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Jade van Dorsten

Jade van Dorsten

I lol’d when I saw this dropdown menu in an official Apple app

Olympics event schedule in Apple News. The date picker is a drop down, with July 24 through July 30 visible in the screenshot.

Jade van Dorsten

Gave me the blues and then purple pink skies


Jade van Dorsten

I took my MacBook on the boat with the hope that the solution to a bug I’ve been trying to solve all day would magically reveal itself — but no 😔

View of a lake from a boat, with a laptop screen reflecting the surroundings.

Jade van Dorsten

I specifically sought out this toothpaste because its branding is nice. But, it’s also one of the few options that don’t have SLS while still having fluoride.

It’s a good toothpaste, but $7 for a relatively small tube is not so great.

Invigorating Wintergreen Twice toothpaste

Jade van Dorsten

It turns out you can get a month of Peacock for $2 as a student! This is much better than what I did the last Olympic games, which involved some — let’s say — less-than-recommended methods of watching.


Jade van Dorsten

TIL that RSS XML feeds can be styled

Pretty Feed — Styles an RSS/Atom feed, making it friendly for humans viewers.


Jade van Dorsten

Probably a good time to short Amazon (not financial advice)

A man wearing an Amazon vest carries packages away from the U-Haul van in which he got them and up a path through grass

Jade van Dorsten

@vincent 👋


Jade van Dorsten

@manton I bought a pair of in-ear wired headphones a while back because my AirPods Pro started to suffer from the known crackling issue. I've been really happy with using them.

Still, I frequently use my AirPods for convenience, just never for intentful music listening.


Jade van Dorsten

Test post


Jade van Dorsten

I love waking up to the smell of a new LLM release


Jade van Dorsten

I spent the past 20 minutes trying to recite the bridge from I Love You, I’m Sorry by Gracie Abrams:

You were the best but you were the worst
As sick as it sounds, I loved you first
I was a dick, it is what it is
A habit to kick, the age-old curse
I tend to laugh whenever I’m sad
I stare at the crash, it actually works
Making amends, this shit never ends
I’m wrong again, wrong again
The way life goes…


Jade van Dorsten

Once again spent pretty much the entire day continuing to build out my new website. I estimate 2 more days until I’ll feel comfortable shipping.


Jade van Dorsten

test post


Jade van Dorsten

Using SolidJS components within Astro is incredibly cool


Jade van Dorsten

It’s not even close to being ready to ship yet, but I’m loving how my new personal site is coming along. It’s been slow progress the past few days, but today I worked on it all day (a total of 35 commits :p). I haven’t mentioned it before, but I’m building it with Astro (current site is with Next.js). An... jade.micro.blog

Jade van Dorsten

Today was my grandma’s birthday and so family got together. I took my cousin on a 19 mi bike tour of the city, which was really fun. And I went out on the boat a couple times. All around excellent vibes today.


Jade van Dorsten


A city skyline viewed from a boat on a lake at night, featuring illuminated buildings and light reflecting off the water.

Jade van Dorsten

Out on the lake this morning

A city skyline viewed from a boat on a lake, featuring a blue sky with thin clouds and various buildings.

Jade van Dorsten

@warner My favorite instructor in college peached the value of sketching. One of our assignments was to watch this talk by Dan Roam: "The Back of the Napkin"


Jade van Dorsten

I’m tempted to go hunting for some Public Blue Screens of Death (r/PBSOD)


Jade van Dorsten

I’m bored of my current website.

These past few days I’ve been gathering inspiration for the iteration of my site, and tomorrow begins the development phase.

I’m actually designing it this time as opposed to just figuring it out along the way. I’m using (and enjoying) Sketch for this process.


Jade van Dorsten

Taylor Swift trivia was fun! I joined a team with two elderly ladies and we (well, really I) scored pretty high. They didn’t know it was a Swiftie trivia lol

I was hoping to make some friends at the event, but almost everyone was there was either half or double my age. I’m still glad I went though!


Jade van Dorsten

If only the interviewer had asked about the Mac app 😔

"We are focused on music while other people are running away from music into podcasts and audiobooks…"


Jade van Dorsten

Almost forgot about this event!

Taylor Swift trivia event in calendar marked for 18:30

Jade van Dorsten

bread secured

A white bike with a beige Peak Design bag hanging from the handlebars, containing two baguettes wrapped in paper. The bike is parked on a path next to grass.

Jade van Dorsten

Font management on iOS is embarrassing. You can’t just install a font: you have to do it through a third-party app using provisioning profiles. Oh, and variable fonts aren’t supported.

Luckily the iFont app works well enough.


Jade van Dorsten

It feels GREAT to be sleeping with the windows open — finally it’s cool enough 😌


Jade van Dorsten

@brunocampos It's the Logitech Desk Mat, though I honestly wouldn't recommend it.


Jade van Dorsten

@manton Looking forward to hearing about them!


Jade van Dorsten

@jsonbecker I've always wanted to use Nova, but yeah it's just not there. And it probably won't ever be unfortunately.

I know Zed is putting a lot of work into their vim mode — maybe give it a try. It's not as pretty as Nova, but it's quickly becoming a competent editor.


Jade van Dorsten

@Miraz Aside from the other concerns, private helicopters are pretty risky!

I saw this tweet the other day. I don't know how precise the statistic is, but I think the point still stands:

Other things that make no sense to me is flying helicopters everywhere. The odds of dying per trip is so high at 1 in 100,000 trips. So it's about 4x more dangerous than a private jet, and 800x more dangerous than flying commercial



Jade van Dorsten

@pcora I also trigger this a lot. At least now I know how to workaround it, ty


Jade van Dorsten

@brunocampos nice view!


Jade van Dorsten

@brunocampos Yep, threw them in the wash — all good now 😌


Jade van Dorsten

@brunocampos this is how my shoes looked 😭

Soaked shoes and socks, covered with dirt


Jade van Dorsten

@brunocampos I've learned to appreciate rainy days too. Though this last month has been testing my patience a bit — I think nearly half the days were rainy.

Also apologies for just now seeing your reply! Something is up with my Micro.blog notifications


Jade van Dorsten

@brunocampos I didn’t know you were developing a startup! That’s awesome — good luck 🫡


Jade van Dorsten

@bjhess I'm using the pro trial. I've heard the free tier isn't very good.


Jade van Dorsten

@jsonbecker Consider giving Supermaven a try if you really want to move fast. At least for me, I found myself often taking micro-pauses waiting for Copilot generation. With SM autocompletions are practically instant, making it feel much better.


Jade van Dorsten

@brunocampos Aviation is the field I wanted to go into before software engineering. Really cool you get to mix the two


Jade van Dorsten

@ningkantida Dickinson is up next on my to-watch list! This actually got me quite a bit more excited to watch it.


Jade van Dorsten

@brunocampos I agree, definitely gonna make an effort to do it more often.


Jade van Dorsten

@brunocampos Welcome Bruno 👋


Jade van Dorsten

@miguelmanalo Absolutely. At least it does get easier with time.


Jade van Dorsten

@miguelmanalo <3 it's been a few months since my pup got euthanized


Jade van Dorsten

@KimberlyHirsh thanks 😊


Jade van Dorsten

@ningkantida Beautiful work and well said with "it encapsulates the bittersweet nature of 'what-ifs'" — the 1 is one of my absolute favorites 🩶


Jade van Dorsten

@goblingumbo I was thinking of listening to each album on this list too! I'm not yet sure how I want to go about it, be it one a day or whatever.


Jade van Dorsten

@hrv here's the full list of commands georgegarside.com/blog/maco...