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Stephen Tolton
iOS and .NET Software Developer at Drexel University. Co-Founder of Chronomad Studios, LLC. Co-Organizer @phillycocoa – Side Project Saturdays. Photographer of cool people, places, and things.

Stephen Tolton

WWDC has, so far, been an even better experience than last year. The videos are once again superbly polished and the content is quite exciting from a developer’s perspective. Swift async/await syntax is something I’ve been waiting for a long time. Now, what to build? #WWDC21


Stephen Tolton

@zorn I’ve had my AirPods replaced twice and it’s been smooth. It’s a typical RMA. Apple puts a hold on your card, ships you new hardware with return labels, you swap out your defective AirPods for the new ones, drop off the boxes at FedEx.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn 😂 We are oldies! 👴


Stephen Tolton

@zorn The last time I was at my credit union branch was pre-pandemic. They had a sign posted about not covering your face, even with sunglasses. Times have really changed.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn The best part of Tron 2 was the epic soundtrack! I still listen to it and the remix album. I hope they make another sequel. I think they setup a potentially interesting film, but mostly, I want another Daft Punk soundtrack.


Stephen Tolton

I am really enjoying the new format for #wwdc20 and I hope Apple continues it beyond this pandemic era. The videos are very well produced, trimmed of all the fat, and I don’t have to wait all day to watch them. It’s been a great experience so far.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn I had the same thoughts last night. I’m not sure it’ll be this year, but the signs are becoming impossible to ignore.


Stephen Tolton

I’m very excited for #WWDC this year. The day before is like Christmas Eve as a kid, anything is possible and the excitement reaches its apex. The actual event usually can’t possibly live up to the hype. But, there was that epic year when I got Chrono Trigger. So, 🤞.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn I totally agree. I’ve been looking for a new email service for personal email, but being able to use my own domain(s) is a pre-req.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn My view of App Review is that they are subjective guidelines, interpreted by many different reviewers on a case-by-case basis. Sometimes mistakes are made or policies change between app versions. Whenever I submit any update for any app, I warn the team that we need to pad the timeline to account for a possible rejection. Each submission is its own unique snowflake. So, the fact that 1.0 was accepted, but not the following version doesn’t surprise me. That has happened many times before with apps (including with my university app!) and is bound to happen when you have a system with humans interpreting ever-evolving guidelines. That’s why there is an appeal procedure, but appeals don’t always go your way. From what I’ve gathered, Apple may be cracking down on IAP avoidance for whatever reason and Hey got caught in that change in focus.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn I think this is an excellent conversation topic for SPS this month, especially after WWDC with everyone thinking about new apps. Building a business on a propriety platform has trade-offs and risks. I think your thoughts on this matter would be particularly relevant since, as you mentioned, you are concerned about this kind of scenario for your business.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn I use Outlook and they have IAPs. Also, both MS and Google offer free accounts where Hey only offers a short trial, which is probably what gets them flagged. Besides, you can always find apparent exceptions to App Review guidelines, they are intentionally and necessarily somewhat subjective, but you still need to follow them as best you can. I think it was pretty obvious that the guidelines covered this scenario. If one is unsure, it’s always best to assume the most restrictive interpretation. What the rules are and what they should be are separate conversations that are being conflated. But, now that the app is flagged, I think a reasonable dev accepts reality and moves on, but DHH does seem to love his sanctimonious Twitter screeds.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn Aren’t the IAP rules pretty clear about this scenario in 3.1.3(b)? Instead of ranting on Twitter, they could just add an IAP. But, this does get Hey a ton of publicity. App Review should have caught this in 1.0, but now that it is flagged, I don’t see anything nefarious from Apple. Am I missing some details?


Stephen Tolton

@zorn I was always more of a loner, but I do remember playing baseball games for hours myself. I actually played real sandlot baseball sometimes, too, in a couple of backyards. I had hundreds of cards. I was into it back then.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn I used to be the master of Nintendo Baseball. ⚾️


Stephen Tolton

@zorn They had interactivity. The videos were pre-recorded, but the chats were live and they had an entire track that just one on-going live SPS-style session with different hosts popping in. But, the sheer volume of talks was a lot. I’ve only watched two so far.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn You don’t have to watch them all live. I don’t think anyone could. I watched the keynote and now am checking out some of the recordings.


Stephen Tolton

🔗 Why, Apple, why!? A bug in 10.15.5 breaks the ability to make bootable backups. There is a workaround, but come on, this was a minor point release update.…


Stephen Tolton

Voting via mail-in ballot is so much better than going to a polling place. I was able to take my time and really review the candidates before finalizing my choices and no one was waiting to pounce on me, pushing an “example ballot” in my face. Everyone should have this option.


Stephen Tolton

Joe Rogan’s podcast going exclusive on Spotify is a huge get for them and potentially a worrying sign for the overall podcast industry. Is a podcast still a podcast if it is only available on a single platform?


Stephen Tolton

@joec Yeah, we blame Meetup resetting the form for that. We quickly fixed it, but the damage was done. 😔


Stephen Tolton

@danielpunkass Done. I’ve been meaning to get one of those things. My friend has one and they really come in handy. I’ve been driving my car about once a week for a few miles to prevent the battery going dead, but it happened to someone I know already.


Stephen Tolton

I think the wind is trying to blow my house down. 🌬 💨 🏡 💥


Stephen Tolton

@zorn Two spaces forever! Also tabs and Emacs!


Stephen Tolton

@zorn Perspectives are why I’ve stuck with and loved OmniFocus for years despite there being many competing apps with arguably better UI and cool features.


Stephen Tolton

How To Be Resilient: 5 Secrets To Mental Toughness (Pandemic Edition)


Stephen Tolton

Those of us who can work from home and live alone are now all basically Sandra Bullock’s character from the beginning of The Net. We sit at our computers, order pizza from the Internet, get paid electronically, talk to people on our computers, and generally avoid all human contact. That...

Stephen Tolton

@zorn Nice. 👍


Stephen Tolton

@zorn Why not go digital? Was that an option?


Stephen Tolton

Apple Card is a Legit Apple Product

Stephen Tolton

Xcode 11 Beta 5

Time for a coffee break…

Xcode 11 Beta 5 Unarchive Progress Window


Stephen Tolton

Connor Bracken and the Mother Leeds Band @ Underground Arts


Stephen Tolton

Good Look, Sigourney @ Milk Boy Philly

Stephen Tolton

@zorn I haven’t used Core Data “for real”. It always looked too heavyweight and troublesome. I looked at the core data video for WWDC19 and I still feel that way. I almost think I’d rather just interface with SQLite directly. At least querying SQL databases is a long familiar pattern.


Stephen Tolton

Day 6/100 Days of Swift: Closures as parameters do have a slightly weird syntax, but it doesn’t hurt my brain. Probably because I still write in Objectice-C and I’ve seen worse, way worse. 🙃


Stephen Tolton

@joec If you’re looking for track recommendations, I have a bunch. I’ll tune into your pod and start coming up with a list!


Stephen Tolton

@joec Yeah! An interactive podcast is a great idea. It’s tough, though. People don’t interact much with my daily podcast, but they listen to it. When I do get feedback, it’s often in-person! #smalltownlife


Stephen Tolton

@joec Cool concept for a show. Insta-subbed!


Stephen Tolton

Day 5/100 Days of Swift: took some time off over the holiday, but I’m back at it! I enjoy saying “variadic functions”. It makes me sound like a Swift Master when I am still yet a Padawan.


Stephen Tolton

Day 4/100 Days of Swift: RIP do loop. You’re now a “repeat” loop…for some reason. 🤷‍♂️


Stephen Tolton

Day 3/100 Days of Swift - Apparently the ternary operator is “rarely used”? Maybe for you! 😉


Stephen Tolton

Day 2/100 Days of Swift reminded me that tuples are a thing in Swift! Also, that enums kick butt compared to what I’m used to in Obj-C land. 98 more to go!


Stephen Tolton

I’ve been in Obj-C land for so long, I decided to refresh my Swift skills by checking out 100 Days of Swift by @twostraws. Day 1 complete. Overly simplistic for my current experience level, but like when I studied karate, it’s useful to review the basics from time to time.


Stephen Tolton

@zorn I did that for two accounts yesterday and am about to do it for two more, on a completely different Mac. It was a PITA due to needing access to the corporate credit card to verify the account. 🙄


Stephen Tolton

The @nytimes is ON IT!


Stephen Tolton

Creating a daily podcast for the last month has been a great learning experience, but it hasn’t been a great ego-booster. 😂 As with most endeavors nowadays, competition for attention is fierce and I’m not exactly winning. 🤷‍♂️ It’s a work in progress. #podcastinglife


Stephen Tolton

“I haven’t come down in the world. What’s come down in the world is the business model that sustained Time Inc. for decades. I’m pretty much the same writer, the same guy. I haven’t gone anywhere. My feet are the same.”


Stephen Tolton

Apparently, there can be no respite from advertising, even when you pause to grab a snack. At least it’s just a static image.…


Stephen Tolton

This Snow Squall alert just startled the crap out of me! Stay safe out there if you are unfortunate enough to be outside. I can hear the wind pounding against my windows. 😬