Josh Ledgard Avatar
Josh Ledgard
Well, he's just this guy… you know?

Josh Ledgard

I wanted to check out the rocks, but didn’t have cash on me.

Do kids lemonade stands need a square terminal now?


Josh Ledgard

Snowing in Seattle.


Josh Ledgard

Conversation at work: “I think custom GTPs are useless” vs “there are some valid scenarios”

Come home and ask middle school son (and friend) what they are laughing about.

Son: “We built a custom GPT that turns every 3rd adjective into a swear word and gives you rude answers”.

I’ve proven my point.


Josh Ledgard

Carrot seems to have hit the nail on the head.

It’s not a good sign when the weather app disses your device launch.


Josh Ledgard

What company and product, today, do you believe has the most modern, intuitive, UI?


Josh Ledgard

This isn’t the flex you think it is.

New google sign in page bragging.

Josh Ledgard

A good UX rule is always that things should behave the way they users expect them to.

Another question this article raised for me is “Are most productivity tools to rigid in their specific programs? “…


Josh Ledgard

It’s that time again.

Live every day like it’s your opening day with hope that doesn’t fade.


Josh Ledgard

A fun perk of running your own online business is that I get to put some of my own photos as “stock” for customers.

It’s fun seeing promotions with my dogs in them. However - I cringe at this landing page that was setup with for several reasons.

I’ll let you guess why.

That's not India.

Josh Ledgard

The saddest use of AI…

“I swear. I’ve got black friends. Just look at these pictures!”…


Josh Ledgard

Sign you are old #989….

You learn about new music, from bands you liked, from Peloton classes instead of TikTok.


Josh Ledgard

I love when VS Code Copilot suggests reasonable things and I have to tell it… “Well - yes. That naming would make total sense my CoPilot friend. But. You see. We suck at naming here.”


Josh Ledgard

They should have just said

“We’re going to be offering a happy hour menu”.

Then it would have been phrased as giving customers something as opposed to demanding more.…


Josh Ledgard

Enshitification comes for… fast food?


Of course non-fast food places have been doing this with different lunch, happy hour, dinner prices for a long time.…


Josh Ledgard

My guess is that they realized self driving AI is still a long ways off and don’t want to be early to the market.

But they don’t want to be totally late to replacing Siri with something less derpy.…


Josh Ledgard

The key line in all of these judgements…

“Mr. Trump will appeal, and the case could take months if not years to resolve.”

Please wake me up the day he actually pays a single dollar.…


Josh Ledgard

My AI predictions for AI in 2024: Cheaper + Faster + Marginally Better = Real opportunities.

We’re getting close to core capabilities limits. Most good research right now is speeding things up and reducing GPU costs.

That shift is going to lead to more innovation in the space from smaller players.


Josh Ledgard

Been thinking about how to prepare my kids for the AI world.

  1. Soft skills. Understanding people better than machines do.

  2. Be great at asking questions. You need to know what to ask the machines to do.

  3. Understand how computers work. programming is fundamental in order to build better systems.


Josh Ledgard

Played Ransom Note with the kids tonight.

The liberal education got them good. :)

I detect no lies.

Pick your winner.


Josh Ledgard

Really enjoyed Astra Lumina in Seattle last week.


Josh Ledgard

Just childish.

Shareholders need to get Elon fired from Tesla. His shitty Twitter beefs are now taking features away from customers.…


Josh Ledgard

Will 2024 be the year tech companies say “I guess some of those people were doing things.”


Josh Ledgard

From Threads… the last picture of a building I took.


Josh Ledgard

How does your product enable a “cheat mode” for your customers?

If you can build for laziness then you should never run out of customers.


Josh Ledgard

It’s raining and my watch knows who to blame this on.


Josh Ledgard

@mikehaynes thanks!


Josh Ledgard

@toddgrotenhuis I’ll be checking some out and reporting back.


Josh Ledgard

@jarrod thanks!


Josh Ledgard

@MitchW no. It’s effecting B2B to based on our biz and others I know.


Josh Ledgard

@MitchW I think this was my point. Text search based SEO is dying. AI is speeding that along. Chat GPT doesn’t attribute answers.

So if you had SEO as your main traffic source for lead gen… be prepared to come up with something else.


Josh Ledgard


Correct. Without help AI won’t generate good longer blog posts.

But what’s also true: Pair AI with a semi decent writer and they can 10x quality SEO output.

The flood has already started. Google results are degrading in real time over the last year.


Josh Ledgard

@odd guess I have to keep driving.


Josh Ledgard

@JohnPhilpin that’s why I figured I’d throw my hat in the ring now. :)


Josh Ledgard

@manton just curious. Why have one? Why not just let people optionally link to their favorite messaging platform handle for followers?


Josh Ledgard

@manton yes. All the time.


Josh Ledgard

@odd of course. It’s not really meant to be a review, just first impressions really from the first few days with it. And the PC ecosystem is so diverse everyone’s experience is going to be different. :)


Josh Ledgard

@camacho not bad.


Josh Ledgard

@scottwater that’s basically where I’ve tried to land. Treat twitter and such as if they are the comment system that you want to avoid looking at most of the time.


Josh Ledgard

@joshl except at the end you roll over and collapse into a heap of Kleenex.


Josh Ledgard

@jpsays Agreed.

I do like some of the changes in the last update (Navigation layout), but I don't like hiding the audio controls on the bottom left. Esp annoying when you have a passenger DJ. :)

Cybertruck seems to have turned into a giant vanity project and I wonder what's held up the Chevy Bolt / Mini sized car.


Josh Ledgard

@jpsays Just wanted to test a reply. You can delete this. :)