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John Philpin
Here, there, everywhere … yet somehow not omnipresent.
A Case of Insanity? Rational Pi? British Prejudice?
Not been paying too much attention to iOS 18, so .. old news? But I like the idea …
More serendipity No surprise that a Fowles quote surfaced this morning, he is after all one of my favorites. The surprise lay in the relevance to a conversation with friends last night. Topic How society and norms morph over time, b...
The Crafting of Craft.:
Read and agree with a lot of the @gruber post 🔗 The iOS Continental Drift Widens After I read it - I jumped to my Readwise queue - and up pops this. My reading habits are clearly being tracked.
Pageless Writing Apps:
Via John Naughton
It is three times the price to rent a car in the center of Auckland for the day than on Waiheke Island - that does not compute.
Someone’s Having A Larf … "It’s the billion-dollar baby of artificial intelligence. Safe Superintelligence Inc., the AI startup launched by former OpenAI chief scientist Ilya Sutskever, announced Wednesday it had raised a whopping $1 bil...
Shout Outs To and @dave in the 🔗 latest entry from ‘Jobsworth’ BTW - while I am here 🔗JP published another great post the other day about Cricket - specifically Cricket stats and records. He opened with: "You have been...
Me: "What about tomorrow?" Reply: "Would be good except that I will out of town celebrating my first wife’s, second husband’s, 70th. Should be a good bash." .. now that’s what I call an extended family that truly embraces the concept.**
📺 Kleo Each episode kept me coming back for more. An increasingly difficult thing to do in theses ‘streaming times’. Kleo on 🔗 Reelgood ’All’ My TV Show Reviews
No Words. 📼 Just Watch
Me last July … 🔗 Read Me last August … 🔗 Read Why? Because as the scuttle around that movie at the time - nothing was as it seemed. 🔗 Tim Ballard’s Claims to Fight Sex Trafficking Made Him a MAGA Star. These Women Told Police He Abused Them.
People Don't Read Anymore - Except When They Do.:
I wonder what percentage of people who mumble about ‘systemic change’ actually stop to think what it means AND what it takes. Pace Layers is a nice starting point to understand the magnitude of what they are embarking on.
The Journey From ‘Word’ To ‘Catalyst’:
🔗 Shocking revelations about Sarah Wilkinson’s arrest and bail conditions I am hoping there is another side to this story. But so far - only a hope.
🔗 Anil is not wrong.
I don’t hate them .. they’re just talentless nobodies from 30 years ago with very loud mouths that I assume have run out of money and neither of them can make more on their own … that I couldn’t give a fuck about.
SAS: Red Notice, 2021 - ★★★ (contains spoilers):

@toddgrotenhuis Retail … Where you keep tellin’ peeps over and over again why you need to buy some shit …

Retell seems more accurate.

@pratik However from Bluesky - yes.