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Mu-An Chiou
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Mu-An Chiou

Our Olympic Boxing gold medalist Yu-Ting Lin, who was cyber bullied by J. K. Rowling for “gender controversy”, is now the anti-bullying ambassador for the department of Education. ♥︎


Mu-An Chiou

Process a loss.


Mu-An Chiou

Just wrote a journal entry, and as I was finishing the entry I realized that I should talk to my therapist about what I was writing down instead of letting it play in a loop in my head. 10/10 would journal again.


Mu-An Chiou

Some people make me want to get better and be better. I keep them close.


Mu-An Chiou

I have been watching too much Taiwanese political news. Desperately need to disengage and do something chill with my time.

Also me: trying to find out how to join SDP Taiwan.


Mu-An Chiou

So many people claim to understand asexuality, but when I ask them to explain, they say “they don’t have sex.”—no! no. Read my note.


Mu-An Chiou

Liking the Ultrahuman ring so far.


Mu-An Chiou

Folks I donât know about the cats. I think itâs giving me some emotional support and socialization but I am also stressed about the responsibility and their wellbeing. Being dependent on is fucking scary and such a anti-Mu-An.move. I am not free anymore. I am anchored down and I am not sure if itâs w...

Mu-An Chiou

The adoption center told me since the cats I adopted are feral, they wouldnât hold it against me if I chose DNR if it came to it. And they apologized for being so direct. I almost responded with way too much informationâI signed DNR for myself already⦠itâs only logical??? Anyways I am stuck with...

Mu-An Chiou

My photo feed sync broke a while ago. Cause iCloud shared album sync is I guess blocked. I’ll fix at some point.


Mu-An Chiou

A friend dropped by last night to chat and commented on some minor messiness of my apartment. I made some excuses. Idk. I want yâall to know that I am just tired. I am so tired. Maybe instead of âwhy donât you throw these away?â just know that oh sheâs tired, who cares about these empty bottles....

Mu-An Chiou

My review of The Conquest of Happiness by Bertrand Russell.

In general, I didn’t find what I need. But a good and easy read for those who need directions, not motivation.


Mu-An Chiou

Late to Succession. At Season 2. Honestly I am happy for Roman.


Mu-An Chiou

Discussed with friends if I should officially adopt the cats. The answer is yes I need emotional support pets and they need a decent home which I think I am capable of providing. Tonight I fed them, they didnât show much care for me. I approached Mia later as she was staring me down and slow blinked in ...

Mu-An Chiou



I really have to finish this book. It’s taken too long.


Mu-An Chiou

German tutor: so let’s chat now about your week and practice using perfekt.

10 minutes later.

Me: gosh such struggle
Her: what? That was really good! you told me about your week!

5 minutes later.

Me: (checks watch) ok class over, no more German. so anyways she ended up… (discussing TV)
Her: hahahha


Mu-An Chiou

but this (kind of happiness) has to come from genuine, selflessness; it doesn’t come from self-sacrificial responsibilities. Responsibility is useful for work, yet brings nothing but resentment in relationships.

Still on The Conquest for Happiness by Bertrand Russell.


Mu-An Chiou

Plumber came! He was nice and pointed out other issues that have been bothering me. More things will be fixed!!!


Mu-An Chiou

Today I brought my toolbox to the rooftop and “fixed”(taped/hammered) a leak because the plumber wouldn’t come after 5 days of leakage since he last “fixed” the water tower. Now I have water. I hope it lasts.


Mu-An Chiou





Mu-An Chiou

Free Fire (2016): I am going through Cillian Murphy’s filmography.

Came across this great IMDb review:

★ 7/10 I have depression and a lot of problems with my life rn but I watched it and was neat
imxhill March 5, 2023


Mu-An Chiou

Video content seems to be mostly trash nowadays or perhaps my algorithm is fucked. Let me read some books.


Mu-An Chiou

@sherif ohh interesting. i’ve never entertained the thought of printing out photos. many I think are hardly worthy to be on my website haha. thanks I’ll think about it!


Mu-An Chiou

@tracydurnell thank you! I’ve been reading into CBT-I too. I know 5 hours don’t sound too bad but I’m honestly so exhausted every single day. 🥺 hopefully something works eventually.


Mu-An Chiou

@Miraz thank you :)


Mu-An Chiou

@odd thank you :)


Mu-An Chiou

@koddsson they’re in chinese!


Mu-An Chiou

@Miraz oh yeah I usually do but almost forgot if you hadn’t reminded me! Thanks!!


Mu-An Chiou

@pmarsceill Bless you. I ordered!!!


Mu-An Chiou

@skalnik It took me so long to figure out what I kinda want! even now these criterias are only a means to an end lol. I figured I'd know more once I actually get one. Gotta start somewhere, but I cant seem to start!!


Mu-An Chiou

@grayareas it is so good to be able to reserve seats!


Mu-An Chiou

@koddsson love this subtweet


Mu-An Chiou

@koddsson Me too! but I ma try to force myelf to plan that Chile trip.


Mu-An Chiou

@dgraham let’s be playstation friends!


Mu-An Chiou

@dgraham come backkkkkkk (jk)


Mu-An Chiou

@koddsson you did ittttyes


Mu-An Chiou

@kitt Ah I forgot profile is a thing! Also just found out now I can right click to open link in different profile! That should work. Thanks!


Mu-An Chiou

@josh Is there one for Chrome? I saw three on the web store but the most popular one has 200+ open issues and not great UI 😰


Mu-An Chiou

@koddsson hi fix your rss feed plz


Mu-An Chiou

@chet 💯%. ~The hypocrisies~ At that point are their values really their values? 😒


Mu-An Chiou

@chet Same here. But trying to work through the habit of liking things as a read mark for friends' posts. Hello!


Mu-An Chiou

@fiona 🙍🏻


Mu-An Chiou

@tmj aw thanks


Mu-An Chiou

@josh be here more! ♥️