Timothy Wood Avatar
Timothy Wood
Flowers, football, and flags. He/him. Trans rights are human rights. 💙💚 🏳️‍⚧️Previously a NeXT/macOS/iOS developer, and still an owner at OmniGroup. Now a potter/gardener/cook. Hi!

Timothy Wood

Fuck off. Stop sleeping, keep fighting.


Timothy Wood

HA HA HA #ebfg


Timothy Wood

Shots. Shots. Shots. #ebfg


Timothy Wood

@hollie Yess! Read the third(?), Wishsong, one on a trip to Germany to visit my childhood best friend who I've since lost touch with (well, we're still fb friends, but he seems dead inside now and it kills me). The Prime series was ... OK? Lots of young, too beautiful people but some of the story came through.


Timothy Wood

Having trouble sleeping in the heat and sickness, separated from my dog. Pull out an old friend that won’t make me sleep, but will keep me awake until I must sleep. This is one I check for in used book stores and give them out freely to friends when I find them. Trash the Place. @fatsam

Pile of paperbacks with The Long Run by Daniel Keys Moran on top. Some of my other favorites in view. Lord Foul’s Bane. Fionavar. Prydain. Cover of The Long Run


Timothy Wood

@jackbrewster Yes. They are District of Columbia or whatever the fuck they want to be called. We are Washington. I *said* it was a peeve…


Timothy Wood

Pet peeve. Don't say "Washington State”. Ever. (Bonus points if you get to correct their pronunciation of “Oregon”)


Timothy Wood

NIST should shut this shit down.

... but at least they have a little game of towers of hanoi?


Timothy Wood

@beccadax hoped there was a loophole, but nope

JavaScript interpreter with:

>>> Date.now() > undefined
>>> Date.now() > NaN


Timothy Wood

@drahardja @Gte It's been a few OS releases since I looked into this and sent a sternly worded RADAR, but it used to be very bad. IIRC Foundation pulled in Carbon (probably via NSScriptCommand and friends), and Carbon then transitively pulled in ... everything ... and I quit looking once Metal or some graphics driver plugin nonsense got pulled in. I *think* this was around the time I was trying to minimize stuff imported when the OmniFocusWeb server launched so maybe 10.12 or so?? Good times.


Timothy Wood

Texting my kid to see how first week of classes are going. He replies, “im in class at the moment” ... “learning maya” ... “(3d engine)”.


Externally: “I’m aware. 😀 Will leave you to it then — enjoy!”


Timothy Wood

@Gte stuff like this kills me. how many lifetimes have been wasted on CGColor/NSColor/UIColor/CIColor/SwiftUI.Color/etc/etc conversions? (Not to mention fonts, paths, gradients, images, …) We in fact added our own, OAColor, since at least at one point some platform colors didn't have enough introspection to be able to write them out to a stable/readable file format. Sigh.


Timothy Wood

@maxd @nicklockwood Needs some potholes and bear traps on the right hand image.


Timothy Wood

@sanguish @schwa @kcase Not for the main browser UI, but a bunch of the inner workings is at https://github.com/omnigroup/OmniGroup/tree/main/Frameworks/OWF with a ton of it being about constructing pipelines of data of particular content types and transforming them to other content types via processors (and a bunch of the processors being shipped and extended via bundles). I don't recall how multi-threaded the whole business was, but seems like it should have been.


Timothy Wood

@kcase @OmniWeb omg i'd forgotten that 😂


Timothy Wood

@wjs Well, Steam's main purpose is buying games that I never play, so…


Timothy Wood

@hollie Flashback to ‘82 when my favorite cousin and I argued about how to dance to it. There were finger guns and much cringe.


Timothy Wood

@drahardja youtuber gonna youtube, yeah.


Timothy Wood

Anyone know the Veritasium guy and can give him a couple strong finger flicks to the ears? This "mAtHeMAticALLy, there is no perfect voting system" shit is just encouragement to be apathetic and not adopt something *better* than first past the post. We'd be sooo much better off if we'd had ranked choice in 2000, it's just nauseating https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf7ws2DF-zk


Timothy Wood

@schwa We did this for some while and the main benefit was it encouraged us to do most of the clean up before they arrived to avoid embarrassment.


Timothy Wood

@schwa Yessss. I will never regret writing our own tree controller/node/outline view. So core to what we were doing, it was imperative to be able to fix bugs right away rather than hope on the next release cycle.


Timothy Wood

New bowl fresh out of the kiln, filled with sungolds. About 4x this many unripe still in the unmanageable mess of vines, and a few more ripe ones, but my bowl got full and it started raining.

Large bowl viewed from the side, with white glazed interior, black exterior, with a middle stripe without glaze, but covered in shiny iron oxide stain.Same bowl, but viewed from above to show the mass of sungolds, maybe 150 of them?


Timothy Wood

@hotdogsladies Fastbacks “Someone Else’s Room" from the Seattle Syndrome LP in ‘81 or so will live in me forever.


Timothy Wood

@kcase omg heck yeah! They were both so kind to us kids!


Timothy Wood

@jeffwatkins Yeah! The camera continuity stuff seemes promising, but you have to use the contextual menu on the Mac to activate it, the camera launches on the phone, and then you have to tap the capture button on the phone to complete (as far as I could tell, experimenting). Besides being extra bunch of steps, would like to avoid moving around/jostling stuff. Still, with a custom keyboard shortcut to activate it's a contender…


Timothy Wood

Looking at the artists in a local shared art studio and I reeeeaaallly wish his hair wasn't clipped out because I have questions.


Timothy Wood

Looking for a note taking app where I can use an iPhone on a tripod connected to a laptop and have the ability to insert a photo/video from the phone in the midst of my editing (for pottery purposes).

I'm 99% certain I'm going to end up using the scripting support I wrote for OmniOutliner (and a couple silly custom iOS/macOS apps), but if anyone knows of something already out there... 😂


Timothy Wood

@kyleve Had a vague OK, she’s really gonna be the next nominee moment during the last inauguration, but forgot about it with <everything> and ... yeah.


Timothy Wood

Hot damn. Not everything I want, but 1000x better and a great base to move forward on.


Timothy Wood

that this isn't a slam dunk is fucking embarrassing


Timothy Wood

It's probably smart to include all these bits from old white guy fucks that have magically come to their senses, but I'm bitter and vengeful and anyone that cared a bit *knew* it was wrong to vote Tr*mp the first time. Fuckers. Anyway, I'd make a poor politician!


Timothy Wood

@hollie That's the name I gave my kiln in the app (based on a line from a song we sing the the supporters section 😀)


Timothy Wood

@hollie @bookstodon Me, starting a glaze firing late at night. Sure I could go to sleep and let it do it's thing, but watching the number go up…

Kiln firing info from the controller app, showing it at 500F with another 7.5h to go (approx 2450F max).


Timothy Wood

“crowd sizes" his hands moving back and forth and just happening to be close together on that beat. dang.


Timothy Wood

This is 100% true, and those of us that have been deep in the software factory and seen how often seemingly basic things are busted, how the exponential explosion of cross concerns with needless features explodes the test space, and the lack of testing/rigor in the name of profits ... well, we are afraid too.


Timothy Wood

Created a new smart Music playlist on my Mac some many days ago. Still doesn't show up on my phone dammit Tim Apple.


Timothy Wood

@schwa Re: recent one off comment about moving to the PNW -- the summers are glorious with long days filled with tons of sunshine. But we fucking pay for it in Jan and Feb; it's brutal. (Though less bad now that I don't spend the short sunlight hours in an office, arriving when it's dark and leaving when it's already dark again).


Timothy Wood

@GeekAndDad @incanus @peterdutoit Or, ya know, Maps and a script to find large gray areas.

Less snarky though, in addition to vector and visible light satellite views, it'd be interesting to see detailed IR views of cities.


Timothy Wood

A thing I started doing as a grown-ass plant caretaker is keeping an individual set of snips, a water can (full), and appropriate plant food next to each group of house plants. I'm an adult and I can make my life easier with extra tools if I want!!


Timothy Wood

Going into this last few months of concerts, I did not have Howard Jones on my card going for the dance club king title. Shows have been amazing. https://music.apple.com/us/album/the-human-touch-live-the-02-arena-london-24-march-2024/1756920633?i=1756921279


Timothy Wood

It's a special feeling when I send a support request to “my” company and hear back from a Human I've not met.


Timothy Wood

Currently open in Preview, a 74 page document (last of a couple) from a prospective financial services firm that I really need to finish reading for my family's future, and a 610 page document on Swift generics that has no impact on me whatsoever. And, I'm sure you all can tell where this is going…

Psych! I'm going to go do some pottery!


Timothy Wood

Replaced last week's cut flowers from the garden with new ones. The bees tried to follow me back inside. #BloomScrolling

Vase full of wilted flowers sitting on porch steps with a concrete owl statue.Vase full of fresh flowers sitting in the same spot. All of them are in a purple to pink palette, with zinnias, celosia, purple basil, and a giant dahlia.Same vase of new flowers, but from above.


Timothy Wood

@jwz Going through my "Not yet Rated" playlist and came across tracks from the Twitch series of CD releases mailed out a few times in the 90’s. If anyone out here might have also signed up, figured maybe you. Anyway, love that the Genre is “Unclassifiable" 🤣


Timothy Wood

The Dude is killing me. Please stop.