jmac Avatar
I live in New York. I get paid to write software documentation. I don’t get paid to write other stuff, but I do it anyway. Professional technical writer; Two-time nonprofit co-founder; Liker of coffee, cats, open web technologies, et cetera. Co-admin of, and president of Five Borough Fedi Project, the nonprofit that owns it. My posts reflect my own thoughts and opinions, which are not necessarily those of 5BFP.

@Nifflas I believe in you

@seano I haven’t been knowingly encountering it when connecting through a third party client.

@dgold Being able to buy legal and local does make a big difference! I don't know that I'd have bothered if I had to use one of the sketchier gray-market shops that briefly flourished here, or had to find an individual dealer like in the old days.

@KaraLG84 Yeah, NYC can get quite skunky with the smell on some days, despite rules about lighting up in public spaces. I don't have much interest in smoking it either, even though it eliminates the wait period. (Who is in a hurry, anyway?)

It was great fun to watch the results of this poll home in on exactly two-to-one and then stay there, @thejaymo's iconoclastic response to one side.

@KaraLG84 Mostly like tart, sugary candies—which is, I expect, what they mostly are by volume. The indica was berry-flavored and the hybrid was orange. :)

New Fogknife post, detailing my initial experiments and experiences with #cannabis edibles.

@kelly This makes me happy.

@roadskater Two brothers born in the late 1950s, so you can call em Generation Jones if you want, and frankly the surviving brother probably prefers that. I'm solidly Gen X, right in the middle of that whole cultural experience.

@todayonscreen Nice to see Cabaret doing so well, I read some tough reviews about it

Writing a blog post where I say that I grew up with Boomer siblings, and it’s hard not to read that as “my siblings were 70 years old when I was growing up”, because of how the meaning of that word has drifted.

Huh, maybe if I spell it out as "Baby Boomer" it'll actually read better.

The number of the right of the scrubber bar ought to mean

If two Americans were stranded for months in orbit 25 years ago, it would be front-page news every day until they got down, right? And today it's just... another attraction in the endlessly whirling carnival, one thing out of a thousand that one stumbles across a reference to every few days. Oh yeah they're still up there, huh? Huh. Well, anyway

"Hundreds of Beavers" might be the first film that I've rented digitally and then watched twice within the rental window. This is a new favorite. 🐰❗️

I am trying to think of the last movie I saw before this that was so joyously informed by video games but that wasn't specifically based on or about video games, or that wasn't a pure action movie. "Run Lola Run" (1998), maybe?

@ComicBookProgressive Oh my goodness! I haven’t seen primordial Pogo before?!

This is my very first all-my-own #NYC subway story, collected in the winter of 2019, just after I moved here:

I had ridden the subway from our West Harlem apartment all the way down to Brooklyn for an event, and I was feeling pretty pleased with myself.

In fact I must have looked so confident, standing there in the Jay Street station, that a man asked me: “Are we in Brooklyn now?"

I said: “Yes! This is Brooklyn!”

He said: "I got on the wrong train!"

I said: "Oh no!!"

And off he ran.

I really can't overemphasize how happy I am to start going to scattered little events all over NYC, once or twice a week. This is the promise that I held when we moved here five years ago. And I did go to a couple! In the winter of 2019 I reconnected with @brainwane at a random talk at NYU, and collected my first subway stories! It was nice!!

But then everything shut down for a couple of years, and then I worked at an energy-sapping tech job for three more.

Today, I feel like myself again.

Man we should really make some Masto.NYC business cards with warren_liberty art all over them, huh

Looking forward to tonight's @404mediaco first anniversary soiree in Brooklyn! Balatro is coming to iOS and Android, and this is the most swagger I've ever seen in a videogame trailer. Paraphrase: ”You already know what this is, and you know you want it. In fact I'm going to make fun of you, and that just makes you want it harder, doesn’t it? Lol. Coming soon."

Shortly after we suspended the Masto.NYC edition of the account depicted here, they filed a politely written appeal.

One can enforce the rules while also appreciating the hustle. Hope you can bring your drive and passion to a more viable path, buddy

@paul @tux We suspended their account on Masto.NYC, and they filed an appeal! (Which I was ignoring, and shall now go reject. I appreciate the #MastoAdmin post!)

@jessamyn Here is a jazz trio I encountered in Central Park yesterday. They were pretty great on a lovely day. Happy birthday!

@hoverbird It is well known that if you so much as graze a crab's leg it explodes violently, correct

707 is an aesthetically pleasing number, and one that speaks to my casual aviation nerdery as well. I shall make a very rare follower-milestone post.

Mastodon's been my social-media home for nearly two years and I continue to find such satisfaction here. Thank you all. Keep tootin.

@jalcine Threatening us with a good time again, I see

This week’s cover of the New Yorker is wonderful, and so New York.

I’ve seen people elsewhere recognizing that there is something just under the surface being depicted here, and needing a nudge to understand it. I’ve lived in the Upper West Side for three years so I could see it after a moment’s reflection. #NYC

(In fact I remembered this cover because I am this very moment watching a local mom & toddler show a newly hired nanny an indoor playground that the kid likes.)

Good hyperlocal coffee news: Crossbar, my favorite coffee shop in Upper West Side, has reopened beneath Soccer Post at Broadway and 86th.

It used to be next door and attached, and then it was closed for a while, and now it’s moved to the basement, with street-level stairs.

I don’t yet know if there’s a non-stairs way to get down here. Regardless, I’m sitting here now with a mighty fine americano, by gar. #NYC

@0xabad1dea Thank you for this rare and necessary service

Tonight was the perfect night for me to watch Hundreds of Beavers, a sublime cartoon adventure about a fur trapper on a mission. It takes notes from Guy Maddin, Chuck Jones, and Hideo Kojima. I loved it. h/t to @dougo for the rec.

One of the rare times I truly regret not seeing a film in a theater, with a big crowd.

@grumpygamer For you, it begins today.

An old video game title screen that reads “THE NEWZEALAND STORY”

The subtext is that he's a Vietnam vet, right?

This is a comic from 1990, and the guy is middle-aged. He's teasing his coworker for making a big deal of a small injury—this much I always understood—but he's specifically drawing on personal experience, and he's *specifically* making an indirect reference to the true and terrible injuries that he, personally, had witnessed in war.

Yes, I read the strip's title. I was younger and dumber! Maybe I thought it meant “He moved too fast and got hurt”!

Amy just said “Eugh, I just got a big chunk of oregano" and I automatically said “I’ll send for a helicopter" and suddenly I was thunderstruck, spoon clattering into my dinner bowl after it dropped from nerveless fingers, as I realized a subtext about the Harvey Pekar one-page day-at-work autobiographical comic that I was quoting.

Which is attached, and which I probably hadn’t seen in the current century. Thanks, random Harvey Pekar fan tumblr! I shall reveal subtext in the subsequent toot.

One of Pekar’s coworkers bangs his knuckle hard on a filing cabinet, drawing blood and making a commotion. While Pekar looks for Band-aids, the coworker says “Damn! Looka this!” while showing his bloody knuckles to someone else. A third coworker watches this exchange, thinks “!”, and rushes in to hug the injured man, bracing his body as if he’s bearing the weight of the other. “Ahmo send a helicopter, man, ahmo send a helicopter!” he says.

When Amy blurts “I forgot!” with no immediate context, I feel obliged to say ”Our homeowner's policy doesn't include flood insurance” in a bitter, defeated growl.

I cannot find any evidence on YouTube that this TV ad I saw dozens of times in the 1990s ever existed. Alas. Tears in the rain.

I normally feel ambivalent about grep-and-boost Mastodon bots, but @bikebot is the first one I’ve encountered that boosts based on image content. (In this case: bicycles.) All right, all right, not bad!

Left my salary five and a half weeks ago. Got some more traveling in, and focused on Masto.NYC for a while. Started my first freelance gig in earnest last week.

I haven’t been this happy for this long in quite some time.

A jazz trio playing in Central Park.

The three stages of me arriving at this place:

1. Discovering that you can grind beans at home.

2. Discovering that a burr grinder makes much tastier coffee than the cheaper spinning-blades kind.

3. Moving to a neighborhood where bags of excellently roasted beans are for sale a short walk away.

The latter’s my privilege, but I can’t talk up the burr grinder enough for any coffee lover anywhere. It makes so much difference; worth every penny.

I recently read a Larry Niven short story from 1973 that predicted this sort of destructively focused flash-tourism, more or less. It took place in a world with cheap and ubiquitous teleportation booths. At one point an entertainer on a late-night TV show mentioned a lovely beach he'd visited, and within hours the beach was trashed by curious and countless thrill-seeking fans. This seems like a merely slower version of that. (We do have much cheaper airfare now, anyway!)

This is both an eminently practical and a borderline deranged solution for my need to have my laptop be silent on wake, and it has therefore won my deepest respect. @frew

#Mac folks: What's your favorite method for making sure that your laptop mutes its volume every time it wakes from sleep? (Please reply with a suggestion only if you run a reasonably recent #macOS version and you actually use the method you are suggesting.)

Several months ago, and with the kind assistance of @gemini6ice, I set up @rutch for posting and boosting dumb stuff that seemed off-brand for my main Mastodon presence.

I got comfortable with dual-account posting with Ivory for the sake of @warren, the Masto.NYC news account. And so, inevitably, I've started using @rutch. Follow if you dare, and apologies in advance if you do.

The account is named after a sound effect seen in the first issue of The Tick (1988). 🥷

Just sent someone my first #freelancing invoice since pre-pandy times. Also trying the #freelancing hashtag on here for the first time. Not a whole lot of energy there? Where my #freelancing friends at