Joe Hoffman Avatar
Joe Hoffman
An old physicist loose among the liberal arts. The Corporate Communications Office won’t let me blog about anything I actually know.

Joe Hoffman

Monty Python cribs from Aristotle

Joe Hoffman

The meaning of the Latin term “_pace_”, sometimes used by scholars, was finally made clear to me when George Starbuck translated it “with a fig for the fatuous fulminations of”.


Joe Hoffman

Naked woman standing in the median of Rt. 50. The police have the matter in hand. #FallsChurch is becoming a real city!


Joe Hoffman

Lagrangian Theory of Science Fiction

Joe Hoffman

Most American thing I’ve seen today: a woman wearing a niqab-style veil and a cowboy hat. #fashion


Joe Hoffman

Meticulous etymology

Joe Hoffman

The TV over my shoulder was showing the steeplechase event at #Paris2024. My niece, visiting from Versailles, casually remarked, “we were sitting by that pond last week eating McDonalds.”


Joe Hoffman

I propagated this #houseplant from a pot my sister left behind. Just found out it was originally planted by my grandfather. It’s almost 50 years old.

Clivia in a pot with lots of long, green leaves and five orange blossoms just after opening.


Joe Hoffman

@KimberlyHirsh I’m not sure what I’d think if I encountered Glinda the Good Witch at the reference desk, but children are more resilient than I am.


Joe Hoffman

@delong Because nobody likes Vance.


Joe Hoffman

@danielpunkass Over on Mastodon, Heidi Li Feldman set up an ActBlue to try to persuade Harris to establish a presence in the Fediverse. The original goal was $1,000. It’s currently at $155,000 and still climbing.


Joe Hoffman

I purchased the new expanded edition of “The Letters of J.R.R. #Tolkien” from the Apple Book Store, which now suggests “You might like The Fellowship of the Ring”. Maybe; I’ll give it a try.


Joe Hoffman

There’s an old adage that a comic says funny things; a comedian says things funny. The funniest thing I ever heard #BobNewhart say was, “Is this one of the guys at the office?” RIP


Joe Hoffman

Just got junk mail advertising oceanfront property in North Carolina. I opened it, just to see if they had the honesty to name themselves “Greater Fool Realty”. Nope. #climate


Joe Hoffman

@hollyhoneychurch That looks as hot as today feels.


Joe Hoffman

It’s been so dry this summer that when I go fishing, I use bottled water as bait. #drought


Joe Hoffman

@artkavanagh It's funny to think of something Noah Smith writes as "priceless". If there weren't any prices, he wouldn't have much to say.


Joe Hoffman

The cucumber vines are completely indifferent about which way they grow, but the birds are unanimous that the cucumber trellis is the best thing ever. 🌱 #gardening


Joe Hoffman

I have been to the grocery store three times today. My pioneer ancestors are shaking their heads, sadly.


Joe Hoffman

@jean I am. No problems with speed, but I can't use it for banking anymore because the OS isn't compatible with their latest "upgrade".


Joe Hoffman

The forecast says 50% chance of rain. I watered the garden. Neighbor cleaned up the swimming pool. Think that will be enough to make it happen? #gardening 🌱


Joe Hoffman

Winthrop Mackworth Praed, most precocious and most prolific of the poets of society, began his literary career as a schoolboy, and for twenty years flooded the periodical literature of his day with songs and satires, ballads and legends innumerable, all of which are forgotten. #sicTransitGloriaMundi


Joe Hoffman

For the 19th-century journal “Notes and Queries”, does anyone know where to find a mapping from volume/page to issue number? 📚


Joe Hoffman

First rainfall since June 5th. I’ll take it. #gardening 🌱


Joe Hoffman

This is what Gerhilde looks like to me now. #Valkyries


Joe Hoffman

A poem where alternate lines are missing a foot, like “I sit beside the fire and think/Of all that I have seen” is called “brachycatalectic”. I was going to call it “iambic triskaihemimeter”. 😀 #TIL #poetry


Joe Hoffman

Apropos of nothing: Sky Harbor in Phoenix, AZ is the best airport name.


Joe Hoffman

Separating us from all the good things

Joe Hoffman

If cherries didn’t have stones, I would probably eat them at a rate inconsistent with good health.


Joe Hoffman

@artkavanagh I should have asked the mechanics to look at it while they had it up on the lift.


Joe Hoffman

Morning commute. Podcast. Got car back from shop yesterday. Sounds of trickling water. 😱 Pause podcast. Trickling stops. 😅


Joe Hoffman

@danielpunkass Or, to abuse the metaphor, without a firm footing in the past, what will the movers and shakers have to shake?


Joe Hoffman

@mandaris You know it! Four hours later when the clouds came in, they came in fast.


Joe Hoffman

@artkavanagh I like the way these guys did it. The work is there by itself, but if you want a scholarly intrusion you just have to click.


Joe Hoffman

@danielpunkass Encouragement is all they need.


Joe Hoffman

@jabel It does sound like a folk tradition!


Joe Hoffman

@artkavanagh I just tried to say rhythm as a one-syllable word and did not succeed.


Joe Hoffman

@artkavanagh Even David Byrne only managed 2.5x.


Joe Hoffman

@miguelmanalo A friend sells things the moment he stops using them. When I mentioned that I can’t do that because I’d immediately need it again, he said, “then I just go to Craigslist and buy it again. I’m storing my stuff in the Cloud!”


Joe Hoffman

@jean Which would immediately turn into a photo run, if it were me.


Joe Hoffman

@delong A lot of that holds up really well. I wish the universities had stepped up the way you described. When the Supreme Court put xénophobes in charge of the government in 2001, they started a demographic collapse that’s probably going to kill higher education as we knew it.


Joe Hoffman

@jean We have a sign at the town limits that says how to get to the Elks lodge. Looks like you all should put one up, too.


Joe Hoffman

@artkavanagh It was reverted immediately by management. Mission accomplished - he overlooked the analysis I wrote in Bayesian terms instead of frequentist. 😈


Joe Hoffman

@danielpunkass “Head start” was a nice touch.


Joe Hoffman

@KimberlyHirsh It will be easiest for me to address those in reverse order. 😀


Joe Hoffman

@richnewman 👏🏻👏🏻