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Paweł Orzech

Paweł Orzech

Ok, im gonna check it.


Paweł Orzech

Fortnite is great, but Epic Games Stores app on Windows is abysmal. Not sure if I’ve ever used slower software than this.


Paweł Orzech

"Telegram clearly fails to meet this stronger definition for a simple reason: it does not end-to-end encrypt conversations by default. If you want to use end-to-end encryption in Telegram, you must manually activate an optional end-to-end encryption feature called “Secret Chats” for every single private conversation you want to have. The feature is explicitly not turned on for the vast majority of conversations, and is only available for one-on-one conversations, and never for group chats with more than two people in them. Source:…" I’m trying very hard to ...

Paweł Orzech

Now I’m sitting and thinking if there’s anything I forgot to move from Windows to Linux (even though I didn’t “move”, I just installed it side by side and everything on Windows is still there). Also Windows is here to stay since I can’t play Warzone on Linux, so I will have to use Windows too and that’s fi...

Paweł Orzech

Tomorrow wil be my first day of using Linux only for Work. Not sure if it’s gonna work out but let’s see. I can always boot into Windows if needed.


Paweł Orzech

Holy fuck.

In a pitch deck to prospective customers, one of Facebook’s alleged marketing partners explained how it listens to users' smartphone microphones and advertises to them accordingly.…


Paweł Orzech

Threads are fine in terms of being integrated with ActivityPub, but holy shit if this isn’t an engagement hell. Because I see how this app tries to hook me in I can’t (and will not) use it.


Paweł Orzech

I’ve been tracking calories for about six weeks now, and it’s both obvious and interesting that whenever my macros lean heavily towards carbs, I end up eating more than on days with a higher protein intake.


Paweł Orzech

On its 10th anniversary, Signal’s president wants to remind you that the world’s most secure communications platform is a nonprofit. It’s free. It doesn’t track you or serve you ads. It pays its engineers very well. And it’s a go-to app for hundreds of millions of people.…


Paweł Orzech

I need to learn docker. The time has come.


Paweł Orzech

Long day.


Paweł Orzech

I’d even wish it was Chrome but I don’t trust them at all. Brave probably, maybe Arc if they sort out their Windows app. This would be great, to not care about system at all but be able to do everything I need in just a web browser. Good thing I’ve bought that powerful PC with lots of RAM. I’m gonna need ...

Paweł Orzech

I’d actually love to have all of my life in a web browser. Just that. The web browser. Maybe this is something I should explore more? It’s definitely doable. Or is it?


Paweł Orzech

I’d love to buy myself an Android phone and my wife even said that I should go for it, but I can’t, yet. I’m gonna wait for someone to finally add something like MagSafe (Qi2?) so I can use my wallet and powerbanks. And then I’m gonna change my watch from Apple Watch to something more system agnostic (Garm...

Paweł Orzech

Was just listening the Arc podcast (the one about browser) and it’s fascinating that Stripe entire work-stack will be enterprise Chrome only. That’s bold but also VERY interesting.


Paweł Orzech

There’s a good and bad part to it. Good part is that I’m going to just move everything to new, HomeAssistant-only server. Bad part - I’ve got to do it. I have to do “the thing”.


Paweł Orzech

Next time I’m going to consider using RPi4 on something I use everyday just kick me in the head. My old HA setup (that I’m using in current apartment) just broke.


Paweł Orzech

Even though MTG:Arena is not available on Linux it just worked without any modifications just by clicking a checkbox on Steam. This is wild!


Paweł Orzech

@Havn huh interesting take regarding how much goes to artist either way. Joe thing still stands though! And music quality.

Isn’t tidal the best of both worlds with great quality and pretty ok app?


Paweł Orzech

New SSD just came in. Ubuntu is already installed. The only issue is that my keyboard doesn’t work nicely with Ubuntu because it’s Magic Whatever Apple Keyboard. I might just get the Logitech MX thing.


Paweł Orzech

@Havn I do use Spotify right now, but: it's giving money to Joe Rogan, Spotify keeps paying artists less than Apple Music does and quality of music isn't top tier (and I do have good enough stereo to listen to lossless music)


Paweł Orzech

I switched to Apple Music a long time ago, but I still use Spotify (and right now, it’s my “main” platform) because finding new music is MUCH easier on Spotify. The “Made for You” playlists are full of either songs I already love or tracks I haven’t heard before but would love to discover. Also, I’m not s...

Paweł Orzech

Homescreen 08/24.


Paweł Orzech

New profile pic who dis


Paweł Orzech

It started to feel bad to be so deep in Apple ecosystem when I see their greedy behaviour. They’re corporation, sure, but it didn’t feel that bad before.


Paweł Orzech

When you’re curious but need only one spoiler.


Paweł Orzech

Ordered 512GB SSD to put Linux on. Two systems on one machine it is. I’m wondering which one I’m actually going to use more!


Paweł Orzech

@JohnPhilpin yeah, but you can still use it with other services


Paweł Orzech

@hey true, it doesn’t want to make me trust them more though


Paweł Orzech

@wikiyu to analogiem, wszystkie zdjęcia ze ślubu mamy analogami:)


Paweł Orzech

@Havn sure think! Thanks again for the food for thought


Paweł Orzech

@Havn nice, valid point. I think you might be right! I’m not using Arc on Windows so I don’t use the same browser everywhere. Hmmm… thanks for the input, I might think about it more now 😅


Paweł Orzech

@Havn lots of apps I don’t even recognise!


Paweł Orzech

@gregmorris for real, great stuff!


Paweł Orzech

@gregmorris these are beautiful.


Paweł Orzech

@Havn thanks! I think so too, need to make it more regular thing!


Paweł Orzech

@wikiyu exactly. Yesss.


Paweł Orzech

@vincent thank you! It is, really, close to perfect (apart from the air quality)


Paweł Orzech

@renevanbelzen I mean, yes, sure, of course. It’s just one of these products when even if I would complain I wouldn’t consider a change. Same goes for Fastmail or 1Password.


Paweł Orzech

@canion Obsidian became a thing, then Spotify instead of Apple Music, then Microsoft Edge instead of Safari.


Paweł Orzech

@ldukemperezo I do have that very small, portable Canon though that works most of the time during daylight (and it’s pretty mediocre) during low light scenarios. Maybe I should just rent it out and check how I’m feeling about this


Paweł Orzech

@pcora I do have Canon G5X Mark II with me all the time but you can cheat bigger sensor with smaller sensor unfortunately. It is very convenient though, small, f/1.8-2.8 and basically 24-120mm lens. Very good but noise comes up quite quickly with it


Paweł Orzech

@canion it’s becoming very slow and sometimes closed tabs are coming back or are behaving like they are still opened (closed google meet but camera is still active even though there’s nothing to be active for)


Paweł Orzech

@ner3y more time passes the less enthusiastic I am honestly, if they went to therapy this movie wouldn't make sense at all


Paweł Orzech

@alexander im using Obsidian for notes, and I really like how interactive Journal from apple is. Photos, videos, pins on a map! Very nice


Paweł Orzech

@camiel I think that’s from old version, just grew to love it (and any other breaks my brain)


Paweł Orzech

@jaheppler what makes you do that?


Paweł Orzech

@camiel I'm in "read with Reeder, reply with whatever" boat. My mastodon account is hosted on my own instance, so I couldn't care less with someone follows my or Mastodon account, they're gonna get bombarded with my ~content~ either way. What's your take on it? What you can't stand or don't want to happen?


Paweł Orzech

@vincent unknown error feed in FreshRSS :(