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Nick Simson
Internet nobody. Warning: most of my posts are copies from my blog. Emoji usually indicates some kind of status update. Find me at

Nick Simson

Bookmarked Self Inking Custom Made Rubber Stamp. Clearly I’m on an inking kick. So a year or two ago I had to get something notarized, and the notary had one of these cool self-inking stamps. I am thinking about ordering something similar with my phone number and email address on it. Then, combined with...

Nick Simson

I recently got a rubber stamp made with my N.S. “spark” logo.

Nick Simson

🤠 feeling (relatively) well rested after a holiday weekend. Giddy-up.

Nick Simson

Reimagining the Internet is a podcast from the Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure at UMass Amherst. I stumbled across it this weekend and have listened to three interviews so far: Charles Broskoski on the social research platform Laurel Schwulst on the “PBS of the Internet” Jessamy...

Nick Simson

💻 closing browser tabs (and feeling good about it)

Nick Simson

Potato gnocchi: try to convince me this is not just tater tots for adults.

Nick Simson

Potato gnocchi: try to convince me this is not just tater tots for adults.


Nick Simson

Awesome to see more people documenting their stuff!


Nick Simson

🤖 spending my lunch break in Front End Study Hall

Nick Simson

Bookmarked Survey: Mike Essl – Features – Education – e-flux. Design wonât change the world, but it can help. Posters and banners make noise, but the students holding those signs made the difference. Students can use design to mobilize, get the word out, and keep the pressure up, but you gotta show up and organize to make a difference." Some good stuff in this interview. This fall, I’m coming up on my 20th anniversary of declaring a major in fine arts and graphic design. Mike Essl reflects on how his teaching has changed over the years: On my first day as a foundation-year student at Cooper ...

Nick Simson

My latest thrift store find is this charming little ukulele (and carrying case).

a bubblegum pink ukulele in a flying V shape, plus a matching carrying case

I’ve never owned a uke before, and the unique shape and color of this one drew me in. I think this would be a fun instrument to teach my daughter to play when she’s a bit older.


Nick Simson

Love the references to Casablanca here.


Nick Simson

☺️ catching up with family and friends this weekend.

Nick Simson

"We’ve been burned a lot by spending too much time in Figma during client projects so we’ve evolved this process to try to avoid that as much as possible." 🔖

Nick Simson

Bookmarked Redesigning Piccalilli: the first part of the design process – Piccalilli. We donât do pictures of websites in the studio, but instead break down the design process into seven distinct phases, split over two sprints. The deliverable is a collection of HTML, CSS and (some) JS disposable prototypes and UI documentation that is then used to inform a focused, production process. Weâve been burned a lot by spending too much time in Figma during client projects so weâve evolved this process to try to avoid that as much as possible. Everything in the design process is also completely d...

Nick Simson

“Karma Police” by Radiohead is Dad Rock (according to Apple Music).

Nick Simson

“Karma Police” by Radiohead is Dad Rock (according to Apple Music).


Nick Simson

Bookmarked Taco Bell Programming by Ted Dziuba. Every item on the menu at Taco Bell is just a different configuration of roughly eight ingredients. With this simple periodic table of meat and produce, the company pulled down $1.9 billion last year. The more I write code and design systems, the more I understand that many times, you can achieve the desired functionality simply with clever reconfigurations of the basic Unix tool set. After all, functionality is an asset, but code is a liability. This is the opposite of a trend of nonsense called DevOps, where system administrators start writing unit...

Nick Simson

🤬 trying to get the audio working in the MLB app…

Nick Simson

A simple statement on generative AI from the makers of a digital art tool.


Nick Simson

A client services (UX content design and strategy) firm’s policy on LLM tools. There’s a longer blog post for for links and details into the “why” behind the policy.


Nick Simson

I’m not going to help a client build a thing or design a process that sits on top of something we can already see won’t remain affordable, reliable, or even basically usable, and that will make customers trust them less, all at a time when it’s more expensive for them to run a business, and for all of us to just afford to be alive.


Nick Simson

I’m slowly moving the YouTube channels I’m subscribed to into feeeed, a clever RSS app by Nate Parrott. I still love me some Net News Wire (, but I think feeeed handles the multimedia content a little bit better.