
Tim Apple

@ConatusPrinciple There not far, The mail app has calendar and contacts. Then on Windows I have the drive app and vpn. So it's sort of complete already.


Tim Apple

@ConatusPrinciple I checked, can't change color scheme on it... it was just coincidence the default in the app is what I use on the web anyway. I'm assuming it will come in the future.


Tim Apple

@ConatusPrinciple I’ll check when I get home, I haven’t messed with it. I think it just matched up with whatever I had web set at, but I’ll look later.


Tim Apple

So in the army I had a nickname “Chow Wi Wang” and I just found out there is the .wang top level domain, so I had to buy chowwi.wang

Now what to do with it.


Tim Apple

Watched the first 3 Bourne movies again this week. They really are one of the best spy type movies out there.


Tim Apple

Today’s thought, why possesses us to give a bunch of random strangers our opinion on stuff. It’s a little narcissistic to think anyone wants to know what the heck we think. Of course, I realize the irony as I post this.


Tim Apple

@ConatusPrinciple I've been running the Windows version for some time now. It's nice, basically a wrapper but works good.


Tim Apple

I’m not sure if I agree with this TikTok decision, but deep down I will be happy if it goes, I fight so hard to keep my kids off it. I catch them sneaking on here and there.


Tim Apple

Fear of having an opinion timapple.com

Tim Apple

This is something X is actually doing right, all the platforms need to implement this.


Tim Apple

I’m almost 90% confident most autoimmune and mental issues can be completely corrected with food. Stop pumping people with meds please.


Tim Apple

Can someone explain how wanting the border closed until the immigration system is actually fixed is racism?


Tim Apple

The amount of commercials for sexual performance enhancers on the streamers is getting out of hand. Men, please just eat right, exercise, and get sleep. You’ll be fine.


Tim Apple

Question, if Ukraine and Russia came to agreement and ended hostilities. Say, Ukraine does have to give up a chunk of territory. Would that be so much worse than continuing for say another couple years? Maybe bringing NATO ground troops in? How ugly do people want things to get?



Tim Apple

I find it hard to remain silent these days. Not that I have anything to blurt out, but my lack of commenting or voicing an opinion on some things sort of makes me compliant in them. Not that I’m going to go on all kinds of rants, just that I am going to stop fearing having an opinion.


Tim Apple

I enjoyed this Rogan episode with Riley Gaines, eye opening.


Tim Apple

@ericgregorich I find it hard to stick with analog mainly due to the difficulty to keep it with me. I’ve tried to carry a pen and pocket journal on the go with the idea of transferring entries in the evening but I rarely remember to take it with me. My phone, I always have on me.


Tim Apple

I wonder if DHH moving to Windows as his main OS will lead to better native support for Ruby and Rails on Windows, outside of WSL.

#tech #ruby


Tim Apple

Been listening and reading a bit on aging. I have to start working out again and up the protein intake also.



Tim Apple

@ross I’m in a dark corner of the basement..lol


Tim Apple

@manton All the major social networks are overwhelmed with misinformation. Twitter(X) is just the only one people focus on. The others are just as bad, really. It's nice here because the community is so small, and most people keep their politics elsewhere.


Tim Apple

@manton I usually always have one physical or ebook going and an audiobook. Anymore than two at a time and I get all discombobulated.


Tim Apple

I will live and die by these sauces.


Tim Apple

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ Finished reading: 5 Rules for White Belts by Chris Matakas 📚

Second book by Chris, short but I really like his point of view on Jiu Jitsu as a tool of self development. It’s a little more instructional and I’ll probably repeat this one a few times to come.


Tim Apple

@camacho caught up now, it is very good. Looking forward to tomorrow’s episode.


Tim Apple

@camacho nice! Going to check it out.


Tim Apple

The biggest problem for me selecting a martial arts school is time. I’m going to look at another #BJJ school this morning since they have a class between 9-10am which is almost perfect for me.


Tim Apple

I wonder if @Microblog will ever be able to cross post to threads in the future.


Tim Apple

@camacho so is this a remake of the show from the 80s? I guess I can google that…


Tim Apple

Finished reading: On Jiu Jitsu by Chris Matakas 📚

⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ - I really enjoyed this, it is more of a philosophy book than anything and I think it can be used to look at many activities besides Jiu Jitsu.


Tim Apple

@ConatusPrinciple I am just getting into it I would say. As a child I took a little Tae Kwon Do and Hapkido, but nothing beyond yellow belt and that was almost 40 years ago.


Tim Apple

Had a change of heart, I think I’m going with Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, and I’m going too back that up with some Yoga, so I don’t break myself.

#bjj #jiujitsu #yoga #fitness


Tim Apple

Choosing Karate and looking for a Dojo. timapple.com

Tim Apple

@manton so is that to say that someday Bluesky members will be able to follow our Micro.Blog account?


Tim Apple

@jemostrom so you have been at it for quite a while. I am now confident I will not break myself. 🤣


Tim Apple

I think I am going to do #Karate

The Baha’i fast starts in about 8 days then lasts 19, so I will plan to start my first classes after the fast ends.


Tim Apple

@writingslowly I enjoy reading and watching movies on feudal Asia. I am particularly interested in Japan. When I was younger in the army, I lived in Korea for 18 months which was a great experience also. In general though I know they were bloody, I feel they went through their feudal period with a little more grace than those of us with European ancestry.


Tim Apple

@jemostrom nice, how long have you been practicing?


Tim Apple

I just made a blog post about choices for martial arts schools, I just found another possibility, it’s a Karate school which would be one of my top 3 arts to choose from, so it may be a possibility, waiting to get questions answered to see if I should investigate it further.

#karate #martialarts


Tim Apple

@manton didn't google have a service like that once? Where it would call and make restaurant reservations for you and stuff... I remember seeing something about it years ago.


Tim Apple

Seeking a teacher, health activities. timapple.com

Tim Apple

@manton gotcha, well I hope it works out for you. We have to see you staying profitable so we can hang here for decades.


Tim Apple

@manton This sounds great, I wonder how this helps you though, it seems like this will make your cost go up? Or is there a balance met if you get more folks at $10 a month?


Tim Apple

@heyloura thanks for the info.


Tim Apple

@manton I usually do. I was going to do a notebook as a journal experiment also, which the time stamp would be super convenient.


Tim Apple

@manton a suggestion on the Notes app, it would be great if it auto inserted a timestamp/date or had a button to quick add it, mainly due to lazyness and not wanting to think too hard. Love it though.. cheers!


Tim Apple

I wish the iPhone would let you place apps anywhere you want on the screen.