Timothy Wood Avatar
Timothy Wood
Flowers, football, and flags. He/him. Trans rights are human rights. 💙💚 🏳️‍⚧️Previously a NeXT/macOS/iOS developer, and still an owner at OmniGroup. Now a potter/gardener/cook. Hi!

Timothy Wood

Accidentally got blood on my primary ballot.


Timothy Wood

@Gte Ugh, so awful. Quinn and Jordyn Huitema play for our local Seattle Reign FC, and gutted for them and the rest of the players.


Timothy Wood

@panic Is there a Mac version coming? I'm only seeing Windows.


Timothy Wood

Giant lily blooms are giant.

A few seconds after this, a honey bee wanted to investigate my watch band.


A pair of giant yellow lily blooms, maybe 8” in diameter, with me wearing a gardening glove and pride watch wristband, flipping them off.


Timothy Wood

@incanus @schwa 565 made sense to me as giving a bit more range to a color we are more evolved to process. But sign me up for 64-bit per channel light linear!


Timothy Wood

@schwa For whatever reason BGRA always hit me the hardest. "What are you even…??? OK, ok, I can see the history embedded in this packing, even though I hate it.”


Timothy Wood

I've been to five of these so far. No real disagreement with the rankings, but I will say you can sit pretty much where ever you want in Lumen if you are ungovernable (I just stand in the sun in the supporter section, but you do you…)


Timothy Wood

@Drwave the vid of him denying his love for his trans kid kills me and feel so badly for her. if you can't support a gay/trans kid, just ... don't have kids. what a poor example of humanity he is.


Timothy Wood

@Drwave Ugh, sorry. Doing a Mail search of “lfg from:weareecs.com" and re-reading years of heartfelt personal messages in match previews from local soccer supporters and my heart has deflected any ruination for my part.


Timothy Wood

Alternatively, everything you can do as part of your community, vs everything you can do alone.


Timothy Wood

@Drwave “Let's Fucking Go”, "Looking for Group”, or is there another? 😀


Timothy Wood

@schwa I was not expecting this much excitement, which probably mostly says I should get out and push (donated before, donated again today). Feeling pretty good this evening after seeing some unity.


Timothy Wood

I think worse of you when you post results from playing NYT’s games.


Timothy Wood

Oh goody, a new fresh kind of anxiety!


Timothy Wood

@hotdogsladies Don't even have to click the link to hear the whole thing in my head. So great.

(But of course, I'm going to click it.)


Timothy Wood

@ctietze Honestly, I find it rare that any sites ask my for my bd and so don't often lie about that, but maybe I should be more careful. The sites that kill me are the ones that should have good security practices, but then undercut themselves with three or four stupid easy questions to social engineer.


Timothy Wood

“The name of my favorite high school teacher?, Why that would be dear Mrs. D42279D9-EA00-46AC-BA2E-BDD114FF3537, bless her UUID!”


Timothy Wood

I don't want to say the 1st Amendment was a bad idea, but the "Thou Shalt Not Bear False Witness" folks sure are taking advantage of its lack of guardrails. Rewinding to when there was something like bipartisanship, imagine if publications/broadcasts could declare themselves as "News" instead of "Opinion", and both still say anything they want. But then with an independent fact check, "News" would get a tax cut based on how factual they were. Anyway, a boy can have dreams...


Timothy Wood

@gregtitus @jackbrewster "devout republican" says so much we already knew in a very concise way…


Timothy Wood

@octothorpe @atomicbird Smells like leaking file URL access granted by sandbox transfer and calling `-startAccessingSecurityScopedResource` w/o a matching `-stopAccessingSecurityScopedResource`.


Timothy Wood

@bigzaphod I for one love going back to the beginning on the channels I watch to see their progress.


Timothy Wood

503, Service Unavailable Portland, OR -- line culture explained, finally!


Timothy Wood

Donated to the Biden campaign and will vote for whoever is opposing the felon. But also very much focused on Nick Brown for WA AG https://nickbrownforag.com and Bob Ferguson for Governor https://www.bobferguson.com (our current AG who was a wall against disastrous policies the first time around). Please look hard at your local races too! Your local community matters immensely.


Timothy Wood

@hollie oh, I really want the orange they used to make. Maybe just need to look up a size conversion chart, cause yeah all the recent colors I’ve seen are boring, but maybe I was clicking on men’s.


Timothy Wood

@Cdespinosa I took the capitalization as them having been reading a ton of old German policies…


Timothy Wood

ngl i think less of you if you post links to the nyt


Timothy Wood

“Interacting" is a fun word choice here. H3 has already been tossed by the boar, H2 is currently getting the business, and H1 is shouting whatever was “oh fuck" back then and ineffectually shooting arrows before maybe running away to do some painting.


Timothy Wood

The jasmine planted on our south-facing chimney has taken a few years to get really established, but is doing great now. Having it planted next to windows that open into prime napping spots was very intentional. Thanks, past me! #BloomScrolling


Timothy Wood

@curtclifton Ah, OK! Early in this year's membership sales, we didn't have the permalink in the sign up email. But that got fixed later and hopefully will be good going forward. Thank you!


Timothy Wood

@curtclifton Thanks! Talking with folks, one of the issues is that the permalink from Discord only works if we have enough paid "boosts”. But making it easier for people to get in at any time in their membership is definitely something we'll push on!


Timothy Wood

@curtclifton Strong agree. It's in the sign up email as I recall, but will bump this concern. Found a questionable possibly expiring link on the travel page and flagged that too.


Timothy Wood

@curtclifton (and if you recall where the expired link was, I can let folks know!)


Timothy Wood

@curtclifton copying the invite link in the server gives me https://discord.gg/weareecs -- see you there soon!


Timothy Wood

@helge @GeekAndDad Certainly can't speak for everyone, but we had more of our in group there. We didn't have the family/frenemies hanging out fb, those that are entirely offline and living their best ignorances is bliss lives in churches, etc.


Timothy Wood

We've all been thinking it, glad to see *some* news outlet finally print it.


Timothy Wood

@GeekAndDad @helge Typo or not, but yeah, this has turned into smol mirror of how bad twitter was before that election. Shouting to encourage your compatriots is helpful to the extent that it encourages you all to get outside your bubble and challenge family, extended acquaintances, neighbors...


Timothy Wood

Finished re-reading some books and thinking of comparing the goodness of Ponter Boddit and Saltheart Foamfollower with a friend, but I can't because he's gone.


Timothy Wood

@GeekAndDad Flying to Sacramento in a couple days to support Sounders and yeah -- not ready.


Timothy Wood

@hotdogsladies Ah, back when my eyes worked well and I could read this in the near dark.


Timothy Wood

@todd Yes, this exactly.


Timothy Wood

Looking forward to escaping some of the excessive heat in Seattle next week by traveling to see Sounders FC take on Sacramento Republic in the Open Cup oh no this is very not good…

Apple Weather screenshot showing temps in the mid 80sApple Weather screenshot showing temps between 99 and 111°F


Timothy Wood

All the people complaining about Biden being too <random thing> have been out donating/campaigning for ranked choice voting the last four years, right? Right?


Timothy Wood

Imagine if Obama had had the guts to just declare Garland seated when the Senate declined to give advice and consent. Wanted it then, still angry now. Impossible to imagine dems growing a fucking backbone but will still vote for the less-fascist option and keep trying to push forward.


Timothy Wood

At least my list of things I've fucked up for this gardening year is growing. #BloomScrolling


Timothy Wood

“It seemed as if the world had changed, but I had changed.”


Timothy Wood

(Seattle) Friends!! My son will be here on Sun selling prints, originals, pins, stickers, and idk what else. Come check it out! https://www.instagram.com/p/C61YdgVxyCD/


Timothy Wood

Planted out 250-ish zinnias, a mix of Meteor and California Giant. 🤞🏼🤞🏼… and then admired some lilies.


Flower bed above a rock wall with 250-ish zinnia seed starts.Vibrant orange lily with warm sunset light coming from the right.Small lily bloom with yellow petals fading to pink at the tips and some dark red spots in the center.


Timothy Wood

The 5000 year old rocks are going to be just fine my dude. In a few or dozen decades when the last humans are gone, the paint will have long since weathered off.


Timothy Wood

Someone's been watching the Seattle Reign purchase news…