Max Böck Avatar
Max Böck
front-end dev · co-founder · co-organizer Webclerks conference · curates · writes about #Frontend, #CSS, #IndieWeb

I've been sleeping on all these arithmetic functions in CSS... other than that, I like to tinker with new stuff 😅

State of CSS survey score: 415

@anarodrigues that's probably why they're the best haha 😅

@matuzo @pawelgrzybek I don't know about exclusively - but it's growing.
related: @piccalilli made a "feed" of web dev people over there: (you'll see all the member posts without having to follow all of them individually)

@pawelgrzybek @matuzo LinkedIn or (god forbid) Threads

@pawelgrzybek @matuzo also doesn't help that the even social media bubble is fragmented across 4 different places now 🫠

@pawelgrzybek @matuzo interesting! yeah I guess regular comments can reach a broader audience since you don't need a mastodon account. Even being on here is a big filter in itself

@angelikatyborska 💯 Which is fine - for most it's not in their job description. But it massively skews the dialoge we have

The more client work I do, the less time and energy I have to talk/write about it.

I suspect there's a giant group of people you never hear from in web dev discussions - because they're too busy doing it.

@DavidDarnes what did the QR code do? bring up their linkedin profile?

@whalecoiner god dammit who does that? I've heard it happen to a few folks back on Twitter, but never here. 🥲 hope to stay in touch

@chriskirknielsen thanks for the shoutout! 😍

this is one of these things that *seem* like a bad idea (a render-blocking script reading local storage in the head? oh noez!) but it's actually lightning fast and works quite well, especially for static sites. I've been using it myself for ages! by @chriskirknielsen

Reminder that if you do the CSS centering joke in this year of our lord 2024, I'm gonna assume you stopped writing CSS around the time when people said "whassuuuuuuuup?" 😱

@sarajw nice ✊ Will be interesting to see the results!

btw I don't know where to adress that, but the mobile view has some overflow issues (likely the share buttons in the footer)

screenshot of the mobile site, the layout overflows due to a big tiktok share button in the footer

@andy 14 ways AI will tell a lie and hurt you

✏️ New Post: How to build live CMS previews for an @eleventy site with @sanity_io

We recently built a static hotel website and wanted to enable content editors to instantly see their CMS changes in a preview window. This required very fast on-demand builds. We considered going serverless - but ended up rolling our own solution...

Read it 👉

@mayank I've been in web dev for ~15 years now and the pace of feature development in the standards has never been faster.

But in terms of finding *the right way* to build for the web, I feel like we've wasted the last decade trying to emulate native apps with JS.

I really hope we're on the verge of figuring it out for good, but I'm also a bit disillusioned. We can always fuck things up even more if we stop pushing for a better web 😅

@mayank haha I've had that same thought. 😅 It's a gamble though, you might come back after 10 years to find a whole new set of horrors...

@jakecarpenter @seaotta it's a common thing with famous actors or musicians - but getting a free pass for being a dick because *[checks notes]* ... you're good at Javascript?

@seaotta true. I've seen quite a few very questionable hot takes by "dev celebrities" that their followers shrug off as jokes.

@jimniels oh thanks! that switcher was originally intended as my loophole for that same website-redesign urge thing. I can slap on a new silly lobster theme or something without having to rebuild everything from scratch 😅

@collinsworth I feel like nobody understands salt, so I invented a system that injects different concentrations of pre-mixed saline solution into my meals using an intricate set of automated syringes.

It's seasoning at scale

@dervondenbergen ha cool, ja das wird in der ganzen Schweiz beworben 👍

"we have added AI to our product": the 7 magic words to get rid of half your userbase

🚀 Something fun my team has been working on launched today: 🎉

It's a microsite for a special kids toys promotion from Migros, a Swiss retailer. It has lots of scroll-linked animation and whimsy. (and yes, ofc it also respects `prefers-reduced-motion`) 😉

Built with @eleventy , @gsap , three.js and lots of custom CSS. Check it out! #BuiltWithEleventy

I have no idea what kubernetes is and I don't intend to find out

for *business reasons*, I now have a LinkedIn account.
Do you also business? Let's business together and disrupt some businesses, businessly.

I use a Logitech MX keyboard and mouse and for some time now, I've noticed a pretty annoying lag in the wireless signal for the Unifying receiver.

Tried pretty much everything, but today I finally found out that all USB3 ports emit a weak wireless signal that causes the interference. $3 USB extension cable fixes the issue. 🫠 was crazy huh, we just let a third party run any JS without even checking integrity. lol

anyway please add this snippet for google tag manager, marketing needs it

I don't care what anyone says, details/summary is the perfect element for a FAQ accordion

Je fête mes amis français aujourd'hui 🎉✊

Back from a wonderful trip to Elba, now coming home to a record-breaking heatwave in Vienna. 🔥

You can build something "html first" on the web the same way you can build a house "foundation first" or cook spaghetti "water first".

There's other ways around it, but they're not gonna turn out so great

Things that would be considered absolutely revolutionary if they were invented today:

cash money
public transport

Blocking AI through robots.txt is like putting up a list of known burglars on your front door that are not allowed inside the house.

Visited Lucca today and it's gorgeous everywhere

View from a piazza in Lucca, Italy. An old belltower in the background, a tree on a terraced building in front.

Lakeside stop today in Carinthia

"There’s no rush to rip out all your media queries, and replace them with containers. [...]
But if you’re still avoiding grid – whatever your reasons – you are, in fact, missing out." by @mia

"cross-document view transitions for multi-page applications" doesn't exactly roll of the tongue.

can we call it *page swooshies* instead?

New nerd party game: try to guess which feature tried to translate to German

A translated post called