Chris Hubbs Avatar
Chris Hubbs
Avionics engineer by day, web and tech nerd by night.

Chris Hubbs

Matt Tebbe on how supremacy systems work

Chris Hubbs

@davidtoddmccarty Utterly ridiculous look.


Chris Hubbs

@Mtt Very nice!


Chris Hubbs

Had planned to go for a run before work this morning, but a batch of thunderstorms dampened my enthusiasm for that idea. Instead, took my time with breakfast and coffee at home before heading to the office.


Chris Hubbs

Belatedly catching up on Star Trek Discovery Season 5. What am I watching again?

Chris Hubbs

@Mtt I'm currently wearing this one:


Chris Hubbs

@Mtt Oh, another Hamilton watch fan. Nice! Some nice ones there to choose from... I'm partial to #1 but curious what strap you'd put on it.


Chris Hubbs

Ok, that #WNBA All-Star game was the best all-star game I can remember, any time, in any sport. Very competitive, highly entertaining, everybody having fun. Well done, ladies.


Chris Hubbs

2024 Reads: Lincoln in the Bardo: A Novel by George Saunders 📚

Well, that was delightful.


Chris Hubbs

Lowe’s at 8:30 on a Saturday morning: a parade of middle-aged men whose purchases reveal their weekend projects. In my case, two mini-blinds and a bag of pellets for the smoker.


Chris Hubbs

Posting big long blog posts after 9 pm on Friday night, as one does. (If you ever needed proof I’m not in it for clicks, it’s another piece of evidence… 😂)


Chris Hubbs

Lamb of the Free by Andrew Remington Rillera

Chris Hubbs

Heavily feeling the “thank goodness it’s Friday” vibes this morning. Reviewed my calendar and realized that this week was the first week I’ve had a normal five-days-in-the-office week since… mid-April?


Chris Hubbs

@drose Got lucky today:

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Chris Hubbs

Caitlin Clark sets the #WNBA single-game assist record, has a double-double IN THE SECOND HALF ALONE and the #Fever are gonna lose to Dallas. Teammates aren’t hitting shots. Inside the last minute CC dribbles the length of the court and NONE OF HER TEAMMATES ARE DOWN THERE. Fever need a new coach.


Chris Hubbs

Lego and a weird credit card payment

Chris Hubbs

Not made for omniscience

Chris Hubbs

@DaveyCraney Yuuuup. (Just installed the beta.)


Chris Hubbs

@drose high five

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Chris Hubbs

iOS 18 User Beta 1 is out! Now, the annual question: how long will I hold out before installing a beta? If history serves, about half a day.


Chris Hubbs

And yep, 45 minutes later it’s all done for us but a little more rain. We picked up 2” in a hurry, but aside from one small branch that came down I don’t think we took any damage. #IAWX


Chris Hubbs

Family party in the basement watching the storm coverage with a Tornado Warning in our county. Looks like the worst is past of us, but there’s still more to come. Probably 45 minutes to be in the clear.


Chris Hubbs

I’m never sure when I clean the coffeemaker whether the coffee actually tastes better or whether it’s just a placebo effect.


Chris Hubbs

Sometimes being the responsible one at work means leading a big meeting; other times it means starting your day by running the descaling cycle on the coffee machine.


Chris Hubbs

The #Fever were up 31 early in the third quarter and are collapsing here in the 4th, allowing the Mercury back within 11. Some bad coaching here - how the heck do you let the opponent go on a 19-0 run and not call timeout?


Chris Hubbs

Caitlin Clark with 15 points and 9 assists at halftime for the #Fever leading the #Mercury. But for a couple of her teammates’ fumbles, she’d already have a double-double. More importantly, her 15 points are not leading the Fever’s scoring.



Chris Hubbs

@drose Yesterday I had a 6. But the streak lives!


Chris Hubbs

@drose Rough one today!

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Chris Hubbs

More mess at The Village Church

Chris Hubbs

The best kind of meeting is a cancelled meeting, but the next best kind is a very short one.


Chris Hubbs

Yesterday was college orientation for our second kid. Six weeks from today we move them into college. I’m not ready for this.


Chris Hubbs

When we were at U of Nebraska yesterday for freshman orientation there was also apparently a big evangelical youth camp of some sort on campus. Seeing all those youth earnestly doing individual and group devotions triggered all sorts of memories. I hope those kids find their way out.


Chris Hubbs

A couple recommended reads: Trusting your Heart, and Christianity as an MLM

Chris Hubbs

In the past 4 weeks, we as a family have spent 13 days traveling together, spending every day together and every night in a hotel or dorm room. You can tell it’s starting to wear thin. Tomorrow night we will get home and just be home for a while. I can’t wait.


Chris Hubbs

@Mtt I love this! I should do one of my own.


Chris Hubbs

@davidtoddmccarty Older man makes a creepy comment to the 22yo woman who is the new face of the local team... so the boss takes him off the beat. (Note it's not the team that banned him - it's the paper who reassigned him.)


Chris Hubbs

@drose Second place in her division. Qualifies for nationals!


Chris Hubbs

@amerpie I'm only a day into it so far (after having participated in the Kickstarter way back when, but not getting seriously into it at that point), but I'm loving it. It seems to hit the sweet spot for me.


Chris Hubbs

@ismh What was it again?


Chris Hubbs

@cjhubbs It does! Nice!