Pete Brown Avatar
Pete Brown
I live in Western Mass, I work in tech, and I generally prefer pen and paper.

The new Castle album is some pretty great metal.:

@MetalheadDana This has a real Earth vibe to it. Good stuff—thx for the rec!

I stand by my opinion that everyone being able to immediately post whatever they happen to think—possibly for the entire world to see—is, on the whole, maybe not great.

@cory @jake4480 Whoa—this is great! Every single track surprised me (in a good way)

May you live long enough that the edgy, confrontational music of your youth comes to be classified as Dad Rock.

@cory btw was it you that posted Wormrot the other day? Gave them a listen yesterday and they’re FANTASTIC 🤘

On the one hand, someone else cleaned up the kitchen after dinner and I didn’t have to do anything.

On the other hand, all of the plates are facing the wrong way in the dishwasher, the forks are where the spoons are supposed to go, the different styles of glasses are all mixed together every which way, and now I have to rearrange it all so it’s right.

@jake4480 I unironically *love* this movie. Also, if you’ve never watched it with the commentary track, it’s a treat.

@cory I’m gonna be the one person on the Internet who thinks you haven’t missed much.

You don't get to call yourselves "the People Team" unless you're treating and talking about employees as actual people rather than fungible resources. Until then, I'm going to keep calling you HR.

The local movie theater in here in town is having a Stephen King film festival that runs all of September and it is reminding me that there are a lot of really terrible Stephen King films.

🎵 This new [Concrete Winds album]( that is out today is absolutely BONKERS intense.

🎵 Everything Squared - EP by Seefeel (

🔗 We Don’t Need Another iPod for Streaming TV, We Need An iTunes:

"The real game changer will be when one of these players can truly unify the streaming experience. Meaning, they create a simple and single UI which gives you easy access to anything and everything you want to watch. Not hunting and pecking through various streaming apps; a single interface based around content. It sounds so simple because it should be so simple. But ...

🎵 Altars of Madness by Morbid Angel (

Hey Apple, if I reply stop to an unwanted robotext, I *still* want to be able to also be able to delete it and report it as junk. TBH I should **always** have the option to delete and report a message as junk, regardless of how much I may have interacted with it.

My hot take on this "40% of riders are evading bus fares!" story that all the NYC media are flogging is that busses (and trains) are a public good and *no one* should have to pay any fares to ride them.

Stuff I should be upset about versus stuff I want to be upset about:

While it's cool that tasks created and assigned in an M365 Loop doc show up on the assignee's ToDo list and Planner board, I am getting pretty annoyed that if you assign multiple people to a task, one of them marking it complete marks it as complete for everyone. I understand why it happens but it's annoying.

It really sucks that everything in this store is stuck behind a paywall.

🎵 Blackwater Park (20th Anniversary Edition) by Opeth (

While I like all the things Josh Shapiro is saying I cannot stand the way he is saying them. It's like someone crammed the brain of a televangelist into a high school debate team automaton. I don't get why people are so jazzed about this guy and I'm super glad he's not on the ticket.

@thegibson Nah, I’m *sure* it was something from out here in western Mass, right? RIGHT? 🤣

I'm pretty sure that the last time I watched the roll call at the DNC was in 1992. It is just as silly now as it was then, and still hilarious and fun.

@ddanielson Yeah, it wasn't great but it could have been A LOT worse. I ended up getting stung 6-7 times and fortunately I am not allergic. The bag I just happened *not* to pick up would have been much worse.

@bixfrankonis that just happened to me like five posts above this one in my timeline

@HailsandAles despite Swedish melodeath not generally being my bag, I enjoyed the DT album when I listened to it earlier this morning. And this Vile Rites record is quite good!

@jbaty 💯

I have my grandmother’s 100+ year-old iron griddle. We use it at least 2-3 times every week.

@amerpie I support this and would like to subscribe to your newsletter

@mcc I love this idea. Sadly, in our local district, it’s basically “Here’s how GSuite works” and the IT staff is three people running around trying to keep the all the aging Chromebooks working.

@starbreaker 100% agree. I think LinkedIn is functioning as intended, and that is the problem.

@amerpie I’m a big fan of this app!

@inthehands also, so that every time I open or close the dishwasher, I accidentally start it.

@gabz It was Van Halen’s 1984 for me, and my parents were SUPER upset about it.


@anniegreens LOL yeah that would be way too much to try to get the text to align with the lines on the card. I’d have to release the platen from the line spacing lever for each line individually.