Chris Hubbs Avatar
Chris Hubbs
Avionics engineer by day, web and tech nerd by night.

Chris Hubbs

Look I know we’re only 6 quarters into the season, but this Nebraska football team looks WAY better than they did last year. This is fun to watch.


Chris Hubbs

Sitting out on the drive with a fire going and the football game on. The kid is there in person. #GBR #football

A grey garage with the door open, a silver solo stove with a fire crackling in it, and a big TV in the garage door opening with Nebraska football on itA picture from the student section of the game with the message “holy moly this game is kinda awesome”


Chris Hubbs

PRd my 5k this morning! (27:55 still has lots of room for improvement!) Beautiful chilly morning for a race.

Selfie of a Bearded man in a yellow shirt and sunglasses against a blue skyPhoto of a black shirt advertising the Mental Health Matters 5k race


Chris Hubbs

There are days where work drives me bonkers; there are other days when I come away deeply appreciative that I work with some fantastic engineers doing really good stuff. Today is one of the latter. Thankful.


Chris Hubbs

Nice cool morning to get out and run. 5k nice and steady. Running my first real race in several years on Saturday.


Chris Hubbs

Caitlin Clark with a garbage rebound at the end of the game to make it a triple-double. What a performance!


Chris Hubbs

As a first year WNBA follower, one of my big takeaways is that the league needs to upgrade their refs. So many poor and uncommunicated calls every game. Women’s college basketball has better officiating.


Chris Hubbs

The blessing of the dedicated civil servant

Chris Hubbs

@drose All is not lost!

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Chris Hubbs

Youngest daughter has her school permit and is driving herself to school for the first time this morning. End of an era of doing drop-offs and pick-ups. Phew.


Chris Hubbs

Brisket turned out great! I’d give myself maybe a 8.5/10. Think I could’ve pulled it a little sooner. Still, great flavor, texture is fine, lots of leftovers… yum.

One beef brisket, freshly sliced open after cooking

Chris Hubbs

David Bentley Hart’s “The Experience of God”

Chris Hubbs

Nervously doing my research as I prepare to smoke my first brisket on the pellet grill tomorrow. Well, starting tomorrow night, going overnight into Monday. Getting hungry thinking about it.


Chris Hubbs

I grew up in Nebraska, a huge Husker fan, and never made it to a football game. My kid is now a freshman at UNL and attending their first game today. I’m kinda jealous, but mostly grateful. #GBR


Chris Hubbs

Looks like I’m going to need to buy a new suit for some work events. Last one was 60 lbs ago and cheap off the rack at Kohl’s. Think I’m ready to invest a little more this time. Not a fan of the shopping process, though…


Chris Hubbs

Wow, Jannik Sinner, the 1 seed at the US Open, dropped his first set to unseeded Mackenzie McDonald, and is already down a break in the second set. Feels like a little karma after his failed doping tests.


Chris Hubbs

I live in Iowa and work with a bunch of 30-something white guy engineers who ought to be in the MAGA demographic. To overhear their conversations about politics, though, gives me hope; they see the corruption of the media and of huge corporate wealth and MAGA’s moral bankruptcy.


Chris Hubbs

@drose Got lucky today!

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Chris Hubbs

Bullet Points for a very hot Monday Afternoon

Chris Hubbs

One more post for the morning: got a new professional headshot taken last Friday. I remember thinking back in late March when I got the previous one taken that I was looking like I had lost weight; surprising to me how much more significant it looks in this one. (I’m down 60 lbs this year!)


Chris Hubbs

First day of school today for our two college kids! A junior in Mechanical Engineering at South Dakota Mines and a freshman in Accounting at University of Nebraska. Completely up to them whether or not we get FDOS pictures or not. 😂


Chris Hubbs

File under: WTF.


Chris Hubbs

2024 Reads: Do We Not Bleed? by Daniel Taylor 📚


Chris Hubbs

Following up on my insurance post from a few days ago: just got our yearly renewal bill, and they are raising our rates by 25% out of the blue. (No claims! Same house and cars!) Seems that our shopping around has been timely.


Chris Hubbs

Moved kid #2 into the dorm yesterday for their first year at the University of Nebraska. The house feels pretty empty now… just the youngest left at home.


Chris Hubbs

A little personal work news: last week I was approved here at Collins Aerospace as a Senior Tech Fellow for software, with a focus on airworthiness certification. It’s a nice recognition of 25 years of expertise in my (very niche) discipline.


Chris Hubbs

We’ve had the same insurance company for 20 years and been happy with them. But our local office has shriveled and it’s now hard to get a response from anyone. Now have a competing quote that’s similarly priced. Worth the hassle of switching?


Chris Hubbs

@lmika Nice! I've been naming my devices after Muppets for a while now, but I'm slowly running out of names. Time to recycle some, probably.


Chris Hubbs

@drose Lucky guess for me today:

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Chris Hubbs

@davidtoddmccarty Utterly ridiculous look.


Chris Hubbs

@Mtt Very nice!


Chris Hubbs

@Mtt I'm currently wearing this one:


Chris Hubbs

@Mtt Oh, another Hamilton watch fan. Nice! Some nice ones there to choose from... I'm partial to #1 but curious what strap you'd put on it.


Chris Hubbs

@drose Got lucky today:

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Chris Hubbs

@DaveyCraney Yuuuup. (Just installed the beta.)


Chris Hubbs

@drose high five

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Chris Hubbs

@drose Yesterday I had a 6. But the streak lives!


Chris Hubbs

@drose Rough one today!

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Chris Hubbs

@Mtt I love this! I should do one of my own.


Chris Hubbs

@davidtoddmccarty Older man makes a creepy comment to the 22yo woman who is the new face of the local team... so the boss takes him off the beat. (Note it's not the team that banned him - it's the paper who reassigned him.)


Chris Hubbs

@drose Second place in her division. Qualifies for nationals!


Chris Hubbs

@amerpie I'm only a day into it so far (after having participated in the Kickstarter way back when, but not getting seriously into it at that point), but I'm loving it. It seems to hit the sweet spot for me.


Chris Hubbs

@ismh What was it again?


Chris Hubbs

@cjhubbs It does! Nice!