Lew Piper Avatar
Lew Piper
Hi I am Lew a late twenties guy working a fruit stand in California. I love traveling, food, photography, hiking and great weather. I hope you enjoy following my adventures, and reach out at any time as I love to network.

Lew Piper

Thoughts On Washington lewpiper.net

Lew Piper

The American Dream is over! Not because I one party is in office. Wage stagnation is a reality and has been. Slowly the United States is losing its super power status. Because we are poisoned by the cancerous thought that we do not need to invest in our people and systems.


Lew Piper

We Can Do Better lewpiper.net

Lew Piper

I don’t think buying a house had fully sunk in to my head until this past weekend. My fiancé and I got to see the first framing start on our future first home. It goes without saying — I’m real excited now!


Lew Piper

The life of a dog is good!



Lew Piper

@danielpunkass definitely a huge fan of this feature too! The little things make all the difference.


Lew Piper

Learning New Things lewpiper.net