouds in the corner


Elliot Lovegrove

Petals fallen onto the plants below them feels like a natural version of abstraction … at least to this abstract painter!


Elliot Lovegrove

golden moment in downtown Brooklyn


Elliot Lovegrove

Whew, doing this with thick wire is another level! 🎨🎨


Elliot Lovegrove

Just a lovely little composition I walked by:


Elliot Lovegrove

… and, 🎨 Day 30!! Interactive toy-like projects lead us back to my latest book, which is also a playable marble maze. Here’s a (rough-cut!) video:


Elliot Lovegrove

🎨 Day 29
Light Toys, 2019 Here I was trying to make objects which could be played with—but which didn’t read so explicitly as childlike.


Elliot Lovegrove

🎨 Day 28
I followed up the last installation by making a set of extra-fancy building blocks … but I wanted to leave the funnest part—putting them together—entirely up to viewers and not to me. Here are some of the setups my classmates made:


Elliot Lovegrove

🎨 Day 27
Pipe Game. An installation for one of my first grad classes in 2019.


Elliot Lovegrove

🎨 Day 26
Another break from books. Here’s Refraction, 2020. Acrylic and mixed media on panel. Done for a local 24-hr art contest.


Elliot Lovegrove

🎨 Day 25
I posted these here a while ago, but I’ll include them again in this context!

Journals made from the scrap papers, prints, and project remains I’ve accumulated over the years—though, as usually happens, most of them also needed some brand-new stuff to conplete them.


Elliot Lovegrove

🎨 Day 24–a quick break from books, since the last couple are more complicated to post.

Paper Space IV, 2021 Mixed media


Elliot Lovegrove

🎨 Day 23
Electronic puzzle book project, which … was too overwhelming to finish 🙃

Sensors & lights are hidden in the pages, so the book develops as you solve puzzles—hopefully kind of like magic!

Here’s the back 😬 but pretty sure I’ll return to the idea sometime!


Elliot Lovegrove

🎨 Day 22
Project for a “star book” format class assignment. This one’s a personal favorite—and also cool to see how, though the playground theme seemed more isolated at the time, it’s coming back in more of my work now.