Jason Deabill Avatar
Jason Deabill
Saints fan, software developer and mild irritant.

Jason Deabill

@Mtt Great work, thank you. 👍


Jason Deabill

@manton Perfect, thank you. I did try the docs but I'm guessing they've not caught up yet 👍


Jason Deabill

@manton Am I going mad, or has the "Edit CSS" option vanished from the "Design" page?


Jason Deabill

How do I know I’m getting old? I found myself yelling at the TV last night as Sophie Raworth announced “…suitcases found by the Clifton Suspension Bridge.”.

Me: “Near! Near the Clifton Suspension Bridge. How can a bridge find a suitcase?”



Jason Deabill

I wasn’t expecting that. England have shown very little until now to suggest they could overcome a decent Netherlands side. However, tournament football is all about results and building to peak at the right time. Much better performance tonight but Spain will be a stern challenge. Could be fun. ⚽


Jason Deabill

💥 Come on Lewis! Remarkable race, remarkable result. Nice to see he’s still got it (as if there was any doubt). Shame about Lando and George, but today belongs to LH44. Masterful. #F1 🏎️


Jason Deabill

Silverstone never fails to deliver. Really enjoyable qualifying and so good to see things getting so close. Hope the 2026 regs don’t make a mess of it. 🇬🇧🏎️


Jason Deabill

Taken from BBC News. I (perhaps incorrectly) infer a couple of key things:

  1. By drawing Tory votes Reform did much more to win the election for Labour than Labour did
  2. Increasing your vote share by 1.6% and getting 211 new seats shows just how fundamentally flawed the UK electoral system is


Graph of change in vote share by party for the UK General Election 2024. Showing a small positive swing for Labour and a large reduction for the Conservative Party


Jason Deabill

Well, that exit poll is pretty definitive. Even if it’s a ways off, the Tories are getting the predicted battering. Will be an interesting few years, but pleased to be largely done with the current bunch. 🗳️


Jason Deabill

Beer No. 6 is Blanche de Bruxelles, cloudy, slightly citrus wheat beer. Like many of these beers so far, it’s fine. Perfectly drinkable and enjoyable enough but I’m still waiting for something that really sticks out in the crowd. ★★★☆☆


Jason Deabill

Today’s the day. First General Election in the new Hamble Valley Constituency, hard to tell how the gerrymandering will impact the result. 🗳️

The outside of a UK polling station showing the “Polling Station” sign against a brick wall


Jason Deabill

Beer No. 5 is Chimay Gold and I’m not a big fan of this one. Just a little bland and flat tasting. Not unpleasant, but very forgettable. ★★☆☆☆

A bottle of Chimay Gold beer next to it’s cap


Jason Deabill

Epic #F1 qualifying today. Delighted for Norris who keeps showing why everyone thinks he’s amongst the best on the grid. Great to see Mercedes seem to have made real steps. Four cars under 0.04s apart - it’s incredibly tight. Checo can’t be happy to be 0.7s behind Max in the same car. 🏎️


Jason Deabill

In recent years we’ve tried to gift the girls experiences rather than things, they’ve so many things. So, we took the girls to Wembley Stadium last night for the first London night of the Eras Tour (Christmas ‘23 present). Whether you like the music or not it’s a cracking show and Taylor’s talent and acume... jason.dea.bz

Jason Deabill

My birthday is a distant memory now but beer No. 4 is Vedett Extra Pilsner. Another blond beer, this was refreshing but a little bland. A touch hoppy and not unpleasant but doesn’t really stand out in a crowd. ★★★☆☆

A can of Vedett Extra Pilsner beer


Jason Deabill

No. 3 in the short series of Belgian birthday beers is Duvel 6.66%. This is right up my street, refreshing and fruity. Perfect summer beer. Easy to drink so need to remember it’s quite strong. This is my favourite so far. ★★★★☆

A bottle of Duvel 6.66% beer alongside it’s removed cap


Jason Deabill

At the Mayflower tonight for a performance of Wicked. Not seen it before but hear great things. Should be a fun evening. 🎭

The pre-show stage for a performance of Wicked. The safety screen is down and painted with a map of Oz. A dragon sits atop the proscenium


Jason Deabill

No. 2 in my short series of Belgian birthday beers is a blond beer from Brugse Zot. Being blond this was lighter, also a little fruity and a touch bitter. Very pleasant, but again not that exciting to me. ★★★☆☆

A bottle of Brugse Zot Blond beer alongside it’s removed cap


Jason Deabill

@ekcragg Thanks. You get to a point you're just desperate not to concede. Highly stressful but great event.


Jason Deabill

Absolutely epic day at Wembley yesterday watching this incredible #SaintsFC team. Easy to underestimate how bad things were a year ago, the turnaround has been impressive. Definitely the most stressful way to get promoted, but so much fun. Massive summer and another tough season ahead. ⚽


Jason Deabill

Lego Speed Champions Audi S1 e-tron quattro, really fun build as usual with Speed Champions. Looks great, and my first set with paper bags. Nice to see a little less plastic packaging.


Jason Deabill

I recently achieved another loop around the sun and was gifted a selection of Belgian beers. First up is De Koninck Bolleke. Quite malty and that beautiful amber colour you get with many of these beers. Enjoyable but I think we’ll find better. ★★★☆☆

A bottle of De Koninck Bolleke beer alongside it’s removed cap


Jason Deabill

Lego Tales of the Space Age struck me the very first time I saw it. Beautiful, slightly abstract and highly original. It’s even better in the flesh. Not the most stretching build, but an exceptional display piece.

Lego Tales of the Space age. Four roughly postcard sized builds, each with a colour gradient into black from bottom to top. Depicting a meteor, a planet and moon, a rocket launch and a ringed planet.


Jason Deabill

Decent race in Imola in the end. Love watching Lando pushing in a car with decent pace. Just need Ferrari to find a little more and we might see some 3-way battles. Good stuff. 🏎️


Jason Deabill

Absolutely love this Lego Speed Champions McLaren F1 car. Remarkably detailed for it’s scale. Built it whilst watching qualifying from Imola. As ever, Max blowing everyone away but Lando and Oscar have really stepped up. Shame the Mercs seem to be pushing forward to stand still. 🏎️

A Lego Speed Champions Formula 1 papaya McLaren sits on a black surface in front of qualifying from Imola being shown on a soft-focus TV screen behind.


Jason Deabill

@mattypenny Yup, should be there. I find these big games are rarely enjoyable until the final whistle but couldn't possibly miss it. :-)


Jason Deabill

A rare atmosphere at St. Mary’s last night. Not always the most intimidating place for away teams but yesterday was special. Definitely a step up and the team responded. Great performance and now for an expensive trip to Wembley next weekend.

View across the pitch of St Mary’s Stadium. Fan shaped jets of flame light up in front of the stands on the far side of the pitch.


Jason Deabill

We made a visit to see First Born a couple of days ago and took the opportunity to visit Ross-on-Wye. Nice part of the world with a town centre a little less cookie-cutter than most. We took a wander along the Riverside Walk enjoying the paddle boarders, the spring sun and these swans in flight.

Black and white photo of a sculpture of three swans in flight. Tree foliage is visible in the bottom right, and clouds fill the sky


Jason Deabill

Miami GP turned out much better than expected. Delighted for Lando, it was always a matter of when, not if, he’d get that win. Piastri very unlucky but it looks like McLaren have found some decent pace. Even Lewis looked like he was having fun and we haven’t seen much of that this season. 🏎️


Jason Deabill

@manton Ideally I want one place to post and host my content. The consumer should then be able to decide what they want to see. Allowing folks to filter content types when they follow would be ideal. Following from a feed reader? Maybe you only want long posts. From Pixelfed? Just select photos etc


Jason Deabill

@mattypenny Incredible game. Bit more stressful than I'd like though! 😂


Jason Deabill

@odd She's just starting the UK and Ireland leg I believe. Was a good show.


Jason Deabill

@help Thank you :-)


Jason Deabill

@help I found the "Rebuild" button, that seems to have sorted it. Thank you.


Jason Deabill

@help Deleting a Page or changing the slug on a Page doesn't seem to actually delete the page. It goes from the backend UI and the blog nav, but the page remains accessible by the URL. Is there a way to clean this up?