Nitin Pai Avatar
Nitin Pai
Co-founder and director, The Takshashila Institution

@prateekwaghre 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣😢😢😭

@kevinrothrock @Ohsin Sounds like it’s right out of Dan Chaon’s Sleepwalk!

Your sympathy is political, not human.
Or worse, racist.

Internet companies have almost killed the internet.

Like bottled water companies dumping chemical waste into the lake they use the water from.

@matthiasott Bradbury Fahrenheit 451
Le Guin’s The Dispossessed
Vonnegut’s Cat’s Cradle
Brian Aldiss Non-stop
Daniel Keyes Flowers for Algernon

I just cannot square the Einsteinian block universe with the unfathomable contingency of biological life. How can an infinite contingent events at any given instant add up to a pre-determined universe?

The proof of humanity
has been reduced to
being able to identify fire hydrants, cross walks and traffic lights.

Enjoyed Cahokia Jazz (Spufford) and Sleepwalk (Dan Chaon) over the last couple of weeks. Audiobooks done well too. #fiction #Literature

@cydonian They care for their political interests. Not any principle.

The metaphor

“U.S. Pier for Gaza Aid Is Failing, and Could Be Dismantled Early”

@codeyarns 😬 Any chance there’s a resourceful phone repair shop nearby?

@codeyarns Isn’t recovery mode working? Turn off device, hold up-volume & power button until it turns on into recovery.

@amodm Firefox remains the best option.

As I said, this pier is a metaphor.

“The Pentagon will again sideline its floating pier off the Gaza coast…as U.S. military personnel attempt to relocate and shelter the structure from another blast of rough seas, American officials said Friday.”

The Guardian: “The carbon cost of rebuilding Gaza will be greater than the annual greenhouse gas emissions generated individually by 135 countries…

Reconstructing the estimated 200,000 apartment buildings, schools, universities, hospitals, mosques, bakeries, water and sewage plants damaged and destroyed by Israel in the first four months of the war on Gaza will generate as much as 60m tonnes of CO2 equivalent (tCO2e), according to new analysis by researchers in the UK and US.”

@harshad You know," said Arthur, "it's at times like this, when I'm trapped in a Vogon airlock with a man from Betelgeuse, and about to die of asphyxiation in deep space that I really wish I'd listened to what my mother told me when I was young."
- Douglas Adam HHGTG

#TIL That Tintin and the Land of Black Gold was originally set in Palestine (British Mandate). In 1971, at the request of his British publishers Herge changed it to a fictional country called Khemed.


Well, this happened faster than I thought. I wonder how long Biden will continue to wipe the egg off his face.

I wonder what Biden will do if Hamas accepts the ‘Israeli proposal’ he outlined yesterday, but the Israeli government doesn’t.

@pvonhellermannn I wonder if there are two types: wilful and unconscious.

I can understand why governments have double standards; and why they must obfuscate or lie.

I cannot understand why newspapers have double standards; and why they obfuscate or lie. Especially after claiming lofty moral standards.

What the New York Times and Washington Post don’t cover tells you how high their horses really are.

@carnage4life Will take a thinner MacBook over a OS-embedded AI any day. Any day!

“The Pentagon said Tuesday that it has suspended the delivery of humanitarian aid to Gaza via its floating pier after mishaps in which four U.S. military vessels were beached, one U.S. service member was critically injured, and sections of the structure were ripped free in bad weather.”

@ElleGray @gregeganSF Sounds like a headline in the Stranger Times

#CKMcDonnell #Fiction

@jordinn One key issue is the free rider problem. If institutions are set up to prevent abuse of power, they themselves are comprised of individuals who can pursue their own interests unless citizens can & do take an active interest in their functioning.

Most citizens often don’t. Within a generation people take the good things for granted and as a birth right, and then are shocked to find that that’s not so.

@Lylamehta Her stated argument (in the Jan verdict) is that it’s a political matter and not a legal one.

DuckDuckGo was down most of today. Discovered that it’s because Microsoft’s infrastructure is down.

WTF is happening in the US?
WTF is happening to the US?


#protip #PSA
Set up a Linux computer that you can use. Install all the software that you normally use. Keep it in working condition.

So that you don’t depend on big tech.

@humdrum Obsidian Publish works smoothly

@smurthys People say anything to sell boxes

I have seen climate-change activists roll their eyes when the conversation turns to geopolitics. To the extent that they engage with the subject at all, it is to argue that international politics is a major hurdle to achieving emission targets and other climate goals. They do not sufficiently recognize that war is perhaps the most undesirable source of carbon emissions

Would you like the bigotry wrapped
in grandfatherly sanctimony
Or prefer it neat?

@sarahf That’s how the British shipped ice to India before refrigeration came along. Drag an iceberg.

@markwyner Sorry, I couldn’t tell the difference.

@ZekuZelalem I’m learning so much about Ethiopia and the region from your toots. 🙏🏽