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Marnie Webb
I believe in the promise of libraries, public transportation, and democracy. Possibly, in that order. I use this blog to capture the shiny things that interest me. You can find the longer form version of me at [](

Marnie Webb

Hopefulness is not a neutral position either. It is adversarial. It is the warrior emotion that can lay waste to cynicism.

#Area #Life

From, via


Marnie Webb

The poll offers a rare look at the priorities of Black women voters, a population that is one of the most dedicated voting blocs and plays a pivotal role in community voter mobilization.

#Responsible #Democracy



Marnie Webb

Organizing principles range from simple (product line -> product category -> product taxonomy) to complex (a complete business vocabulary that explains the data in the graph). Think of an organizing principle as a conceptual map or metadata layer overlaying the data and relationships in the graph.

#Area #KnowledgeGraph



Marnie Webb

Nessel made her remarks about Trump and Harris at an elections-related journalism training event hosted by the National Press Foundation. A reporter asked the attorney general about one of her biggest concerns with 100 days to go before the November 5 election. Nessel noted Trump has indicated that he won’t accept the results of the upcoming election.

#Responsible #Democracy



Marnie Webb

“Christians, get out and vote! Just this time – you won’t have to do it any more,” the Republican former president said on Friday night at a rally hosted in West Palm Beach, Florida, by the far-right advocacy group Turning Point Action.

“You know what? It’ll be fixed! It’ll be fine. You won’t have to vote any more, my beautiful Christians.”


Experts on authoritarianism warn the public to take Trump seriously when he speaks in that manner.

#Responsible #Democracy



Marnie Webb

I just donated $47 to Vice President Kamala Harris’s campaign. If you can, I think [you should too].(

Marnie Webb

Yes. And the old media is data that can be processed, along with associated behavioral data, to be sythetic culture.


Marnie Webb

Ugliness, transgressiveness and shock all represent an incoherent, grasping attempt to keep the world out of your demimonde – not just normies and squares, but also and especially enthusiastic marketers who want to figure out how to sell stuff to you, and use you to sell stuff to normies and squares.

#Area #Creativity



Marnie Webb

I have a link blog hosted on and a longer form website hosted on I’d like to integrate the two, both in terms of design and presentation. Not sure how, though. I welcome any thoughts.

#Responsible #CrankReport


Marnie Webb

CrowdStrike doesn’t quite fit the definition of a classic monopoly, but its impact, as shown by the widespread system failure, suggests otherwise. It isn’t the only service that helps guide the world in an invisible fashion. We need to rethink not only how we regulate but also what we regulate.

#Responsible #Resilience



Marnie Webb

The question of Ms. Harris’s fate could polarize the party along racial lines. Members of the Congressional Black Caucus and other Black leaders have strongly supported Mr. Biden staying in the race but simultaneously have warned the party not to try to displace Ms. Harris if the president were to drop out.

#Area #US #Politics



Marnie Webb

“The suggestion that any candidate who won their primary should simply step aside because victory appears difficult at the moment is disrespectful to the voters, unjust and undemocratic,” the women wrote.



Marnie Webb

Together the groups underscore a growing frustration among Black Democrats over the mounting calls from other, predominantly white, wings of the party for Mr. Biden to step aside. And they reflect a concern that, should the president be shoved aside, Ms. Harris might be passed over, too.

“We don’t have to go and find a savior or great hope elsewhere,” the letter from the PAC states. “We already have it in our vice president.”



Marnie Webb

Although each country’s violence has differing local causes, there are clear patterns that echo across countries. American political violence has much in common with that taking place in Germany and India, as well as in France’s most recent election. In all these states, a significant portion of the attacks are largely the product of radicalized partisans, often egged on by parties. Containing it requires containing these parties’ politicians.



Marnie Webb

@numericcitizen I don’t click or share the links from X. It’s hard, though, when so many journalists still use the site.


Marnie Webb

The new order more than halves the per-minute rate caps for all prison and jail phone calls across the country. It also establishes interim per-minute rate caps for video calls, marking the first time the FCC has set rules for prison communication beyond phone calls.



Marnie Webb

Isn’t winning literally her job description?


Marnie Webb

People who have talked with her say Ms. Pelosi is motivated by the prospect of a second Trump administration unraveling her hard-fought accomplishments from two decades as leader, including the Affordable Care Act. She also views Mr. Trump as an existential threat who drove the Jan. 6, 2021, assault on the Capitol, is totally unsuited and unqualified to be president, and is a tool of President Vladimir V. Putin of Russia.



Marnie Webb

Strongman rule is a fantasy. Essential to it is the idea that a strongman will be your strongman. He won’t. In a democracy, elected representatives listen to constituents. We take this for granted, and imagine that a dictator would owe us something. But the vote you cast for him affirms your irrelevance. The whole point is that the strongman owes us nothing. We get abused and we get used to it.

From; via


Marnie Webb

Distributing equity literally means handing over the means of production not just to workers but to those impacted by the work, reconnecting the decisions to their consequences.



Marnie Webb

Today, we’re introducing highly-requested features that enhance Docs' interoperability with other Markdown supporting tools.



Marnie Webb

@manton thanks for working on trust, safety, and visibility issues. the org i work for participated in fielding and analyzing a survey on digital equity for civil society orgsnizations. One of the most surprising (to me) findings is the number of people who don’t feel safe online page 39. This is playing out in news stories like this one, LGBTQ+ youth charity quits Twitter over ‘increase in extreme views’ after Musk takeover.

To me one of the biggest wins of ActivityPub is the ability to create a linked network of safe spaces. One of my biggest worries is they become isolated. Islands with fragile connections.


Marnie Webb

@UndamnedOne the GOP is using this as a way to prove their bona fides. It’s disgusting. And where does it stop?