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Scott MacCord
I love to DJ, design stuff, play hockey, and build Gunpla. I cheer for the Lightning and Kraken.

Scott MacCord

My high grade Aerial is finally complete. I thought this was going to be a casual build, but I ended up breaking out the paints for a few parts. The color accents included in the SIMP decal set turned out nice.

Completed high grade Gundam Aerial on a stand pointing a beam riffle to the left.

Scott MacCord

I put the final top coat on the real grade Astray Red Frame today. Although I kept this gunpla build simple and clean, I still enjoyed making it my own with decal choices and some painted details. I also broke my first V-fin… twice.

Completed Real Grade Gundam Astray Red Frame model kit posed with the Gerbera Straight katana held over it’s head in a fighting stance.

Scott MacCord

@Gabz happy birthday!


Scott MacCord

@Gabz Thanks! I also have two more to build.


Scott MacCord

My eighth and ninth Gunpla are complete. I had dismissed the idea of building SD kits due to all the stickers. My wife picked these up because they were cute. They were good for airbrush practice and, of course, she was right. They are cute. I keep the Aile Strike on my desk.

painted SD Ex-Standard Aile Strike and Barbatos gunpla kits

Scott MacCord

I recently completed my very first Gunpla, a high grade RX-78GP01. I color corrected a few bits with paint, added decals, and weathered it. It was a much needed exercise in patience and I am ready to start my next one.

Completed model Gundam RX-78GP01

Scott MacCord

After several weeks of incessant pixel pushing, I might finally be getting comfortable with the new design for my personal site.

Scott MacCord

I spent the afternoon updating the design of the website for my hockey team so that it resembles our new white jersey. I also added a simple dark mode scheme.

Scott MacCord

@jean Thank you for the warm welcome! You, @manton and the crew rock.


Scott MacCord

With Twitter crumbling, I’ve been exploring other options for connecting and sharing. I don’t know where I’ll land, but I definitely respect the approach.