Joshua Grady :oh_no: Avatar
Joshua Grady :oh_no:
👋🏻 I used to go to way too many concerts.Now I’m usually too tired to even drive to them.

Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@keenan You fucking rule.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@Tekchip Which version are you playing? GBA or 3DS remake? I’ve been considering starting this sometime soonish.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@jedda I wouldn't mind trying it as well!


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@jedda Happy birthday! Enjoy the time off. From some of your recent posts, it really seems like you need it.❤️


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@lyonsinbeta These are honestly some of my favorite kinds of days. Especially when the ADHD hyperfocus kicks in for it and makes it actually feel ~good~ instead of a chore. prami_hearts


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

Handy tip for folks who add web apps to your Home Screen on iOS: hide page that contains the web apps you don't want to see all the time.

The results still show up in Search and in the App Library, but this allows the web apps to behave a bit more like regular apps.

An iPhone Home Screen displaying a few different web apps, including Mastodon, GeForce NOW, Xbox Cloud Gaming, and iPhone displaying the Home Screen management interface with two pages. One page is set to visible, and the other page is hidden.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

I put down Spider-Man 2 earlier this year after playing it so much that I got a little burned out, and I've finally picked it back up over the last few days.

And it fucking rules, y'all. I jumped into the side missions as a way to get familiar with the gameplay again, and now I'm working my way towards the last arc of the story (I think).

My wife wants to watch me play the story now. Otherwise I'd already be finished, I think. The whole Spider-Man series has kicked ass.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

Wow, I've fallen off the #blaugust2024 train hard over the past few days.

Now I need to decide if I'm going to try and rush through a bunch of posts to get to the 31 total. Or if I can give myself permission to just share whatever amount of posts that I happen to write


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

Jackpot! on Prime Video was the exact dumb fun movie my wife and I needed tonight. It’s a “turn your brain off and laugh at how dumb this all is” kind of movie. Plus, seeing Awkwafina and Simu Liu together again was lovely.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@hiro @matt I think that something for this would actually be beneficial though, considering the potential for this to be misused in domestic abuse-like situations.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

You should all totally read @jedda's blog and check out her photography too.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@neven instabought, incredible


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

TLDR: I'm jealous of @jsonbecker's way of not caring so much about "the perfect thing" much of the time.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@khad I’ve never actually listened to either of those before! Any specific song recommendations to jump into?


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@matt This actually may be my ~favorite~ Star Wars movie of all? It's the one I find myself wanting to rewatch the most at least.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

This was all prompted by @moldyringwald's nice post about the IndieWeb yesterday:

It was also helpful because I waited way too late to prepare much more than what I quickly wrote here. 😅


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@robb Small tip if you do generally like the auto-submit feature: check the option to remember your login, then autofill with 1Password. It’ll respect the option when submitting.

If you’re on a site where the login form is across multiple pages, copy the credentials one by one from the extension and paste them in the fields. Then you can select the checkbox along the way.

Then you can leave the option on but still be remembered on the sites where you want to avoid logging in regularly. 🙂


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@hotdogsladies Marvin, never forget that America and America specifically needs you.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@hotdogsladies It goes without saying, but thank you for your service. 🫡


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@keenan Oh wow, much love to you. I could understand why that’d be something you’d want to mull over for a while (or even flat out hate writing about). Regardless of if you share anything, I hope the process is ultimately therapeutic for you. ❤️


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@keenan we miss you, please reopen your pit of despair for business keenan


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@plutonian @moldyringwald but Weezer is like the right kind of cringe where as Nickleback is ehhhh


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@brendon I think I could understand that. I was at the Apple Store this past weekend and saw the titanium finish in person. And like, I kinda liked it? But I also had the same vibe that something didn’t feel finished with it. Hard to explain, but I get it.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@brendon Interesting! What about it have you grown to dislike?


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@khad I had some suspicions that I had it when we worked together, but I only officially found out within the last year. So it’s a pretty recent development!

And I loved that book! I enjoy a lot of the YouTube content as well. I know I actually absorbed info from it because of all the quotes I copied down:

And the tinyPod is so cute. I’d love to see you share your experience after you spend some time using it!


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@zak I hate that this joke might only land with your American audience, Zak.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

Personal challenge: participate in #blaugust2024

First post (and my blog) is now live.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

@nileane This has been breaking my brain every time I open the app, which is somewhat frequently. I really hope this doesn’t stick.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

I can't quite explain it, but updating my /now page weekly(ish) brings me so much joy:

I don't think anyone really looks at it unless they happen to stumble across my page, but I don't care. It's just fun.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

I would like to genuinely thank the people going door to door with church event pamphlets for making my dogs lose their minds, thus waking up my baby from a good nap in the process. Your service is immensely appreciated. 🫡


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

Clue (1985) is genuinely a fantastic movie. Haven’t had that much fun with a film in a while.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

Would anyone like to take a wild guess as to what I ~actually~ asked Siri to remind me about?

An “Empty the DuckTales” reminder in the Reminders app on an iPhone


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

I've been making a concentrated effort to cut back on the kinds of notifications I let reach me, and one of my favorite recent changes relates to less-important emails.

I've set up a label in Fastmail called "Skip Inbox" that follows rules for specified senders (concert venues, video games on sale, band merch, etc) and immediately moves those emails while leaving them unread.

Then I just occasionally go in as time allows and clear them out. It's just one less distraction to deal with. 😌


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

If you're like me, and you occasionally need to share access to your guest network, you can also pin Wi-Fi QR codes right to your Home screen in the 1Password app.

Bonus tip: on iOS, pin your Apple password here for those moments where you need to paste it into a field that doesn't support Password AutoFill.

The dropdown menu for a Wi-Fi QR code in the 1Password app with The 1Password app displaying a guest Wi-Fi network QR code and an Apple password pinned to the Home screen


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

Just finished Mister Magic by Kiersten White in less than a day. Impulsively started it last night, and I couldn't put it down or stop thinking about it. Quite eerie, but a really fun read.



Joshua Grady :oh_no:

I just finished Taxi Driver for the first time, and I don’t think I really enjoyed it? It didn’t land for me at least. I feel like there’s some kind of context I’m missing, especially with all the comparisons folks made when Joker came out, but it just felt disjointed and oddly paced.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

brb gotta go teach my son the tale of Darth Plagueis the Wise

A pack of Star Wars-themed Oreo. The packaging notes that cookies may contain blue or red cream to determine if your destiny is with the light or dark side.An open pack of Star Wars-themed Oreo. A hand is holding an Oreo with red cream.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

I bought hopefully my last Lightning accessory ever: a little microSD card reader to use with Delta and my flashcarts to quickly transfer game saves between emulation and legitimate hardware. I love it.

An iPhone with a microSD card reader plugged in. The screen shows the contents of a folder on the SD card. A corgi is laying in the background.


Joshua Grady :oh_no:

If you do, Door will mess back.

A glass door with a piece of paper taped to it that says “Do Not Mess with Door”.