Jacob Gorban Avatar
Jacob Gorban
Founder of Apparent Software. Mac app developer since 2006. Play guitars. Read books. Record and enjoy genre-being rock/fusion/metal. I built https://musicians.on-micro.blog

Jacob Gorban

Finally iOS 17 support Facebook!? You’re either a year too late or confused.


Jacob Gorban

@bjhess I’m still to listen to the whole album more than once. I listened to the singles before and they’re pretty nice. Nothing is groundbreaking on the album. The cover song, where his daughter sings, is a really good song. Reminds me of Porcupine Tree. Gilmour’s own songs often lack some energy for me but they have nice moments.


Jacob Gorban

Eter (our internet radio player app for Apple devices) now supports sharing radio stations. A surprise awaits those who come to the share page without Eter installed on their iPhone. Try it: eter.apparentsoft.com/stations/…


Jacob Gorban

David Gilmour’s new album is out now.


Jacob Gorban

My 🐕 Sparky is addicted to snacks and would sometimes bark to request them. I now call him “addictator”.


Jacob Gorban

🎵🚨Gonna have the premiere of my new song release (that I started writing in late 2020) in 5 mins at www.youtube.com/watch It’s a kind of a singer-songwriter rock.


Jacob Gorban

@odd I also haven’t been buying physical media for a long time. In May we went to an antiques store and saw all the CDs and LPs there and, somehow I now have an LP player and a few records. It’s a different kind of experience. I’ve almost forgot how it feels listening to physical media.


Jacob Gorban

I bought two Kansas vinyl records yesterday, though I don’t know them well. Is an opportunity to get better acquainted. Also, what beautiful sleeve in this one. The other one is their first album.

If you buy physical media, do you usually buy albums you already know or new stuff to discover?


Jacob Gorban

🎵 Did you know I write a newsletter related to my musical journey? I just posted some “behind the scenes” for an upcoming songs that’s been (too) long in the making. music.gorban.org/posts/spa…


Jacob Gorban

I like how in the past bands would often invest in the cover art, sometimes with quite original ideas like here. A bonus short appearance of Sparky 🐶 in the end of the video.

🎵Which albums’ cover art do you like the most?


Jacob Gorban

I went to a mastering studio yesterday, for finalizing my next song release. This was a fun and educational experience. 🎵


Jacob Gorban

Apple stock is down 2%. Coming back up “later this year”.


Jacob Gorban

This 🎸 solo, played by Larry Carlton for Steely Dan, is such a melodic marvel and a lot of fun to play. 🎵 Kid Charlemagne.


Jacob Gorban

Ha, ChatGPT. I caught you!


Jacob Gorban

I have to say that in my various, limited testing of llama-3 AI model vs ChatGPT 4 Plus, I often find llama-3 following instructions better and giving more precise results. Quite surprising. These two images are ChatGPT4 and llama-3-7B run locally, which actually gave a better result.

Result of ChatGPT4Result of llama-3-7b. Here is a poem about programming for iOS in Swift:&10;&10;`let codeFlow = "where logic meets art"&10;print("Creating an app from the heart")&10;var uiView: UIView = UIView()&10;uiView.backgroundColor = .systemBlue&10;print("Designing UI, making it new")&10;func handleTap(_ sender: UITapGestureRecognizer) {&10;    print("User tapped!")&10;}&10;print("Adding functionality, step by step")&10;swift.print("iOS dev's delight is in sight")`&10;&10;This poem contains valid Swift code, using the `let`, `var`, and `func` keywords to define a variable, an instance of a class (`UIView`), and a function. The code also uses string interpolation to print out a message.


Jacob Gorban

So happy about the new music from David Gilmour, one of my main influences on guitar. The first single’s video is just out, and it’s a better song than I was expecting, given his previous output lately. Good energy. www.youtube.com/watch


Jacob Gorban

I came up with this funky part Tuesday evening. It’s really fun to solo over when looped. Could be a basis for a full composition, I think. 🎵🎸


Jacob Gorban

I’ve recently connected with a local singer and recorded his vocals for a song that has been waiting for better vocals for a couple of years 🤦🏻‍♂️. I’ve been trying to sing it myself but my vocals are not good enough. It’s a lesson I learned with my last song. Now I’m in the mixing stage.


Jacob Gorban

@rnv Julian is an exquisite musician. Such a joy to listen to.


Jacob Gorban

Yesterday, while driving, I heard two songs on the PRM online radio that I liked. With the new history feature in Eter, I later added these albums to my Apple Music library. That’s exactly the use-case that I envisioned this feature for.

A list of songs in Eter.The new my added album cover art in Apple Music


Jacob Gorban

@iChris I’m waiting for storm here in Winnipeg. But supposedly it shouldn’t snow as much here as further west.


Jacob Gorban

🚀 Eter 2.0 is now on Product Hunt. If you’re part of the community, check out the launch: www.producthunt.com/posts/ete…


Jacob Gorban

We launch Eter 2.0 (an online radio streaming app for Apple devices) on Product Hunt tomorrow. We’ll appreciate it if you follow the launch. You can get notified at www.producthunt.com/products/… Requires Product Hunt account. IYKYK.


Jacob Gorban

The now-shut-down Apple car project was actually a cover operation. They were never going to compete with Tesla. Instead, Apple is going to compete with Space X. Also, introducing SpaceshipPlay.


Jacob Gorban

In elections a few years from now, I’m afraid we’re going to vote for a person (or a party) that can write the “desired” prompts to the AI, asking it to suggest policies to achieve specific outcomes (fiscal, international policy, security, education etc). “Vote for me to ask AI this question!”


Jacob Gorban

This Valentine’s Day, show your love to your musical instrument 🎷 🎸 🥁, by playing them this song: You Make Me Smile: open.spotify.com/playlist/…


Jacob Gorban

We all know the proverb, “Tell me who your friends are and I will tell you who you are”. I think it needs a 21st century update of “Tell me who you follow on social media and I will tell you who you are”.


Jacob Gorban

🎵🚨 Just another reminder that last week I’ve released a new rock song of which I’m very proud.

Take a listen and use the opportunity to follow my account, too, where you listen. Spread the word, too. Thank you.



Jacob Gorban

Wut!? Apple brought easy category browsing back to the App Store app? Hurray.


Jacob Gorban

@ddanielson I approve of this choice. Personally, I haven’t listened to a vinyl in decades but it does evoke nostalgia.


Jacob Gorban

@V_ similar to how I do it if I read fiction


Jacob Gorban

@muncman yeah, I’m afraid you’re right.


Jacob Gorban

@jean Looking good!


Jacob Gorban

@JohnPhilpin so it’s interesting. Curation (or editorials) could help with actually sifting through the noise but, apparently, in practice this doesn’t work. Or even if there’s curation on the track level by the streaming services, the customers still don’t care about a specific artist. No loyalty.


Jacob Gorban

@JohnPhilpin yeah. Also, as a “small unknown” musician, just the basically endless amount of music makes it hard to get my music out. Some people, especially people who know me, might listen to it once, at most, and then move on to the next new music.


Jacob Gorban

@JohnPhilpin Interesting article about the Pitchfork going down and all the layoffs. Makes me think about the music industry future, too, especially as someone who both feels it in the tech (death of tech journalism, at least in the App Space) and, on the other hand, as a musician.


Jacob Gorban

@dwalbert interesting. But I can’t find anything about this “Java Script” in Yahoo! Portal.


Jacob Gorban

@yurkevich yes, it was so exciting to see and touch those physical packages.


Jacob Gorban

@JohnPhilpin hehe. Yea, must be surprising coming to a smallish private Slack and finding a familiar face. I like the app. It’s not perfect but they iterate rather quickly. Still missing some usability stuff to make it more useful but it’s certainly an interesting product that can be helpful at times.


Jacob Gorban

@JohnPhilpin I’m a customer. Not on the team.


Jacob Gorban

@jean So great. What a great view and a perfect captured moment.


Jacob Gorban

@jean thank you for the update. My memory servesd me bad here. I thought it used to work but I must have always used the web in that case. It’s been a while since I posted a video.


Jacob Gorban

@jean unrelated, perhaps. But I couldn’t upload the video from the iOS app. It would only list photos. Had to do it from the web interface. @manton


Jacob Gorban

@jemostrom I’m sure Moom and other window managers are great. On my personal Mac I set up a few keyboard shortcuts with keyboard maestro to position windows if needed. But having some built-in support is still welcome, even if it’s quite sub-par.


Jacob Gorban

@zorn if these are Jira tickets, I believe Jira integration does this automatically.


Jacob Gorban

@ronguest that’s also my thinking about 3D printers. Cool tech but I can’t think of more than 1-2 small things I may need it for. Haven’t seen anything helpful in Thingiverse either.


Jacob Gorban

@mattgemmell it works. You have an advantage to many other novelists by being a techie, too ;)


Jacob Gorban

@f I'm still happy with my Series 5. I'm not a big watch person anyway. Enjoy the Ultra!