John Beverley Avatar
John Beverley
Retired and living in Portugal. I try to take a camera with me whenever I leave the house. I edit my digital snaps in iOS Photos and Snapseed on an iPad. I've just bought a Ricoh GR IIIx but I shall continue to use; iPhone SE, Ricoh GR 2 Digital [2007], LUMIX GF1 [2009] and a white LUMIX G3 [2011]. Today's digital cameras and the associated Lightroom workflow are of course the devil's work and to be avoided at all costs. SOOC [Straight Out Of Camera] is my preferred workflow which is also in keeping with one of my greatest life learnings, "the simplest system suitable for the particularly circumstances". The best of times was when Kodachrome 64 was around and I regret not shooting more with it.

John Beverley

@Ron Not being a smoker, I had no idea what you meant. The ashtray was just on the table when I sat down. Just shows that we can look at something and not see it.

My hometown in the north of England is but a few miles from the town of Chesterfield and I thought that was the connection.


John Beverley



John Beverley

@de Thank you. My first interaction on this platform. Just learning how it works at the moment.