Brian Davis Avatar
Brian Davis
An #open-source and #decentralization advocate.Interested in #linux, #programming, #python and #rust #backpacking, #gardening, #cooking, #diy, #scfi, #fantasy. A dad, a wanderer, a thinker, a human. A decided optimist. "The world's vast and strange, Hara, but no vaster and no stranger than our minds are. Think of that sometimes." - Ursula LeGuin

@User47 where to begin. Threads federation is a joke but the average user isn't going to care about that. The UI is annoying because it always shows you the algorithmic feed first. It's an extra step to switch to "following" to see the stuff from the people you actually follow. The "activity" page has a weird scrolling item at the top that I have no idea what it means. You can only include one hashtag per post. I mean you can put more hashtags in your content but threads only recognizes the first one. Oh yeah, search is horribly broken.

@djwfyi oops. Better luck next time. 😉

@Lizette603_23 awesome thank you!

@Lizette603_23 haha! Where'd you get the dark blue one? It's my wife's favorite but we have no idea where it came from.

Happy #caturday fediverse!

A cream colored cat contentedly curled in a ball, nose tucked under paw.

@Moosader @VileLasagna like Haskell, I favor 😎 lazy execution.

@Moosader @VileLasagna I clean my moka pot every morning right *before* I use it.

I love my moka pot coffee but I agree, tea is much easier to get a consistent good cup anywhere.

@Hiker_Scott These all look like good topics to me!

@TimKStanton @ak I really like that I can make custom maps in caltopo. My own custom features (added in the field or during planning), my own routes, all overlaid on forest service topos. I've even had some printed on waterproof paper. If I was guiding trips it would be my first business expense.

I don't get the beta that comes with alltrails or gaia. I'll probably sign up for one of them at some point just for that.

@ak ah yes. The social features are the thing I miss in caltopo.

@ak sheesh that behavior is annoying in any app.

You probably aren't looking to switch but I'm super happy with the no-nonsense nature of caltopo for offline apps.

@c_dan4th slightly surprised at the relatively high incidence of the compound "assass"?

Also fighting the urge to write a reddit reply bot that simply comments with random combinations.

@ingalls Congrats on reaching version 3.0!

@TimKStanton A very #PNW feeling day. 😁

#foggyfriday? #pnw #hiking

Got out to Indian Heaven Wilderness for a Labor Day hike. The climb up to Red Mountain Lookout was fun but someone had stolen the color from the views.

A dusty mountain top disappears into thick fog.Looking up the steep wooden stairs to the lookout. The view behind the lookout is completely obscured by fog.

@CatherineBabault seeing a wolf in the wild would be the highlight of the decade for me. Best of luck!

@djwfyi "that doesn't look too hard" are most likely to be my last words.

@andrewbriscoe Very cool! Nicely done.

@hikingdude great battery life. Readable in sun light. No ads. 📚 FTW!

@steele Supernote appears only A6 while remarkable 2 is A5. Otherwise I like the looks of it. Will keep an eye out for the A5 model.

@hikingdude why books suddenly feel like high technology.

@gregtatum ðŸĪĢI imagine not.


Thanks for sharing these! Gonna go subscribe right now.

Here's a couple where I watch every long form video they put out.

4 years of incredible craftsmanship rebuilding a wooden sailing ship.

Alec goes deep into what would be otherwise mundane tech, if he weren't so damn funny.

Milo is an educator at the intersection of archeology, geology, history and environmental science.

Detailed marine biology. Have definitely watched her talk about sea slugs for multiple hours.

Happy #caturday fediverse! May your day include a cat nap of Skittles quality.

Skittles sleeping curled up and half on his back.

#footpathfriday? Yep! When climbing a boulder field the path is subtle. Follow the cairns and look for the dirt that's been tracked over the rocks. Sometimes the way is unclear or the cairns provide conflicting guidance. We take our time and thoughtfully choose the best route.

#pnw #hiking

Big granite boulders fill this drainage making a series of irregular stairs. Stacks of small rocks called cairns mark the way.

I planted two hazelnut trees years ago. One died and I'd given up on the other. But when I went out to check on the apples today look what I found! Just shelled and roasted thesr and the aroma is amazing.

A small pile of beautiful brown hazelnuts.

Got a question for any #tea drinkers out there. I really like the taste of plain tea (most varieties, no additives) but I want something without caffeine that I can drink throughout the day. Rooibos is too sweet for me. Mint tea is good but I'm really looking for something that replicates the tannins in ceylon or darjeeling. Maybe I should experiment with roasted dandelion roots again.

Any suggestions?

I want to be more #mindful about how I use my time. Coping with overwhelming todo lists by letting myself be distracted doesn't feel good at the end of the day. I'd like to improve #productivity in healthy ways.

What works for y'all?

#mountainmonday #pnw #hiking

Y'all know I'm a sucker for leading ridge lines.

I had just hiked out one such ridge to Mt Trico (from Robin Lakes). When I reached the end of the increasingly hard to follow trail I was met with this vista. I felt a familiar tug pulling me onward. A part of me would have followed this line over the horizon.

Glacier Peak in center.

A ridge leads away from the foreground to the left, rising and falling between peaks before running into a range of jagged mountains in the middle distance. Past that, a crowd of mountains marches off to the horizon. In the very center of the far distance, a snowy stratovolcano rises above them all.

I spent yesterday helping my dad and aunt clean out their dad's garage. He passed earlier this year and I'm processing some complex feelings.
There's grief of course. We talked about how much more fun the work would have been with him there. He would have had a story for every object, told with a sly smile and a twinkle in his eye. There's a melancholy that goes with dismantling the accumulated things of a lifetime. He'd lived there for 60 years and was always building or fixing something. And I also felt a hope, a lightness in the work. The house is sold. It will be filled with new people and new things. Life will go on.

On this #caturday Skittles would like to remind all humans that the meaning of life is to please cats, especially him.
Thank you for listening to his TED talk.

A cat curled up on a pile of clean clothes on a shelf.

#foopathfriday #pnw #hiking

Shall we take a walk past the berry bushes?
*om nom nom*

A dirt path through dense berry bushes in a valley. The surrounding hills are covered in evergreen forest.

I hate buying concert tickets these days. Ticket price $36.50 plus 11.50 in fees PER TICKET.

Gimme a break. Can't somebody setup a freaking shopify for artists so they get 90% of the ticket price we don't have to pay these grifters? quoting from President Obama's DNC keynote in 2004.

“[a]belief that we are connected as one people. If there's a child on the south side of Chicago who can't read, that matters to me, even if it's not my child. If there's a senior citizen somewhere who can't pay for her prescription and has to choose between medicine and the rent, that makes my life poorer, even if it's not my grandmother. If there's an Arab American family being rounded up without benefit of an attorney or due process, that threatens my civil liberties...

#waterfallwednesday #hiking #pnw

The trail to Marmot lake (in Alpine Lakes Wilderness) crosses the stream that flows out of the lake twice. The streamflow when I was there resulted in some very pretty falls.

Water leaps down tiers of rock, splitting and recombining multiple times before collecting in a pool, surrounded by ferns and cedars.

#thicktrunktuesaday #pnw #hiking

There's a whole story in the cuts on this downed log. There are a number of cross cuts that were started and abandoned. Initially they started with a much wider cut out, maybe attempting to cut all the way through. Lessons learned about setting realistic goals, the futility of fighting nature, and the power of "good enough".

A maybe downed fir tree across the trail. A chunk has been helpfully cut out to provide a flat step over but there are several abandoned cuts that appear much more ambitious.

I find it hilarious that Win11 randomizes my monitors position and resolution when switching between home and the office.

#mountainmonday #pnw #hiking

Mt Daniel from near the summit of Granite Mt. I *really* want to go back here.

Looking across the Tucqualah valley at Mount Daniel. Rocky granite ridge lines are everywhere. The roar of glacier fed waterfalls can be heard from even here.

Currently running a firmware update on my car stereo. Yet another thing that shouldn't have firmware. 🙄

Skittles was gonna say happy #caturday but had a nap attack first.

The long white tummy of a cat is turned towards us as he stretches out on the back of the couch, face to the wall.

People sometimes ask me, "Brian, how is it you seem to know stuff about so many different topics?" To which I reply, "Just naturally curious I guess."

By which I mean I get into some really stupid situations and have to extricate myself.

Not, "what a great story" stupid situations, like embarrassingly stupid, why would you ever do that, stupid situations.

In not unrelated news, if anyone has a Subaru headrest that got stuck in backwards, I now know how to remove it.
