Matthew Bradley Avatar
Matthew Bradley
I am an Internet Old. My first blogging platform was emacs and a .plan file to be fingered.

Matthew Bradley

What good comes out of increasing the void of help for the innocent?

Matthew Bradley

I slowly became good at a sort of GTD style of managing my email inbox. Not quite Inbox Zero, but a healthy total count can be managed on a hand or two. Not as good with browser tabs. Painfully declaring tab bankruptcy today. All those novel links, essays, news articles… ‘til we meet again.


Matthew Bradley

Assateague National Seashore

3 people looking for ghost crabs on a darkened beach, lit by a rising super moon, bringing in the high tide.

Matthew Bradley

The Heritage Foundation’s Kevin Roberts can suck it. The vertical playground at Swampoodle is one of The Childe’s favorite places to play. It is near several places we make regular errand runs to and, in addition to climbing fun, it provides him a vantage point to observe the train traffic coming in and o...

Matthew Bradley

This says nothing about me (except to significantly explain my stint of SAHD duty in the latter case), but I am proud to know people directly involved in each of these efforts: San Francisco Moves to Lead Fight Against Deepfake Nudes — San Francisco City Attorney David Chiu is a former colleague (and let’...

Matthew Bradley

This’ll do.


Matthew Bradley

A lot of security in my neighborhood (or the adjacent one, anyway), including out of town police known for instigating violence with demonstrators, to protect a war criminal running out on a international warrant for his arrest.


Matthew Bradley

Everyone else's ego running my world

Matthew Bradley

Here we go… hold on tight!


Matthew Bradley

Me: I don’t like this timeline man. Not a new thought, but I tried to make peace with it and find sources of optimism or outcomes to hope for and angle towards and fuck fuck fuck.

Friend: Yup. 110%.


Matthew Bradley

Caught up with the most recent episode of Maron’s podcast & enjoyed the bit in his usual rambling opening where he called out Trump on not citing his sources, being a coward for not giving credit to Hitler.


Matthew Bradley

Design to survive the sacrifice

Matthew Bradley

A good trick is not being too high on being present, when one is lucky enough to experience that, to not capitalize on what you might notice.

I don’t think I’ve learned that trick yet.


Matthew Bradley

Accountability, hope, gratitude

Matthew Bradley

Rock and roll and news radio

Matthew Bradley

I haven’t been to a punk show in a while, let alone one at 9:30 in the morning. It was of course, all ages—and my Childe’s school Spring Pre-K/Kindergarten concert.


Matthew Bradley



Matthew Bradley

War Culture Hates the Ethical Passion of the Young

Matthew Bradley

The clock ran out on "if" a long time ago.

Matthew Bradley

The worst cynicism

Matthew Bradley

@manton I'd love to be able to see cross-posting & categories simultaneously and let them stay visible for a new post if I left either or both visible the past time I authored and posted.


Matthew Bradley

I do want more aggressive antitrust action from the Department of Justice, including in the industry’s Apple is in, and possibly against Apple itself with well-crafted, technical and market literate arguments, if applicable… but calling Apple a monopoly still seems like a stretch. This DoJ action seems lik...

Matthew Bradley

Three anecdotes of The Childe, from yesterday

Matthew Bradley

I’ve been knocked on my ass a bit this week, and it’d probably be better for my mental and physical health to not consume SOTU coverage, but, bless the anti-genocide demonstrators who seemed to force a motorcade detour on the way to the Capitol tonight. It barely counts as close, but this is the closest I...

Matthew Bradley

[Before we put these questions to a sperm whale unit, we’d have to think hard about whether we’d act on the answers. Kristin Andrews told me a heartbreaking story about a chimpanzee named Bruno who was taught sign language at the University of Oklahoma. Bruno was encouraged to build his whole life around the practice of asking humans for things. But after a few years, the scientists’ grant ran out and he was transferred to a different facility. When one of the lab’s scientists visited him there, he was distressed to see that Bruno seemed upset. He kept signing Key and Out. The scientist had taught th...

Matthew Bradley

Dragging myself forward.

Matthew Bradley

@Meyerweb Got the same. Blogger was my first ‘CMS.’ When it was Pyra’s my login was my first name.


Matthew Bradley

@danielpunkass ... dunno man. Maybe the less black their space black is the more realistic it is. 😉


Matthew Bradley

@manton dig the Solid State sticker. Just 4 blocks from there now.


Matthew Bradley

@ben_hr I think that’s what my wife calls me… or maybe it’s the other word.


Matthew Bradley

@danielpunkass I made a lemongrass chicken recipe for us and our company tonight and totally forgot to add the dressing that carried all the heat from the peppers. In my defense the recipe had 3 sauce/dressing mixes in it it. I commented on the lack of heat, hauled out the sriracha and then realized my mistake. 🤦🏻‍♂️ All involved need to give this “restaurant” another shot.

Or I just shouldn’t try to make Vietnamese food.


Matthew Bradley

@manton Preach.


Matthew Bradley

@danielpunkass That dates you pretty specifically for me, because as a high school Apple fanboy, I remember that promotion (and the James Bond cross-promotions around then too).


Matthew Bradley

@danielpunkass 👌🏻


Matthew Bradley

@danielpunkass besides, you know, my web browser(s) (and text editors), I am realizing that a ~20 year old blogging client and a ~20 year old RSS reader (with a certain shared heritage) are two of my most valuable Internet clients/applications. Both of which I've used (inconsistently) across their entire lifespan. Thanks for keeping this one alive.


Matthew Bradley

@danielpunkass Rai Rai Ken for ramen if youre in the mood and without other special food plans. 218 E 10th Street.


Matthew Bradley

@purisubzi There's something beautiful about that kind of juxtaposition, as a transportation system threads through the natural world.


Matthew Bradley

@manton "The common digital “square” should be the entire web, with a diverse set of platforms. There should be common APIs but many communities with their own rules, goals, and business models." Agreed.


Matthew Bradley

@odd He was definitely focused on Vietnam, because I think he had a sense of civic responsibility about what was happening then, but I don't think he'd have limited it to that given how foreign policy continued past his assassination. I didn't mean to imply he was glossing over anything!

I just appreciated that animation as an illustration of the evolution of misguided men and guided missiles.


Matthew Bradley

@danielpunkass Amen. I'm pretty privileged, but one reason I am not doing any of the things I slowly figured out I want to do is I can't afford the risk to my family. And I know so many talented, hard-working people who aren't even getting their basic needs met.


Matthew Bradley

@odd Indeed. Assume, and then verify.


Matthew Bradley

@manton Nice. I'd like the native option to share location here, when so moved.

Some non sequiturs: thanks for open sourcing the apps! (they're learning tools for me, as a rusty developer turned manager-and not yet a Mac dev, blemishes and all); and, not like there's any reason for it to matter but you were in my neighborhood (or adjacent) when you swung through DC. Hope you enjoyed the city. There's a lot to it, getting a mini local routine is the way to begin to see that!