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Benjamin Rivers
Game developer and co-founder of indie video game studio BancyCo. Likes to draw.

Benjamin Rivers

Maria Renard from Castlevania

Benjamin Rivers

Do you have hobbies or That Thing you are compelled to do, no matter the cost? For me it’s comics; I have to make comics, or I die inside. As we wind down our current game project, I’ve been finding time to draw again.

To keep me motivated, I added a Comics page to my blog to track my projects.


Benjamin Rivers

I slipped while cleaning our bathtub and sprained one of the fingers in my dominant hand. The sickening “snap!” sound it made as it bent backwards made me think it was broken, but I was lucky.

It will heal soon enough, but I won’t be able to draw for a little while, which is saddening.


Benjamin Rivers

Assault and Vinegar Chips

Benjamin Rivers

Finally get to talk about our new game

Benjamin Rivers

If you’ve ever played Castlevania II: Simon’s Quest on NES, you’ll recognize this scene. 💎🌪️ I was obsessed with this game from the moment I first rented it as a child; its dark, moody colour palette; its glorious music; the way it made you feel like you were exploring a dangerous countryside. I bought a...

Benjamin Rivers

A motel rendez-vous gone wrong? 🌙 I’m a better penciller/inker than a colourist, so I wanted to attempt a more difficult colour scene for some practice. 🎨 I don’t think I nailed it, but it was a fun exercise.


Benjamin Rivers

Gloomy with a chance of torrential rain

Benjamin Rivers

I started running again regularly on May 7 (usually twice a week). It has been 5 1/2 weeks since then, and in that time I have run almost 72 km! That’s an average of 13 km per week; I’m very happy with this.

My pace has gone from 45mins / 5.7 km run to just over 38mins. The progress feels good.


Benjamin Rivers

Did a sketch of a suspicious motel scene today just for fun. 🔨 Will likely take it into Procreate and finish it digitally. It was satisfying getting this dramatic composition sorted out.


Benjamin Rivers

@patrickrhone What a comforting photograph. The table suits the typewriter well. I learned how to type on an electric typewriter too back in high school, and on my dad's home office typewriter. It felt so official to write stories that way!


Benjamin Rivers

Countess Elizabeth Bathory

Benjamin Rivers

I wanted to draw a little tribute to Toronto’s 90s goths. I originally attempted this in colour, but I am so not a great colourist, so I switched to black-and-white. It was fun to create all the little details.


Benjamin Rivers

My usual running route is 5.7KM. I do this twice a week. It was taking me about 46 minutes a month ago, and now I’m down to juuuust under 39 minutes.

In a future post I’ll go over how I started running and why, but for now… I am happy for the progress. Not bad for a 45-year-old.


Benjamin Rivers

Sometimes you just need to draw a lady walking her corgi.


Benjamin Rivers

A dad and his surrogate kids: thoughts on FFVII: Rebirth

Benjamin Rivers

I'm tired of always selling

Benjamin Rivers

Housekeeping update for May 2024: the About page now links to all my stuff (replacing Linktree) you can now view all my posted images on the Photos page there’s a new [Blogroll] ( with an ever-evolving list of blogs I recommend to help you find cool stuff Have I ...

Benjamin Rivers

Nerd Fishing at the 2024 Barrie Game Exchange

Benjamin Rivers

The games industry was created by weirdos and misfits, making art. This art has become expendable spreadsheet fodder for uncaring corporations.

Thankfully, the weirdos and misfits never went away. We’re still here, still making art. 👋


Benjamin Rivers

Claire Redmeow, a black and white tuxedo cat

The majestic Claire Redmeow, everybody.