Jay :iwate: Avatar
Jay :iwate:
Nature photographer in Iwate, Japan. English educator. Student of web and game development. Fan of Japanese baseball. Go Rakuten! #fedi22 #photography

With this rice shortage, we have an awesome chance to stock up on potatoes and bread. There’s enough starch for all!! 😘

In my twenty plus years in Japan I’ve never been to a Bikkuri Donkey and not walked away satisfied. I cannot say that about any other restaurant here. Their Bacon Egg Benedict dish is crazy good. A Tsukimi treat! I am not shilling either.

Linkin Park is back. And not just in pog form. Whoo!

@lazysupper As long as nothing happens to Jo. I would die for that woman.

@ErikUden Yeah, not sure how you make that hateful. But glad it's no longer so.

School shooting are not a "Fact of Life" in any country but one. They aren't even a fact of life in North Korea or Russia. And that is saying something.

@haruka Was going to say this seems very wrong, but then it kicked in. Climate change. Yikes. I'm usually doing fall photography in mid-October here in Iwate.

@ErikUden I didn't know that. I am happy now that I do.

The gap between rich and poor is growing. But so is the number of people no longer having children. It’s a game of chicken. Who will swerve first? Or will there be no one left to even play the game?

@TomatoGrilledCheese I just like people seeing me at my best.

@TomatoGrilledCheese I think it would be more of a consent issue. Bikini's are used for swimming so there is that practical side to it, whereas no one really wants to be seen in their underwear. Men and women alike. I don't thing the amount of material plays much part. I don't like being seen in undershirts myself and they cover a lot of me. Everyone has their own level of privacy that they consent to. Seems perfectly reasonable to me.

Ah, so we are at the Bell Riots in the Star Trek time line. Nice! Not so far off from what is actually happening. Thankfully we only have a Trump at the moment and not a Phillip Green. But I have a feeling we're yet to see one. 2049 is going to sting.

Looks like the Los Angeles Angels FAFOed big time. Intentionally walking Ohtani and not thinking that Betts and Freeman were right there, up next to make you pay for that disrespect. For shame. #dodgers #angels #mlb

It’s 14.8°C right now. The temperature and humidity haven’t been this low since July. Feels good man!

It is time for more countries to ban Twitter. The site is a clear and present danger to the national interest of any country not kowtowing to Musk and his cohorts. The time to end this spread of disinformation must be now.

People from Brazil: Welcome! Make yourself at home!

@CStamp Yes. Not in my area, though we are still getting plenty of rain. But Typhoon 10 parked itself in Kyushu, and it causing chaos. My thoughts are with the people in that area. Record floods and some landslides. Shizuoka got bad rain too and I think it’s 10 pumping moisture into the air. Bullet trains are cancelled in my places as well.

@CStamp It’s good for Bluesky then. I have never seen someone do business worse than him.

Well done Brazil! Stick to your guns. You don’t need X. Nobody does. You can use Mastodon, Bluesky or Threads. Well played! #twiiter #brazil #ban

@piepants I've seen them before. They are freaky. I love them.

@pippa I visit every month to check on my locked down account. It is the single worst place on the internet right. Makes me throw up a little every time.

I think of of the big differences between 2016/2020 and this election is that no one, on any side, thinks the mainstream media is worth paying attention to anymore. The double standard they have with both parties is horrific. Seeing them do somersaults to coddle Trump is mind boggling. The only problem is that we need a forth estate to guard against autocracy, so what the hell are we going to do?

@fgbjr That's the thing, humidity was on the outside of the windshield. If I run A/C on recirculation, it accumulates even more on the outside. It's a weird, weird thing.

We all know this is happening, but it's nice to have some proof to back it up. Trump supports are either automated bots, fake accounts like the ones in the article , or very real, and seemingly cruel people. I didn't know real people could be this cruel, but here we are.


What is it with all this humidity? It isn't even that hot out, but the humidity is making it hard to do anything without being covered in sweat. Even my windshield gets covered in it and I have to run the defroster to get it off. Very weird weather.

I've heard numerous songs by Panic at the Disco over the years, and I can finally say they are a band I really like. Good quality music, nice riffs, awesome singing. Too bad they broke up.

Mastodon is about to get itself another big smacking update. Cannot wait for this. Lots of tasty features and upgrades. #mastodon


@kaioelfke I've just starting using your fasting app today. So far I'm very impressed. You've done what Fast Habit and Zero couldn't do so far. Give me an app that doesn't crash or nag me with extra things I just don't need. It just lets me record my fasts. Thank you!

Listening to Randy Newman song and can't tell if being genuine or trying to teach me a tough lesson using cutesy, slight offensive lyrics. It's never clear with that guy.

@mckra1g The walls must be like some freaky, red Jackson Pollock work.

🎶Mr.Brain Worm, who do you think you are? 🎶

@stopthatgirl7 Whenever someone “switches” to trump, it’s a good sign they were always going that way. I don’t think I’ve ever seen someone spontaneously switch votes like that. Maybe in the 80s or 90s, but not this election.

It’s only a matter of time before Jill Stein backs out of the race and supports Trump. I’m surprised she didn’t do it in 2016.

Having said that, I think these modern translators are actually very good. But you have to be aware of where they fail. They have hard limits that may never be overcome. If you want it translated right, be sure to have an expert look it over.

Google translate is at minimum a basic translate tool and guide. Never trust your final translation to it. Never. Not once. I've spent the last two years cleaning up the carnage left behind by google translations. It ain't pretty.

@pippa It’s great! Yahoo weather is my rock. Gives me a good breakdown of the upcoming weather.

So,uh, remember how it was going to take 20000 years for Chernobyl to become decontaminated naturally? Well, apparently it will now only take 5 years?!?


I missed this because of the other Ukraine news at the time. Is this legit? #chernobyl #radiation #technology

Post typhoon dew point is 25°C. Super high for this area. The air is very sticky and gross. Typhoon humidity is nasty.

What the hell is wrong with the media? “Slurring” is broadcasting live over almost every social site and no journalists are talking about it? Why are they protecting Trump? They never did this to Biden. This makes me so angry.

@FlockOfCats If this becomes a trend, I’m just going to panic buy a Toto washlet and a backup generator. I might not survive the 南海トラフolypse, but my rear will be so clean.

@pucetrailblazer Thankfully no. Vacation time....is garlic time. Also recovering from Covid so I thought I’d give it the vampire treatment.

@fetchezlavache That first one went right over me. Some rain but not too bad. Hope the others stay away.

@TomatoGrilledCheese That’s how ya sell it. Prostate positive!

@FlockOfCats I'm calling out that deep cut for those who might not appreciate this. It's a parody of Close Encounters of the Third Kind by Weird Al in the amazing movie UHF. One of my favorite all time comedies.