
Mitch Cohen

First trip to SFO since pre-pandemic. Sight-seeing then 🍎🤓-seeing. I’ve been so off the social network grid I have no idea who I’ll see.


Mitch Cohen

@KimberlyHirsh I talked to their support folks. They said they put their logo on every book, so not for me. Oh well.


Mitch Cohen

@KimberlyHirsh Thank you! I’ve seen good reviews, good to hear good feedback from a real human too. :-)


Mitch Cohen

Anyone have a recommendation on where to order a nice book of family photos? I haven’t made one since Apple did it from within iPhoto. Looking for decent but not super-fancy. Definitely no printer logos anywhere to be seen, that’s just ugly.


Mitch Cohen

Finished reading: We Are Satellites by Sarah Pinsker 📚


Mitch Cohen

Finished reading about two weeks ago: Flight & Anchor by Nicole Kornher-Stace 📚 A fun prequel to Firebreak, which I read last year.


Mitch Cohen

@johnbrayton Congrats. That’s the most prudent choice, to stay comfortably under the levy limit as you can. Prop 2-1/2 is an awful law. Not a bad idea, just bad implementation details.


Mitch Cohen

@johnbrayton I found an article on it. Interesting! It’s a debt exclusion (a specific type of override), which passes much more often than an operating override. But there’s a backup plan to get the money within the levy limit, without an override. So it’s purely a question of how to pay for the school, without risk of not funding the school at all. I doubt many people will get the nuance between the two options.


Mitch Cohen

@johnbrayton Don’t leave us hanging! Did the override pass or fail? Margin? How much, and for what? I may have followup questions… :-)


Mitch Cohen

I gave a talk to local scouts last night (I’m a local government “official” in my spare time). Great discussion. I did not expect a followup question on the second amendment. Kids think about school shootings.


Mitch Cohen

@provuejim Well that’s annoying. I don’t use Vimeo all that often but when I do it’s usually on my Apple TV.


Mitch Cohen

My Apple Watch (Ultra) has begun taking screenshots on its own. Usually several per day, beginning 3-4 weeks ago. I imagine I’m pressing my wrist back into the buttons. I’m unsure how or why this began - not wearing it any differently than when I first got it a few months ago. Same band, etc.


Mitch Cohen

You know it’s a good party when…


Mitch Cohen

For reasons unknown, I’ve just completed binge-watching the entire 1950’s Adventures of Superman with George Reeves. One take-away: At no time in the series did Superman change the course of even one mighty river.

Still frame of Adventures of Superman opening, Stuperman posing, with caption “Superman, who can change the course of mighty rivers” visible.


Mitch Cohen

@zorn We’ve had this Panasonic for about five years, and really like it. Not a giant model. White was a requirement for us. UI is weird but not awful.

Panasonic Toaster Oven FlashXpress with Double Infrared Heating and Removable 9-Inch Inner Baking Tray, 1300W, 12 x 13 x 10.25, Silver a.co/d/gCCIJrG


Mitch Cohen

Solitude on the water. 📷

Person standing on a paddle board on a calm sea, wifh the sun rising behind.


Mitch Cohen

The weather was delightful last week for our vacation. One morning I made pancakes on the grill by the beach.

Me at a grill cooking pancakes. palm trees and the ocean reflected in clubhouse windows.


Mitch Cohen

The same little twist-tie has kept this suitcase secure during air travel for thirty years. (Welcome to the March 2023 micro.blog photo challenge!) 📷


Mitch Cohen

Creepy internet robot is creepy micro.mitchcohen.com

Mitch Cohen

Cheese, and accessories.

Cross-section of a lasagna slice (photo)


Mitch Cohen

@johnbrayton I’ve yet to test if it works. My guess is not; it was just a decorative piece of furniture at our library. If it works (or if I feel like fixing it), yes, I could get modern stuff running on it. There’s a 300-ohm antenna terminal on the back. I’d run HDMI into a composite converter, then through a VCR for modulation to channel 3. Lastly one of those old antenna/game adapters. Because I’m me I have all that stuff. :-)


Mitch Cohen

@johnbrayton This is the model, which has a “1951?” date: https://www.radiomuseum.org/r/generalel16c103.html


Mitch Cohen

Added a new item to my collection of obsolete-but-beautiful tech.

1951 GE Television in a wood console


Mitch Cohen

I don’t mind being as old as I am, but I’ve had enough of grownupping for a while.


Mitch Cohen

Finished reading: Annie Leibovitz. The early years 1970-1983 by Luc Sante 📚


Mitch Cohen

Last night I gave a talk on local government to 25 ten-year-old scouts. I’m so impressed how aware and engaged they are, with incredibly insightful questions. I can’t wait until they’re old enough to attend Town Meeting!


Mitch Cohen

@klandwehr Their blueberry scones are delightful! Never thought I’d run into another local on micro blog, hello!


Mitch Cohen

@theweeklyreview Thank you for 250 episodes. I always enjoyed listening to the two of you talk. Occasionally it even inspired me to do a weekly review!


Mitch Cohen

Finished reading: A Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker 📚I enjoyed this quite a bit. I’m a big fan of live music, so I sympathized with the characters. An easy read. Shouldn’t be challenging for those who aren’t SciFi fans.


Mitch Cohen

@zorn Two obvious choices: Masking tape over the switch, or jumper the terminals so it’s always on. Easy! :-)


Mitch Cohen

Currently reading: A Song for a New Day by Sarah Pinsker 📚


Mitch Cohen

Finished reading: What If? 2 by Randall Munroe 📚


Mitch Cohen

@johnbrayton @danielpunkass That would have been an interesting conversation. My guess is any move like that would have gotten the other R’s to close ranks and approve McCarthy earlier (preventing D involvement). That would have made the R’s look better than 15 votes and still given D’s nothing. Hard to know.


Mitch Cohen

@brentsimmons This is glorious, I had no idea NNW did this. My only remaining semi-important birdsite use was monitoring a few searches. Thank you.


Mitch Cohen

Found today in a box of childhood stuff: A 1983 computer magazine insert of a record. When played into a TRS-80 Color Computer the bleeps and bloops become three little programs.


Mitch Cohen

@danielpunkass I watched the State Senate inaugurations the other day. They had the predicable party split for Senate President, but then the Republicans all changed their vote for unanimous support of the Democrat. Nice to see people working together; that’s an important symbol.


Mitch Cohen

@jean I hope there’s no big emergency! Nice planning to have this one planned and ready to go. :-)


Mitch Cohen

I wanted to do more indoor bike workouts this month. Apple Fitness wants me to use the elliptical. I may have found a loophole, by doing multiple short workouts in succession…often with a bike ride before or after. (Today is January 5th.)

January Challenge Earn this award by doing 27 Elliptical workouts that last for 5 minutes or more. You've done 12 so far this month.


Mitch Cohen

@jean Last year was a big year: two promotions at work, and got elected to a government thing in my town. This year, hoping to just get good at the new things.


Mitch Cohen

@johnbrayton 363 days to the due date, no problem!


Mitch Cohen

@KimberlyHirsh Thank you! :-)


Mitch Cohen

@flooie @johnbrayton I guess that means we should have an in-person CocoaHeads next year…


Mitch Cohen

@bwebster Ah. The intent makes sense. As does my preference to live far away from major fault lines… Hopefully they can tweak the alert thresholds. I imagine in some cases such a system can be helpful.


Mitch Cohen

@bwebster Naive question, from a New Englander who has never experienced a quake: Does whoever sends these alerts know about a quake before you feel it? Or is it a confirmation of something you’d know, like when the power company sends me a text saying I’ve lost power five minutes after my neighborhood goes dark?


Mitch Cohen

@mitch Apparently I’ve forgotten how to format posts correctly.


Mitch Cohen

Introduce yourself with five TV shows 📺 1. Twin Peaks 2. Star Trek (original series) 3. Rectify 4. My Name is Earl 5. It’s Garry Shandling’s Show


Mitch Cohen

Introduce yourself with five TV shows 📺 * Twin Peaks * Star Trek (original series) * Rectify * My Name is Earl * It’s Garry Shandling’s Show


Mitch Cohen

Introduce yourself with five TV shows 1. Twin Peaks 2. Star Trek (original series) 3. Rectify 4. My Name is Earl 5. It’s Garry Shandling’s Show


Mitch Cohen

@benwerd Once the three-hour return flight home was in the air we realized we’d folded the baby bottles in with the stroller, now safely below deck. Not recommended. Survived by holding her and walking up and down the aisle continuously for the entire flight.


Mitch Cohen

@brentsimmons Every time I view the App Privacy Report I wish for a “block” option for each domain. So creepy.