Sara Joy :happy_pepper: Avatar
Sara Joy :happy_pepper:
Fronty-front-end dev and techy generalist, mum of 2, euro-mongrel (🇩🇪 🇬🇧 🇸🇪), cyclist, lapsed swing dancer & DJ, erstwhile tall ship and dingy sailor, crocheter, lefty. Work with :react:, but ❤️ vanilla :html5: :javascript: ✨:css:✨ :awesome: Cis het - she/her, supporting :BLM: :a11y: 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@Bronwyn to be fair my course was really good at being real about it - but I still wanted to give it a shot.

I was a high school physics teacher and I just couldn't keep all those balls up in the air while also doing justice to all those kids (even the really difficult ones much as I struggled with then). I don't know how people do it.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@yatil lolol. Saved them a few bruises maybe!


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@mia ah nice!

I actually really like the default serif on my android mobile, wonder if I can get that onto desktop, or something similar to it...


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@yatil lawl. Good :)


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@yatil no and at least I slowed down our ungraceful descent hahaha. True.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@janl yeah they're finicky joints.

I bruised my right one in late spring (not a bike this time, I slipped*) and I feel like it took forever to stop screaming at me. It did though.

Thankfully today's knee bruise seems to be all soft tissue and isn't very angry at me.



Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@Bronwyn thank you for everything you do.

I already have the greatest respect for teachers over here in Europe, I tried to be a teacher in the UK but after training didn't quite finish the first year. It is HARD.

I can't imagine the feelings of teachers and students having to go into schools to do all that hard work, with the possibility of a shooting floating around in their conscience. Nobody deserves that fear.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@yatil ouuuchh!! How's the knee now? Sometimes knees bitch at you for ages, so annoying.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@yatil Ahh yes and that's such a common one too - the kids have both done that one and learned from it! Even a very low kerb can even set off a slide like that.

At least you didn't have kids on the bike with you 🥲

I do wonder if there are more cycling injuries happening now because of E-bikes. Wouldn't be surprised. They're still amazing and good to get people out who wouldn't otherwise be riding.

(I could cycle commute with a normal bike but then I'm a sweaty mess for an hour, so I didn't.)


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@markwyner lesson learned for sure. Brrrr. Thank you. Yeah I think you get it - when you're the caregiver and something shitty happens I think shame is natural, and it makes sense, and will force me to be more careful - just ooooof


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@andre I've just edited the above as I realised I didn't mention that they were fine, and like, happy? Really chill? Almost surprising.

We kept riding on to our destination, and after the appointment we had, rode on to an ice cream bar, and then home.

My shoulder is kind of angry, but apparently the muscles I needed to keep riding weren't hurt.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Anyhow, lesson learned - if I feel unsure about anything like that again, I'll go to what I've already been doing for more obviously tricky obstacles - tell the kids to dismount, and walk it over.

Move the safety bar down a little. Done.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@nickautomatic @markwyner @yatil a bruise on my knee has turned some wonderful colours hahaha


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@markwyner @yatil I think I can blame the very slow fall for the shoulder pain, I was doing my best trying to keep us all from going down by presumably pulling very hard on the handlebars with mostly that arm.

40kg of cargo e-bike, 40kg of children, a lot more kg of me once I also became part of the falling unit!


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Seeing as @markwyner and @yatil asked: I'm actually ashamed of what happened, it's not helping my feelings on the matter.

I was on the e-bike with my kids, a road was closed, no problem as we could use the sidewalk, but there was no ramp up the kerb.

I was like eh, I'll just stay on this top heavy child-laden bike and hump it up over the kerb, but something made me lose our balance and we very slowly fell over sideways together.

I'm having scary thoughts like "What if we'd fallen at speed?" 😶


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

I hate the feelings of pure stupidity when I hurt myself.

As a kid you could just feel sorry for yourself and parents would look after you.

As a caregiver myself I now just feel like a big idiot.

(I'm OK. Sore shoulder and a couple of bruises. Will get shoulder checked out on Monday, hopefully.)


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@vasilis @Lippe phew, then everything's ok


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@vasilis @Lippe yes but where's your *towel*?


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@geoff if swing music might be interesting to you - I posted a bunch of DJ sets to - none recent, but when the music is largely from the 1940s it's not like that matters!


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@geoff I will take that compliment !

And I already knew you were cool 😎


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@leaverou I'm intrigued - whatever UI company you are going into, I'll be recommending it to my company... 🤩


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@viraptor interesting! Thank you


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Ok weird, I just came across this post, and the cover illustration of the genuine 1980s computing magazine reminds me of these AI generated article heading images. Hmm!


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@snipe I hadn't either, nice to see it. It's clearly a loud situation and a lot of that expressiveness is her trying to be heard and understood over the din. Loads of us do the same without thinking.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@Lippe maybe @vasilis is not a frood of the hoopy persuasion


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

@OddDev schön! Aber ja kann gut sein dass den Mobilfunknetz dort einfach schlecht ist. Also die Züge haben kein Verbindung durch die Schiene, oder?


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Aside from the creepiness of the figures and anatomy errors and all that, there does seem to be a standard contrast and colour grading that permeates these AI images - at least those that haven't specified an artist's style in the prompt.

High contrast, HDR, graded towards to blue end of the spectrum, images with a lot of 'pop' - I do wonder where it comes from.



Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Don't buy kids guns. Don't let kids access guns. Don't name kinds after gun manufacturers. If your kid is accused of threatening to shoot up a school - you better lock all those guns up. FFS. No wonder dad's also on trial.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Anyone in the accessibility community got experience and opinions about shadcn?

#accessibility #a11y


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Retro 90s music mix by a friend of mine:


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Just tried to post something that I felt was pithy about the current state of - I dunno, commerce, goods and services - and it just ended up a long list of stuff I don't like about contemporary life, hahah. Yay.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Pupstruction is so blah.

Part of parenthood is apparently having big opinions about children's TV.

Every now and then you get something really good (I still love the Octonauts), but aside from the occasional smash the rest are horribly derivative, low in quality, or both.

I'm sure it was the same when I was young and that I loved shows that were just terrible. But mum didn't watch along (hello fellow Elder Millennials, raised by television), and escaped this particular joy...

#parenting #TV


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Halp. Material design has ruined everything. Do I write above or below the line?! #UX

A name badge in a new school bag. There are 3 lines where a name and a phone number can be written, a motto says


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

"Oh hai! Heard you were talking sh..."

Image in link alt: A domesticated Serval (an African wild cat, spotty markings but small sized) is stretched up vertically against a wall, it looks so very long. While its long back is facing us, it's craning its neck to look at us directly. The head is at a curious angle and the length of the very bent neck also looks long and so unnaturally bent. Cants are amazing.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

I probably want to become a paid member of @404mediaco don't I?


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Need a daily dose of cute this month? Follow the #bleptember hashtag :)


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

As of today or yesterday, I'm new to this independent web / IndieWeb discourse.

Looks like it's been rumbling all August though, @flamed's August recap basically has it all:

Including this link by @starbreaker which also goes deep and mirrors a lot of my feelings, albeit a little more rantily put (but rants are more fun to read):


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

I did some swing dancing (lindy hop) today. To a real band, outside, on a sunny but not-too-hot day. I saw some old friends, enjoyed hugs and dances with them.

There are definitely those who have it worse.

My feet and legs are a bit sore because asphalt isn't forgiving like a sprung wooden floor, but totes worth it.



Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Seeing as my call out to the indie web community worked so well the other day, now I call out to the accessibility community!

Please (re)welcome or say hello to @emmaDawsonDev - if you're not already connected! :)

#accessibility #a11y


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Testing a little bit of bluesky cross posting 🦋

I know some mastodon friends are suspicious of it, and I don't really need yet more social media to check, but eh. Interconnectivity is fun (for me)!


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

I came to this via @mrtrimble's weekly roundup - yes. Yes yes yes.

On here, and at conferences, I don't feel like I'm "networking" for my professional development. It doesn't feel like work, it's far more fun!

Eventually of course it's very possible these connections will help my progression - right now they certainly are a wonderful aid to my thinking and learning within web development.

But I just feel like I'm making friends who align with my interests and ideals.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Got this on the brain so just plopping these URLs down here for later reference!

Topic: Catching up the last 20 years or so of web development

The first three articles by @peterxjang are already old but still so valuable:

And then this gem from @collinsworth on @csstricks:


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

OK Hamburg heatwave you got me, mobile air con unit is on.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

For people in Hamburg:

Let's get us some UBI!

I don't personally need it, but I see it as a good thing <3


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

> [...] in the grand scheme of things, in the vast, endless expanse of the digital universe, none of it really matters anyway. And paradoxically, it's only when we truly internalize this fact that we're free to create things that do matter – to us, to our audience, to the world.

This is Chaos Theory Content. It's messy, it's unpredictable, and it's the only sane way to approach creation in an insane world.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Added some ascii-art into my website source code, because why not?

Screenshot of browser dev tools displaying my site's source code, where I've redrawn my cartoon avatar (by Andy Carolan) in ASCII characters within the HTML.

A few lines of encouragement are included next to it:

You found the source code!
Steal whatever you like :)
Credit me if you want.
But there's no need to!
Welcome to the indie web.
You belong here <3

NB/ Some of this code is totally spaghetti, sorry :D
Any questions? Ask away!


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Seems a little topsy-turvy to me, that the non disabled Olympians got to ride boats (albeit in the rain, I know), standing still while waving at people onshore, but the Paralympian are parading down the Champs-Elysees.



Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

CSS Joy webring audit has two broken sites, sorry to people who are trying to move through it!

Giving them a day to reply before pulling them off the ring. I like to give people a chance to sort it out just in case they like who they are next to in the previous/next order 😅

If I remove and then re-add them, they get a new slot after the most recent addition.


Sara Joy :happy_pepper:

Danger of just inverting images when moving to dark mode, hahah. Wonder if this was first designed for a white/beige toaster...