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Kris Laratta
Sometimes I'm everything all the time

Kris Laratta

Finished reading: The Uses of Enchantment by Bruno Bettelheim 📚


Kris Laratta

Currently reading: Egyptian Myths & Legends by J.K. Jackson 📚


Kris Laratta

Currently reading: The Uses of Enchantment by Bruno Bettelheim 📚


Kris Laratta

New door day! Which is also my way of saying, after all the work we’ve done for the last several months, we finally moved into our new house three weeks ago! Big projects are done (for now), but there will still be plenty of small ones.

A new exterior door, from inside of a house, with a large window.

Kris Laratta

Currently reading: Cosmos by Carl Sagan 📚


Kris Laratta

Finished reading: Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson 📚It was good, even without Tim Curry and singing muppets.


Kris Laratta

Currently reading: The Making of Star Wars by J. W. Rinzler 📚


Kris Laratta

New fence, same dog.

A brown dog in front of a maple tree and a wooden fence.

Kris Laratta

We’re done finishing our floors. Now we’re just reattaching (and in some cases repairing) the trim, painting some smaller spots, and cleaning up before we finally start moving in!

Newly finished wood floors.

Kris Laratta

While we’ve started finishing our floors, the fence builders we hired removed our old chain link fence and have begun installing a new wooden one. The old fence was 2.5 feet high, and our dog has jumped it to chase rabbits. The new one will keep him in and help make our side yard feel like an oasis.

A framed out wooden fence surrounding a yard.

Kris Laratta

Finished reading: A Short History of Tompkins County by Jane M. Dieckmann 📚This was a really interesting look into some local history.


Kris Laratta

The walls are all painted and we’ve nearly finished sanding the floors. The lighter look of the wood brings a greater sense of light and spaciousness to the rooms in our house that was lacking before, so we’re going to forgo staining and get right on to finishing once we clean everything up.

A partially sanded wood floor.

Kris Laratta

Finished reading: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne 📚This was the first public domain book I read this year, in keeping with my goal to read more of those. I found Milne’s wit through these stories to be especially notable.


Kris Laratta

We’ve primed all the walls in the house, next comes a couple coats of paint to finish things. For the rest of the house, we picked the same shade of white as the kitchen, since it worked out so well. We’ve started to zero in on some accent color choices for a few spots too.

A wall with paint primer on it, an archway, and a floor covered in painting supplies.

Kris Laratta

Currently reading: Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson 📚


Kris Laratta

Currently reading: Winnie-the-Pooh by A. A. Milne 📚


Kris Laratta

Finished reading: Eragon by Christopher Paolini 📚I really enjoyed revisiting this book that I first read when I was much younger. Looking forward to reading the rest in the series.


Kris Laratta

The old vent hole has been patched, a recessed light was installed, and the walls and ceiling have their first coat of primer on them. The room will need at least one more coat of primer. We’ll be repeating this process throughout the rest of the house, then finally repainting.

An empty room, in the midst of being prepared for painting.

Kris Laratta

With the kitchen work mostly done, we’ll be repainting the rest of the house next. But before we do that, we need to spackle areas where the old paint has chipped. The hole in the ceiling is one of a few old vents that are no longer used. We took them down and will be filling the holes with drywall.

An empty room with spackle on the walls and a hole in the ceiling.

Kris Laratta

With the installation of our new dishwasher, the kitchen project is more or less complete. We still have to install hardware on the cabinets, but we’ll be holding off on that to first prioritize some other projects throughout the house.

A brand new black Bosch dishwasher

Kris Laratta

Finished reading: Cosmic Queries by Neil deGrasse Tyson 📚


Kris Laratta

More progress on the kitchen renovation—We now have countertops! The new lighting has also been installed. At this point, we’re just waiting for our dishwasher to be delivered, and that’ll be a wrap for this project!

A nearly complete kitchen renovation with quartz countertops.

Kris Laratta

Our cabinets arrived a little over a week ago, and are in the process of being installed. The room is finally starting to look like a kitchen again! Tomorrow the countertop installers will be taking measurements, so we can get that process started too.

Freshly installed kitchen cabinets, with no countertops or appliances yet.

Kris Laratta

Currently reading: Eragon by Christopher Paolini 📚


Kris Laratta

I finally finished reading: The Hero with a Thousand Faces by Joseph Campbell 📚. I say finally because I’ve been trying to read this book since I was twelve years old. I found the book to be incredibly interesting, and I’ll likely write something longer about it soon.


Kris Laratta

@jean Thanks for the warm welcome! My dog and I are excited to be here!